Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, December 25, 2015

Feast of the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V in the house church in Göttingen through His instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

The Heavenly Father says: Today you have celebrated the first Christmas Day in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice. What a great joy was in heaven over this special feast day.

Jesus, the Savior, is born to you! The little Jesus lies in the manger before you and gives you His love. He himself has taken everything upon himself for the whole of mankind and has become man this very night.

Our Lady said her fiat: "I am the handmaid of the Lord, it shall be done to me according to your word. Nothing could understand and fathom her, and yet she said, "Yes, Father, as you will, so it shall be done, even if I understand nothing: I am your handmaid, and I place myself entirely at your disposal. If the Holy Spirit will overshadow Me and Jesus, the Son of God, is to be born in Me this night, I am ready.

Our dear Mother of God, the Mother of the Son of God and also our Mother said this. The little Jesus was ready to endure anything, even in the poor stable in Bethlehem. Ox and donkey worshiped Him. Mankind despised It. Yes, she did not pay tribute to Him at a glance, not even admission was granted to Him on this night of His birth. For all mankind It sacrificed itself and became man. This is a very big secret for you. It has given you everything on this night, in this most holy Christmas, in which you may enjoy His streams of grace. His love flows out on you, and in your hearts there will be light in this darkness that reigns around you, especially in Germany.

You, my little one, are destined as a German messenger to fulfill the mission for Germany and the whole world. Unfortunately, this Holy Father whom I have chosen has told Me a clear No. He too was destined for Germany, to fulfill the world broadcast and especially the German broadcast. This did not happen. And now, My little messenger from Germany, your broadcast goes further into the world, as a world broadcast.

I, the Heavenly Father, have therefore chosen another country, which I cannot yet prophesy to you today. Everything is still in chaos. And in this chaos God became man. He was reborn in your hearts. Why in your hearts? Because you were the only ones who said, "Yes, Father, we give ourselves entirely to You. You can do what you want with us. Everything is fine with us. This is the total surrender that the Heavenly Father wanted us to fulfill. This obedience we have rendered to Him, also the following.

Now what about the Pius brothers, whom I had also chosen. Many Pius brothers are not ready to fulfill their mission, because pride has brought hatred. They hate My messenger whom I have chosen, and this is a very grave sin and brings misfortune. I will not be able to explain this misfortune, which will come over them, to you today, because it is a great disappointment for me to now divide these chosen Pius brothers on Christmas. Some will recognize: "What is happening here is not the truth that our founder Lefebvre gave up and exemplified. This was not his wish and will. We must pursue it completely." He himself fulfilled everything and preceded the Pius brothers in the full truth.

Be vigilant, My beloved believers, who want to follow these Pius brothers. Pay attention to their splitting. It will not be easy for many to say farewell to this great mission and to continue on this path alone, but in truth, in the full truth. Whoever does not acknowledge My messages, I reject him, and to him I say, "I do not know you. Turn away from me, for Satan is drawn into you and spreads lies and hatred. You have become proud and this pride has brought the lie."

My beloved messenger, you are persecuted everywhere and yet you say with your little band and your followers: Yes father. You do not give up; on the contrary, you give great joy to your Heavenly Father. And that is why these rays of grace will flow over vast lands, because you are atoning for this brotherhood of priests and beyond that for many priests who are not ready to believe in my messages and to obey them in obedience.

Through My little messenger I proclaim the full truth and this truth goes out into the world. You are all on the verge of my intervention, which I have made known to you. Unfortunately, I have had to let My anger arm sink for a long time. My plan looked different from the beginning. But when men do not obey me and act differently, then I have to align my plan according to them because I will not force anybody to believe in my messages and to follow them. The greatest thing I have given them, the holiest. My messenger is willing to put everything into the internet, even if it costs her her life. She is ready for anything, and she takes this most difficult path. Their atonement is not easy to bear and for many years one disease follows another. Every day, even at night, she sacrifices these pains for My priest sons. It is interested that no one of My priestly sons descend into eternal damnation. Many priests were allowed to meet her, and many despised her and took away her honor and hate her. What a grave sin weighs on them. She must be expiated, My beloved ones.

Germany has lost the shipment Is this not enough, My beloved sons of priests? Will you not finally turn back and believe in My messages? Will you not finally celebrate the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast in the only truth? There is only one sacrificial meal. Become priests of sacrifice and not modernist priests who serve the people and not Me, the great Almighty, Omnipotent and Omnipotent Triune God.

You, My beloved ones, have been given the gift of discernment from Me, because the good is put into you and you are favored from heaven to recognize the good and also to obey the good, in spite of everything the evil one wants to intervene in your community. Be of one mind daily, for then the wicked man cannot harm you. Become firm and more solid and trusting with your following, which will become greater because it is my desire. They should be firm as a rock, in order to set a good example to the other, to spread love and to exercise love of enemies. That is the hardest thing. Despite everything, My beloved ones, you give Me this obedience because you love your enemies, bless them and pray for them. This is your path. That is your goal. Keep your attention on it every day. Through you I will still save many priests from eternal ruin.

My beloved mother is waiting for her priest sons. She wants to embrace them and hold out Her Immaculate Heart to them, so that they may be converted and my Heavenly Mother may bring them to Me, the Heavenly Father - converted and redeemed. So far they have crucified me and you loosen these nails, my beloved ones, through your consolation. You look at My cross and you love your own cross. You never cast it off; on the contrary, when it becomes too difficult for you, you ask for renewed gifts of grace of strength and perseverance. You do not give up, because this is the greatest thing. You hurry to the crib, to the Jesus, because this Jesus has become dear to you, because you want to do everything for this Jesus.

Love drives you forward, love of the Divine Savior, of the Son of God. To the little Jesus in the manger you will go daily and continue to receive these streams of grace. Heart it, love it, because it hugs you already as a little child in the manger. Jesus Christ, your Savior and Redeemer, is born in your hearts. Pass it on and rejoice, and be of one mind on this first day of Christmas.

In a special way, the Triune God now blesses you in triple power with all the angels and saints, with the entire choir of angels, with the love of the Triune God, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love drives you forward and strengthens you on this first Christmas day of the year 2015. Amen. Keep on praying the rosary!


