Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 4, 2015

Nineteenth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the sickroom in the House of Glory in Mellatz through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Today you have celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. It is the true and only Holy Sacrificial Feast celebrated in the valid rite. All priests who celebrate this Holy Sacrifice of the Mass are in truth with Jesus Christ, who instituted this Holy Sacrifice on Holy Thursday for His priestly sons who follow Him.

During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice I saw several times from the sickroom that the altar of Sacrifice was bathed in glittering golden light, as was the altar of Mary.

Today the Heavenly Father will send out a global and earth-shattering message to the world:.

(Anne: I am to receive and pass on this message entirely in His Holiness and His truth, so that the world will listen and not fall into evil).

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me, on October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far, you are all invited today to My wedding feast. Yes, listen to the Holy Scripture, to the Holy Gospel of today. Who willingly went along my hardest way, and who has taken up his cross and continues to follow me, he is chosen, and he also endures until the end. But whoever does not obey My Messages which I have been sending out into the world for many years so that priests may repent, for many have not followed this path and have not come to My wedding feast, that is, they have not celebrated the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, but have fallen into modernism and the gravest sin of unchastity, - to them I will say: "Go away from Me, for I do not know you. You are eternally damned." This is hard for me, these sons of priests, whom I once chose, to have to say this. But the sons of priests, who have taught and lived My truth, to them I will say: "Come to My wedding table, you are invited, you are chosen and allowed to participate in the eternal wedding feast.

What does this mean now for those who are allowed to participate in this holy wedding feast? They have lived my truth. They willingly took their cross upon themselves. They did not rebel when it became too difficult for them and they did not know whether the Heavenly Father wanted this from them. And yet they said 'yes father', although they could no longer understand anything. They held out. The end will now come upon you all.

This earth-shattering and global message will reach the whole world. It will reach to the ends of the earth. Why, My beloved ones? Because today, October 4, is a special day, because the Synod of Bishops in Rome has begun. You will see, My beloved children, My beloved children of Father and Mary, that this invalidly elected Pope must abdicate quite soon. Why? Because I want it that way, not because you want it. He himself lies in grave sin and continues to proclaim delusion. He has put the 10 Commandments aside, although I have given all men these 10 Commandments as guidelines for the true Catholic faith. I have appointed St. Peter to be the head of the universal church and to proclaim the true faith. The current illegally elected pope has missed his mission, as has Germany, because Germany continues to be in error and in grave sin.

I also took Wigratzbad because this leader, after many admonitions, was not willing to save Wigratzbad, that is, to fulfill the mission I gave Wigratzbad. This shipment has been transferred to Mellatz. You will not understand this, my beloved little flock, because you cannot fathom how the heavenly Father will tackle this according to His plan. You will no longer be able to understand anything when I, the heavenly Father, intervene. I will intervene as Mighty Ruler of the whole world, as Mighty God. This I do not want to make known to you how this, my plan, will then look like.

I will protect My beloved ones who walk this hardest path with Me to the fullest extent. My dearest Mother, the Heavenly Mother, has asked Me to do this, because she wants to take all of Her children of Mary under Her protective cloak. They will be protected by billions of angels surrounding them. Nothing will happen to them.

And you, my little one, have to carry this world suffering, this love suffering, to the end. Then there will be another time for you. You cannot build on medical art, but only on my will. I have given you this suffering and allowed it to happen. It will be I who can take it away from you all alone, and at the time I choose, not the one you wish.

You, My beloved little flock, you, My beloved followers and also you believers from near and far, who believe in My messages until the end, you are saved, saved to the fullest extent. You will not fall into this modernist and sinful Church, but you will experience the Church in New Glory as I will found it with My priestly sons who obey Me. You will experience this.

Believe and trust that your Heavenly Father will direct and guide all things as He has foreseen in His plan. You are called and chosen, but to those who persecuted you I will say, "Go away from Me, I do not know you, because you persecuted, slandered and rejected My messengers, you did not believe in My words. You are now destined for eternal damnation and not for the eternal wedding feast. The doors are closed to you."

So it will be! You will see, my beloved little flock and followers, how the Heavenly Father will now intervene. The truth will be proclaimed from every rooftop. From all ends of the earth, men will know what my truth will look like and not the truth of these false cardinals, bishops, priests and the false prophet who has taken the Holy See. He has led the Church, the Church of My Son, astray and confusion. He will not be with the elect, but he will stand at the abyss. One more little push and he will sink into eternal damnation where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. I give him a little moment more to have the possibility and the last chance to turn back. He must say 'Yes Father' himself, otherwise he is destined for eternal damnation.

Not gladly, My beloved children, I give you today this message which is earth-shattering and which is cried out into the world by Me, the Heavenly Father.

I continue to love all My priestly sons and I am ready to forgive them all the serious sins if they return to the Holy Sacrament of Penance, repent and begin a new life, a life in truth and never put sin, pride and power first as before. To all My priestly sons I have followed and have been reminding them for 11 years what their mission and task is, which they have not followed so far. They have given Me and all Heaven a clear No through this modernist church, which is now in the mire, in the greatest dirt and in the greatest sin. That is why Germany has lost this shipment and I unfortunately have to hand it over to another country. I had planned Germany for this. But Germany has not fulfilled its mission.

It stays the same! It is irreversible, My beloved little ones. Even if you ask for it, I cannot do it. They have offended Me in the deepest way with this gravest sin of unchastity. This is the original sin that preceded you and that severely hurt my dearest mother because she is the purest of all the pure.

You have followed her in all virtues. Therefore you are chosen. You follow Her in everything and you adore Her, you love Her, and you have consecrated yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart as it was intended for My beloved sons of priests. Unfortunately very few priests in the whole world have done this to have full protection in this last time. Unprotected, they continue to walk this lost and wrong path. But I love all My priestly sons until the last moment.

I bless you now in the Trinity, above all I bless all the sons of priests, all the chosen ones consecrated to Me who have remained faithful, with My dearest Mother and all the angels and saints, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are all loved from eternity. Stay true to your mission and your task until the last moment! Amen.


