Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 25, 2015

Feast of Christ the King.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. Today we celebrated the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass for the Feast of Christ the King in all reverence. The flower decoration was again decorated with pearls and diamonds. The angels moved in and out. They grouped themselves around the tabernacle and bowed in deep humility before the Blessed Sacrament. We sang the Missa de Angelis and also prayed the Litany and consecrated the human race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This holy mass of sacrifice lasted about three hours.

The Heavenly Father says: Yes, My beloved ones, that is holiness. You have celebrated this Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the true Tridentine rite according to Pius V. So it was in My plan. All priests should follow this example but they do not want to. They do not celebrate this feast of Christ the King until the end of November. This is not true. Nothing must be changed, My beloved sons of priests - nothing - not one iota. And what have you done? After Vatican II, you created a popular mass out of it, and even today you still think you have to do that. You stand at the altar of the people. You tell the laity that they should distribute Holy Communion as hand communion. Under no circumstances is this true. It is a sacrilege, My beloved sons of priests. Only in your hands may My Son Jesus Christ be transformed, but only when you stand at a sacrificial altar - not at a grinding table. You still believe today that you are allowed to do this. How grievously do you sin, and you do not even know it. You live in misbelief and unbelief - in heresy. None of you priests dare to go this hardest way, as My priestly son exemplifies to you.

Since 11 years my little one gets these messages and is accompanied by her spiritual guide Pastor Rudolf Lodzig. Once I want to announce his name so that you know, My beloved sons of priests, whom you must and should follow.

How much consolation, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, have you given Me, the Heavenly Father, today, because I speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me. Thank you, My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, for having responded to My call, for giving Me comfort on this feast, the feast of Christ the King. I Am the Ruler of the whole universe, the King, and I will rule over the principalities of the world in My omnipotence and omnipotence. Nothing can stop Me from doing so.

My beloved little flock celebrated this feast with dignity. You cannot imagine how grateful I am to you for this feast day. With great joy the whole heaven has participated. The angels were around you. They sang the Missa de Angelis with you.

Yes, My beloved ones, today the Synod ends. And what will come out? Serious sin, not only serious sin, but the most serious sin. I must destroy everything that has happened there. Never will the Heavenly Father allow this homosexual marriage to be valid, nor will he allow these remarried divorced persons to be admitted to Holy Communion, as this false prophet proclaims. He even wants to change the 10 Commandments. And what about the Bible? In modernism one says: "We have the Bible. We do not need messages from this messenger who has the world broadcast, because it is her own imagination". Can you still say this today, My beloved sons of priests, who do not even know the Bible? In the Old Testament the prophets were already killed. And what would you do today? You despise and persecute them.

Aren't the persecuted my favorites? All those who follow the cross of My Son must go on this path of persecution. He too was persecuted. That is why you too must go this way, for only then are you right. My sons of priests would have to recognize that quite clearly. And yet they continue to commit this sin. They persecute My messengers and they despise My little one who has been atoning for you for years, My beloved sons of priests, so that you do not fall into the eternal abyss. She is also atoning for you today on this day when the Synod ends. She had to endure unbearable pain during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

I use it as a plaything. I can take these pains away from her and also give them to her because she has transferred her free will to me. And so she is enduring this pain for you today.

Turn back! The last moment has come. I do not wish you to fall into the eternal abyss. Finally believe in these messages, which are earth-shattering and are sent out into the whole world. The believers will long for these messages. Lead them no further into this confusion, but read and follow these messages! I love you all and want to save you.

Today, on this Feast of Christ the King, given to My Son Jesus Christ, I have poured out great graces on the whole world through this consecration of the world that you have given Me. You have done everything, my beloved ones, to give me this joy and to be there for me for consolation. For this I thank you again with all my heart.

I love you and bless you today in the Trinity with all heaven, with all angels and saints, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessed and praised be the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar from now and forever. Amen.


