Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 14, 2016

13th Sunday after Pentecost and Vigil Mary's Assumption.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today, August 14, 2016, we celebrated the Vigil of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, in a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V. Tomorrow we begin the great feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of the Virgin Mary were again richly decorated with flowers and candles. At the altar of the Virgin Mary the white orchids glowed with white pearls and diamonds. The mantle of the Blessed Mother was all white and also set with small white pearls and diamonds.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak today, August 14, 2016, the Vigil of the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me today.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and My beloved pilgrims from near and far and all the faithful who cling to My messages. Yes, My beloved ones, I have already prophesied many things to you and I have given you many instructions on your path of life. They have become your life support. I thank you for having so patiently received everything and for being ready to fulfill My will, the will of your Heavenly Father.

My plan has been fixed for a long time. According to my wishes, everything will therefore be done. You cannot comprehend, My beloved ones, what is to come on you all. Unfortunately, people have turned away from the true faith because they think they do not need the enlightenment on sin. They are of the opinion that the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ is still a long way off. They do not need the sanctifying grace. So they say and so it is conveyed to them by their priests. "It is simply not important that I should be concerned with the supernatural," they say. Unfortunately, these priests lie in error and unbelief. They are led by the authorities and these authorities do not believe and continue to spread error and unbelief throughout the world.

How sad it is for My Son Jesus Christ that His beloved sons of priests are still not ready to repent. It is their will to celebrate this venerable Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. Only this Holy Mass of Sacrifice alone can be valid. The priest who celebrates this Holy Mass of Sacrifice turns to Me, the Son of Jesus Christ in the Trinity. Thus the sacrifice of the Cross of My Son Jesus Christ is renewed on the sacrificial altars, only on these worthy sacrificial altars.

It is not easy to understand because in this modernist church today priests are forced to keep the meal fellowship. Vatican II, which does not correspond to My wish, has not been declared ineffective until today. Your Heavenly Mother, the Immaculately Received Mother, constantly asks at My throne that many priests may finally convert and have the firm will to want to convert. But you feel that here in modernism the truth is not to be found. Surely it cannot correspond to the truth, what is communicated in Vatican II. One knows that it is the misbelief. But one does not have the courage to turn back. I wish that many priests in common would be willing to proclaim the truth in order to testify a ready 'yes to the truth'. It is not yet time for these priests to bear witness to the truth. But I, the Heavenly Father, have placed the truth in their hearts.

Through this Holy Mass of Sacrifice on this day in the house church in Göttingen, enormous streams of grace have flowed over this place and also over the place Mellatz. Mellatz is a special place because in this place, My House of Glory, stands the Father House, which I, the Heavenly Father, have established by My willing instruments. Everything has been done according to my wishes. St. Joseph, St. Michael the Archangel and also the Blessed Mother are watching over this house, since you, My beloved little flock, often cannot be present there. You have already grown fond of this house, which makes me very happy. For reasons of illness you are currently here in Göttingen and your house church here is a worthy replacement for you, because in this house church the full graces are poured out daily through the Holy Sacrificial Masses.

The Blessed Mother is in full splendor today, because tomorrow her feast of the Assumption of Mary into heaven will be celebrated. You can already prepare and look forward to this today. The coronation of the dear Mother of God will follow soon after.

You can't imagine how much heaven is attentive to your prayers. You pray, you atone and you persevere. You are not willing to pass on this mistaken belief of the authorities. Unfortunately, the grave sin taught in this modernism is passed on. The gravest sin of uncleanness is proclaimed as truth. Moreover, anyone unworthy, that is, one who is in grave sin, may receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.

I wish that all of us first recognize that when we are in grave sin, we want to receive the Holy Sacrament of Penance. I will forgive all and show myself to them with mercy and mercy. I will show them my justice and that is paired with love. I will not reproach them for the sin they have already confessed, but I will embrace them in My arms when they have repentantly confessed their sin, for I am grateful for everyone who repents and makes use of the Holy Sacrament of Penance to confess his sins.

Above all, I await the priests whom I have chosen to celebrate this true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in a dignified manner and to administer the Seven Sacraments. They are not yet willing to fulfill my will. Sometimes they do not even recognize my will because they are not in the sanctifying grace. They are kept from the truth by their brothers and also by the authorities. They live in constant fear and ask themselves: "Where do I find the true faith, where are my role models in the present time? When and where can I profess the truth as a priest? What will happen to me then?" They ask themselves that. Did I not step into their first place? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Have I become indifferent to them today as Heavenly Father? After all, I am the one who loves them inexpressibly and follows them when they do not want to comply with my wishes. I lead and guide them, even today, because the priests are My chosen ones. For My priests I am still eagerly waiting today. My longing for your love grows daily and it finds no fulfillment. I wait for your confession that you want to fulfill my will. I am waiting for you at the altar of sacrifice of My Son Jesus Christ to perform His sacrifice in a dignified manner. This is My most ardent wish for which I am waiting.

Can you imagine how I love you? I love you in Divine Love. You must exclude this human love, because Divine Love is something so great that forgives everything and meets the other in love, because love is and remains the greatest. The love of the Triune God transcends every measure and every mind. But she is there. On this love you shall look.

How much I am waiting to be allowed to hug you after a valid confession. For a lost son who repents, I am immeasurably grateful.

You My beloved little flock and you, My followers, you pray constantly for the conversion of the sons of priests, because you know about My constant need and care and also about the need of your Heavenly Mother. In many places she cries tears, even blood tears. She also sees my tears and consoles me.

Will you also be there for Me to comfort Me, you My little flock and My followers? In you I have My joy and I want to thank you for all your counter-love that you show Me, especially today, the 13th Sunday after Pentecost, the Vigil Sunday of My Mother Mary. Again I say to you, I love you, yes, I love you beyond all measure. I would like to announce it to you again today.

I bless you now with your Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints and with the special flock of angels, the cherubim and seraphim, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready, My beloved ones, for the soon intervention of your Heavenly Father. Do not be sad, because the misbelief in the present time has grown so far that I have raised my arm of wrath. My Heavenly Mother had been able to hold on to this arm until now. But unfortunately, and this hurts me very much, this intervention must be. You are protected. Always remember that. I give this to you on your path of faith. Remember also that love is the greatest thing.


