Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, September 14, 2015

Feast cross elevation.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne from the sickbed.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. After this Holy Mass of Sacrifice on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity will now speak to us united with the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Heavenly Father speaks in the Trinity: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little one, for you it is almost impossible to receive this message, because your cross weighs heavily on your shoulders. You were not immediately ready to receive this message, but I, the Heavenly Father, will put these words in your mouth and you will be able to repeat them when you take up your cross, as I desire from you today.

My beloved little one, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved believers from near and far, especially My beloved believers of the pilgrimage places Wigratzbad and Heroldsbach. You are all called, especially through this day of celebration of the Exaltation of the Cross, to willingly take your cross on your shoulders and carry it in obedience.

Why are you celebrating this feast today? Because you are ready to take up your cross as Catholic Christians and follow My Son Jesus Christ. Not only do you hear His words in the Scriptures, but you obey them; "Take up your cross and follow Me," My Son says to you. Do you obey this? Yes!

What about the Protestants? They reject the cross. They are not ready to call themselves with the cross. They are not prepared to carry the cross and to kneel down before the crosses. On the contrary, they reject it. Thus, My beloved Catholic Christians, bow before the cross. Make the sign of the cross very intimately, for in the cross alone is salvation. Without the cross you will not be saved and will not be allowed to see eternal glory. Here on earth you have to take up the cross in obedience, even if it seems too heavy for you. I, the Heavenly Father, will help you with this. Despair and darkness will also come upon you - deep darkness even, for you are the children of Mary. Have I not burdened My dearest Mother with the heaviest cross? Yes.

And so yesterday you were amazed that the Muslims will missionize you. Step by step they will realize what is true. At the moment they even reject My dearest Mother. They do not recognize it, - not yet. But my dearest mother will see to it that she also worships you as you love her above all. Don't be sad that you can't fathom some things why they still seem that way at the moment. But, as you can see, Catholic Christians are no longer willing to confess and testify to their faith. They think that the Holy Scripture would suffice: "We do have the Bible," they say. But do they know the Bible? Definitely not. And in this some Muslims, as you have heard, are ahead of them. You know the Bible. But is that enough, My beloved ones? No. They do not pay attention to the time currents. Times have changed. Nowadays many bishops, cardinals and priests reject the true faith. They no longer take their cross upon themselves, and they do not plead for this cross either, which they would have to take upon themselves to go ahead of all. On the contrary, they teach misbelief and confusion. Therefore you must not follow these authorities.

This is the fight of Satan in which you are standing. You must stand up to Satan and believe that the Heavenly Mother also told the full truth yesterday. Nothing may be changed by your words. Although you do not understand it, you must put what she said on paper. My mother knows about everything that goes on in your heart, but believe. She remains your Heavenly Mother, who recognizes and knows much more than you can ever grasp. What appears unfathomable to you, believe it nevertheless, when I, the heavenly Father, make it known to you with the heavenly Mother.

Much time will pass before true faith enters the New Church. At the moment you are experiencing the complete destruction of the Catholic Church, but not the true Catholic Church. It will not be destroyed, for the gates of hell will never overpower it.

Take up your cross and follow My Son in obedience and humility. Carry it willingly and take it on your shoulders, also for others who do not believe in it and therefore show contempt for you. Love the cross and grow in faith through the cross, for the crosses make you whole in your soul. You cannot understand the heaviest crosses, my beloved ones, which I will charge you because you are the chosen ones. Election also means fulfilment of duty. What you do not understand, you should take upon yourselves and become an example for others. Love your enemies and pray for them, even if they persecute you and do evil to you. Then pray especially for them, for they will be able to follow you through your constant prayer, through your atonement and through the many sacrifices you make. It is not easy for you, especially for you, My little one, to take this cross upon you. It is incomprehensible, today, on this day, to endure these terrible migraine attacks and then still to pass on My messages, as it is in My plan.

I could not spare you today, because otherwise Protestantism will be mixed with the true Catholic faith. There is a very big difference between this religious community and the One, True, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. There is a big gap between the true church and Protestantism. The Protestants must first find true faith. Even if they know the Bible very well, it is not said that they will find the true faith. My messages reject them, consistently rejecting them because they do not want to be associated with the supernatural, as do the false modernist priests and believers.

Modernism is confusion and misbelief. And in this misbelief there are many, many priests today, especially the authorities in the Vatican. They cannot pass on the true faith, because they are not able to do so, because they themselves live the erroneous faith, because they spread it, because they are no example for others, and above all because they have forgotten to bear their cross. They have put the cross aside because they do not need it. Without their cross they will not attain eternal happiness. They will not be allowed to see them, because then I, the Heavenly Father, must say, "At the proper time you did not obey Me, that is why I do not know you. Go away from me, for you are sinful and you will be cast into the eternal abyss. I do not wish this from you, but it will be so if you do not want to show me this obedience as is necessary for all of you. Blessed are those who today willingly take their cross on their shoulders and thank Me that they may follow My Son, for He went to the cross for all, for all sinners and has redeemed all sinners. It depends on whether these graces that flow are accepted. And that is still missing in many.

I love all, for I Am the Heavenly loving Father who forgives all, if they recognize in due time what they have done in evil and repent of it from the heart in a valid Holy Confession. I forgive them everything at the same moment in which they repent, for repentance and confession in a valid confession is part of it. The Protestants reject that too: The Seven Sacraments, the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the true priests who carry out the transformation through My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. They do not recognize this either, but it is necessary. So far Protestantism separates you from the true, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

There is much to do for you, My beloved ones, to sacrifice and pray for these your enemies who want to press you to renounce the true faith. The Freemasons are leading in this as you know. But I, the Heavenly Father, am the ruler and remain the ruler of the whole world and the universe and will direct everything in the right direction. Just be patient and hold out until the last and continue to take up your cross and follow My Son in the Trinity. Be thankful for all that He expects of you - yes, expects what you do not understand and yet should bear. One day there will be a gratitude in you that you have taken this cross upon yourselves, which you could not understand now, because crosses are gifts of grace, which you often do not understand.

I, the Heavenly Father, bless you because I love you and remain with you every day and do not forget you at any moment, because love takes you and in this love you can achieve everything, because you are then firmly united with Me in the Trinity and with your Heavenly Mother, who forms and supports you and will never leave you as Heavenly Mother, because she loves you above all as Heavenly Mother, not as Mary.

My beloved children, never say Mary to the Heavenly Mother. It is a gross mistake that has crept into the Catholic Church. She is the Blessed Mother, the Mother of God and the Mother of the Bearer of God and that is much more than Mary. This creates many inconsistencies and many evils, which have unfortunately penetrated the Catholic Church through this defacement of the name Mary. Many people bear the name Mary, but only one is the Mother of God, only one is chosen from eternity as the Immaculate Received Mother of God. Immaculately she is alone and remains alone. She is even the queen of angels and priests and much, much more. Continue to adore her, even when others reject her, then love her all the more. Purity is your true distinguishing feature. This is to be for the priests, although the priests have not yet realized that they should consecrate themselves to Her most pure Heart, the Immaculate Heart, because they need this protection from Her, the true protection of Her dearest and most beautiful Mother, who loves the priests above all things and wants to bring them back to My Heart, the Heart of your Heavenly Father.

And so I bless you today on this day of the Exaltation of the Cross with My Son in the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity and with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother who stood under the cross until the end, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


