Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, October 12, 2015

Our Lady speaks in the Night of Atonement after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V.

in the house chapel in the House of Glory in Mellatz by your tool and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. You have begun the night of atonement with the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. The altar of Mary was decorated with roses and bathed again in golden and silver glittering light, as was the altar of sacrifice. The Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach blessed us during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. She was pleased that we are celebrating the night of atonement in the house chapel in Mellatz today. The statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus was brightly illuminated during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

Our Lady will speak: I, your Heavenly Mother, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and today repeats the words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved pilgrims from near and far, you who have hurried to Heroldsbach, I thank you for all your efforts you have given Me. Nothing has become too much for you. You come to this place to spread the blessings and graces you receive here.

On every 13th you celebrate a Tridentine Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the hollow. That is allowed to you. No one can take you away from this place because I wish it so. The Heavenly Father has His appointed plan with you. You, my little flock, must still stay at home and celebrate this atoning night in the house chapel in Mellatz. Everything corresponds to order, just as I and the Heavenly Father desire it. This Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the hollow brings much blessing, because it is connected with the Mass of Sacrifice in Mellatz and Göttingen. Göttingen is also a place of grace and blessing, because that is where the house church is located.

My little ones will appear again next Sunday, or rather on October 20th, at their home town and will be allowed to celebrate the Sacrificial Feast in the house church in Göttingen. They are very much looking forward to it, because they have not seen their home town for two years. You, My little one, were seriously ill and had to endure many diseases. You still have an atonement. This must not stop yet, My little one, because the Synod is not finished. You know what is happening there - much evil. Everything is manipulated and does not correspond to the truth, but to the lie. The Freemasons have free admission, and they decide. Some cardinals and priests have turned away from this lie. There will be a division, My children, as the Heavenly Father has provided. Do not be afraid!

You will stay at your home town for the time being. But if I wish it, you will go back to Swabia to Mellatz or to the House of Glory, to the house of the Father. There everything will be according to the plan of the Heavenly Father, because in Wigratzbad a complete chaos has come into being. The time has not yet come for the Heavenly Father to raise His arm of wrath over Wigratzbad. So much disaster has been wrought there that My Son cannot yet appear with Me, the Heavenly Mother. This place Wigratzbad or the church of expiation has been redesigned in such a masonic way that it is no longer recognizable as the dear Antonie had asked for nights on end. Everything has been destroyed. That is very sad.

The leader of this place of prayer has contributed to the fact that you are not allowed to enter this place anymore. You must not even pray in the crypt, My beloved little ones, which holds so many memories for you. For many years you were allowed to celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast there in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. Now you have been expelled from this crypt by the police, and you have been persecuted by the police. The public prosecutor's office has also imposed a fine on you. Pay him without worrying about how high it is. It is important that you fulfill everything according to the plan of the Heavenly Father. You are the persecuted. This is the way it has to be! You must not be recognized, then you would not lie in the truth, because you follow Jesus Christ and carry your heavy cross.

I, as Coredemptrix, will gather My children under My cloak and save them. I love very much all My children of Mary who climb this most difficult path of persecution up to the mountain of Golgotha without caring what happens to them and how to deal with them. On the contrary, give thanks for your suffering that you are allowed to endure, because the Savior has suffered everything for you. Nothing was too much for Him, because He atoned for your sins. All of you are not perfect. Accept yourself as you are and do not complain about your own weaknesses.

Be vigilant, for everywhere the evil one wants to dissuade you from good, for in the other the evil one can slumber. Evil has become so powerful that you cannot grasp it. In the whole modernist church the evil has come in so powerfully that I would like to ask all believers: Get out of these churches - flee! because homosexuality will penetrate more and more, and you can no longer bear it there.

How much I love you and want to lead you all to the Heavenly Father. Consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart so that you may have full protection. Above all, turn back and celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Mass according to the DVD, which you can get at any time (Tel. 0551/3054480). That is so important! This Holy Mass of Sacrifice contains the full graces, and they can be poured out on you and your families and on many other people.

In this night of atonement, which you are about to celebrate, many priests will be saved through your prayer, your atonement and your sacrifice. They will be grateful to you for this, because I, as their mother, will be allowed to enter their hearts this night and touch them. It is a holy night, because you are connected with Heroldsbach. You have become one.

I love you because you always agree to persevere, to pray and to sacrifice the hardest way of atonement. Even if it is difficult for you, stay in the house chapel and pray.

I love you with all my heart and bless you in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Remain faithful to heaven and look forward to the coming time, to the New Church in glory. Amen.


