Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, July 1, 2016

Feast of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The Holy Sacrificial Mass was again celebrated in all reverence in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were both bathed in glistening golden and red light.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through my willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in my will, and repeats only words that come from me today.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. You ask yourselves today: "Why was there on the feast of St. Peter and Paul, no speaking up, no special message? Yes, My beloved ones, I have left you in darkness. The chair of Peter is not occupied, My beloved ones. How much My Son Jesus Christ, who appointed the successor of Peter, suffers in this time. The false prophet has taken this place.

The entire Catholic Church is in confusion and error. The colonels no longer know that they must represent the Catholic faith, and above all they must testify to it. If the Supreme Shepherd no longer lies in the truth, the Cardinals and Bishops have the duty to point out to him that he must not spread error and confusion throughout the world. That is why, My beloved ones, I suffered especially that day. You, My beloved believers, who are chosen, have suffered with Me on this day.

Today, I let the Blood of My Son Jesus Christ flow into the hearts of the unworthy priests, yes, I said the unworthy priests. I died for these unworthy priests and redeemed them through My sacrifice on the cross. These priests have not accepted My special graces. They are reluctant to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in special reverence after Pius V.

There is still in their minds: "We hold the modernist meal after the 2nd Vaticanum." All should also witness and pass on this meal fellowship. But it is a meal that does not correspond to my wishes. Only the Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V. lies in the full truth. I wish this celebration from all My priest sons.

It is still time, My beloved ones, to wake up and realize: "I am a priest forever and I have the duty, if the Supreme See does not give me these instructions, to appear and say: 'This does not correspond to the Catholic true faith, but, it lies in confusion. I, as a priest, will decide for the truth alone, or I will go astray.

You, My sons of priests, stand at the abyss, if you still do not want to confess this.

How many atonement souls have I appointed so far. They atone for you, so that this truth can flow into your hearts. Today I let the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ, flow. Confess the truth, turn around and make a worthy confession.

I, as Heavenly Father, make all the impossible possible. Now you ask yourselves, "To which priest shall I make a worthy confession, when all priests are in confusion? - I will name these priests for you if you are willing to confess and testify to the truth.

The Precious Blood of My Son continues to flow in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, here in Göttingen, through My priestly Son, who celebrates the true Holy Sacrifice every day. He confesses the truth. Nothing can stop him from also witnessing the whole truth.

How many times have you known, My beloved sons of priests, that you were asked to turn back at last. You have not followed it so far. But now once again, on this great day when the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ has flowed, you have the opportunity to repent. You once again have the opportunity to get out of this error and confusion. Celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in truth, in the true Tridentine rite, and profess it. Then you are My beloved sons of priests who obey Me and not this false prophet, because as you know, I have long since taken the scepter of this chief shepherd into my hand because he pours this falsehood and this confusion into the whole world.

I, your Heavenly Father, will judge everything. I will refound the true Catholic Church in full splendor and glory. You will see how this church will rise gloriously.

I now bless you today with the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready to do my will and to follow me only, because I am waiting for you all. I want to finally take you into My loving arms. But your repentance is necessary.


