Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ascension Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks in the domestic church in Göttingen through His instrument Anne.


Today, on May 5, 2016, we celebrated the feast of Ascension. He himself ascended to heaven today with Godhead and humanity to the Father to send us the Holy Spirit.

The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were both today not only bathed in glittering golden light, but also abundantly decorated with flowers and candles. The Easter candle was extinguished today, because the Easter time is over. Today we are preparing for the feast of Pentecost with a novena to the Holy Spirit.

The four evangelists were also brightly lit and bathed in this glittering light during the Holy Sacrificial Mass, as were the Merciful Jesus, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Joseph, and especially the two tabernacle angels. The Risen Jesus Christ on our altar raised the victory flag during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. He wanted to tell us that He is the Victor, Victor over life and death.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now, and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will, and repeats only words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, My beloved believers from near and far. I will give you special information today, on this special feast, the Ascension Feast of My Son, Jesus Christ. I would like to transmit to you the joy so that a little sadness disappears in your hearts.

My beloved little group, I am grateful to you for persevering, because one person of the little group is currently in hospital and seriously ill. You pray a lot for them and you suffer. Remember, My children, especially My beloved little flock, it is a world suffering and love suffering. You cannot understand it, because your Heavenly Father needs these special sacrifices right now. You, My little Anne, are chosen to carry and experience this especially in your heart, because Jesus, My Son, suffers in your heart. Not you alone suffer, but the great God. Can you understand this, My beloved little one? Certainly not. You asked: "Why do you allow this suffering? You do not understand. But this suffering will one day turn into joy, how, I cannot transmit this to you, because I, the Heavenly Father in heaven, know it all alone. What my plan and my will looks like, that only I alone know, and I will not inform you about it. You shall not be entangled in worries, but you shall be able to enjoy this feast today.

Jesus, My Son, has ascended into heaven, and He sits at My right hand. He is the winner and has raised the victory flag. Therefore you may rejoice in him. He will send you the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, and you will know that He is the Great, Omnipotent, Omniscient Creator of heaven and earth. He will be able to rejoice in you, in you, his chosen ones, who want to fulfill his will.

My beloved little ones, hold on! Strengthen yourselves in faith, strengthen yourselves in prayer, above all in perseverance, in faithfulness. If you swear loyalty to me, the heavenly Father, you are protected in everything. Even in the heaviest sufferings you will be able to endure, only then, my beloved ones, only then. What is coming to you is too heavy to be carried humanly alone. You receive the Heavenly Power, and in this Heavenly Power you will endure many things that do not correspond to your desires, but to my desires and my will. To you it seems almost unbearable, and yet this suffering is especially important for the whole world, for the whole Catholic and Apostolic Church, because, as you know, it is lying on the ground, and is completely destroyed.

My Son, Jesus Christ, has been pushed aside for a long time, and I, the Heavenly Father, suffer in heaven. I need the more your comfort, and you give it to me daily. I will work wonders, and these wonders will be visible. I cannot help it, My beloved ones. I do not want to destroy My world. My world, which I have built. My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church will never perish, for the gates of hell will not overpower them.

The evil one is still at work. Nor does he think he will win the victory. But I, the Heavenly Father, will raise the flag of victory in the Trinity. Believe and trust. Even in the deepest suffering, your Heavenly Father is present.

You will be rejected, you will be reviled, you will be accused. This complaint that you pray and persevere, and have entered My place of grace Wigratzbad, therefore you have received an order of punishment. My priest must pay € 2.800,- and My little chosen messenger € 1.800,-. I wish that you transfer these two amounts and willingly surrender yourselves to My will. My desire and will is that the world should know that he who believes, prays, and perseveres, is accused and persecuted. The world cannot understand that he is also being prosecuted in court. But I, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, am the victor over life and death. I have planned everything for you, and you will not become tired to fulfill my desire and will because you feel: Only there is truth, only there is love. This love flows into our hearts. Through this love of the Triune God, we will be able to accomplish everything that Heaven desires of us.

So I bless you today, on this high feast, the Feast of Ascension of Christ, with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory, the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are loved and you are protected. Hold on until the end. Amen.

Penalty orders of the district court Lindau.



