Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, November 13, 2015

Our Lady speaks in the atonement night at 0.10 o'clock after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the apartment in Göttingen through Her instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen. In this night of atonement we will linger before the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar and adore Jesus Christ with dignity.

Our Lady will speak in this Night of Atonement: I, your Heavenly Mother, your Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, your Mother and Queen of Victory speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me today.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers in Heroldsbach and My beloved believers from near and far, I greet you in this night of atonement and bless you with the blessings of heaven. You, My beloved pilgrims, have taken much upon yourselves in this night of atonement. You atone for the priests who are still not ready to follow the true path that the Heavenly Father has planned for all. They sin in a very grave way, My beloved priestly sons and I, the Heavenly Mother, suffer for them.

How many times have I told them to turn back. May their hearts be opened for the Heavenly Words, for the messages I want to give them today. Unfortunately, many priests are not willing to take the hardest path of atonement and the cross. I want to tell you, My beloved sons of priests, that the time of conversion has come for you. Why are you not ready to go this way even though I, your dearest mother, have prepared everything?

I too have walked this path, My beloved sons of priests. Have I not stood under the Cross, under the Cross of My beloved Son? Have I not already gone this way for you? How much love do you have for your dearest Jesus? Does He not look at you with all His love? And yet, My beloved sons of priests, turn their backs on Him, especially in the modernist meal fellowship. How much you offend Jesus Christ through this hand communion. You do not want to know that it is a grave sin, even a sacrilege. And yet you call upon the laity to distribute Communion in an improper manner.

You know, My beloved sons of priests, that this is a grave sin and that you must repent of this sin. Do you think that your dearest Jesus can agree that you continue to commit this grave sin? Turn back, for the time of repentance has now come.

As you can see from the messages, the plan of the Heavenly Father will soon be fulfilled. He will intervene in a very grave and powerful way because his time has come. How many messages and admonitions have preceded. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, eagerly awaits your repentance, because He wants to enter your hearts and merge His heart with yours. Therefore give Him your willing 'Yes Father', so that He can touch your hearts. I, your Heavenly Mother, will help you in your conversion.

Believe that the Heavenly Father will intervene in His omnipotence and omnipotence. Therefore, My beloved sons of priests, you shall be ready to repent and say a willing yes to the Heavenly Father. How much His heart is filled with His love. He will embrace you in His arms when you repent of everything and make a good confession and are ready in the future to take the hardest way, the way of the cross. Only then can the Heavenly Father work in His omnipotence. He makes himself dependent on you, on your conversion. He is waiting for you and will be grateful for every word you give Him in love and faithfulness.

In this night of atonement, bless your Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach with the whole host of angels and saints, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Be ready for repentance, for the time is near when the Heavenly Father will fulfill His plan. Amen.


