Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Feast of All Saints' Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after a Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today, on November 1, 2016, we celebrated the feast of All Saints. A dignified Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V preceded the ceremony. The altar of Sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were richly decorated with flowers and candles. Today not only the angels moved in and out. I have seen many saints. Among others, I have St. Padre Pio, the parish priest of Ars, St. Francis, little St. Therese sprinkled roses, St. Mary Margaret of Alacoque, Rosa Mystica, Our Lady of Fatima and the Queen of Roses, sprinkled roses and also shed tears in Heroldsbach, which have not been recognized until now.

Today the Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.

Today you have celebrated the feast of All Saints. All the saints will stand by you in heaven when the wicked one strikes the last blow. He still has his power and will also exercise it. In many people, therefore, evil will take precedence. You have become the persecutor of my beloved and faithful.

My beloved sons of priests, why do you still not recognize the truth even today? Why have you made yourselves pursuers of My beloved? Why do you persecute them even today, knowing that they proclaim the truth and are in conformity with the Bible? You say: "We have the Bible and that is enough for us. We do not need prophets, for these are surely the false prophets. Can they be called wrong? My beloved sons of priests, when My chosen ones proclaim nothing but the truth and lie completely in conformity with the Bible, which you unfortunately do not know? You are dedicated to power in the present time and you put it first. You have banished the Triune God, your dearest Father and the Heavenly Mother to the modernist churches. This is the very worst, My beloved sons of priests. You will have to regret this bitterly.

There is still time, you can still turn back. Pray, My faithful ones, for these apostate sons of priests, for these erring and confused ones. Unfortunately they proclaim the lie in the modernist church. Vatican II is built on lies, 'Amore laetitia' is a web of lies. This Holy Father was manipulated by the Freemasons, he is a single lie. You must not follow him, for he proclaims heresies. Unfortunately the believers do not realize that they are not allowed to follow him.

The faithful no longer know the difference between the Holy Eucharist and the Lord's Supper. They say that there is no difference. They want to receive communion and the Lord's Supper at the same time.

The Holy Eucharist no longer exists, My beloved ones, because the Blessed Sacrament is no longer adored in the tabernacle. The veneration of the Blessed Sacrament was no longer cultivated, for it now has only a symbolic power.

The Catholic faith has been made equal with other religions and it has disappeared, this is called globalism today. One no longer knows the differences, because one no longer professes the true Catholic faith. The unbelievers present my faithful as phantoms because they are to have a rich imagination and announce self-made messages. So my faithful are reviled, whom I have chosen and who announce my word.

My beloved sons of priests, do you still not recognize the truth? Do I, the Heavenly Father, lie in untruth? I will save you from eternal ruin, My beloved sons of priests.

These, my beloved ones, will also prove their faithfulness if they have to give their lives for faith. Then they will still testify that I am the True and Great God in the Trinity and they will give their last drop of blood for it.

I want to save you, My beloved sons of priests, from eternal ruin, because My longing is so great that you cannot understand it. I love all My priests especially, because I have chosen and called them.

My dearest Mother also has a longing for her priests, for She is the Mother of the whole Church. She begs at my throne for your repentance and yet sees no successes so far. In many places she cries blood tears. In Heroldsbach she cried visibly and yet these tears were not acknowledged by this modernist pope and church. Why do you follow this pope who exemplifies Vatican II and spreads heresies. But it does not correspond to the truth. He proclaims the lie. This is against the law.

And now the evil one strikes the last blow, because Protestantism is proclaimed by the Supreme See, thus the Catholic faith is disfigured. He has been repressed.

This false prophet celebrates the 500th anniversary of the reformer Luther, who seceded from the Catholic Church. Is this not bitter, My beloved ones? Today this division is occurring again.

Only people do not feel it because they do not want to be confronted with the Catholic faith anymore. The reformer Luther abolished all sacraments. He has so disfigured the Holy Eucharist that there is only one communion left.

When you receive Jesus in the Lord's Supper, you imagine that it is Him at this moment. After this reception it is and remains bread.

My beloved ones, the Holy Transformation has been disregarded. Therefore, no one can receive the sacrament of Holy Communion.

In this split off, modernistic church no transformation occurs. Therefore it cannot be the Holy Body of Jesus Christ that the believers want to receive. He remains a piece of bread.

You will soon see that the evil from these tabernacles will appear visible. Then there will be great lamentation and crying in these modernist churches, because the faithful will fearfully rush out of these churches. But then it is too late. I have warned you often, My believers. Stay out of these modernist churches.

But unfortunately you do not believe. You are not my followers because you too have become persecutors of my prophets. You murder them mentally. Yes, it is. You despise them, you revile them, you take away their honor.

But I, the Great Almighty and Omnipotent God the Father will soon intervene, because I cannot bear you any longer. You must accept this intervention because I have given you many chances. These opportunities were there to be able and willing to turn back.

Your dearest Mother, to whom you should dedicate yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart, you have not obeyed. She pleaded and asked for your repentance. And yet she had to watch that you moved more and more to the left side. Your pride and arrogance is growing.

My beloved sons of priests, why have you seized your own power? Why did you not reach out your hand to Me and My mother? She stood before you wringing her hands and begging you, "Come to me, come to my Immaculate Heart. Consecrate yourselves to this heart. I take you under My cloak."

You still have a short while left and then it will be too late for all those who have not reached out their hands to My mother. All will save you, save all from eternal death. But it is bitter for you if the believers do not take these chances.

And now for this day of honor. All the saints will stand by you on that day when the wicked one strikes the last blow. He cannot harm you, for you are protected. The circle of light surrounds you. The truth will be known by those who believe and trust. The others will continue to despise, revile and persecute you.

Thus I bless you today in the Trinity with all the saints, with your dearest Mother and all the angels, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Pray, pray, pray, My beloved ones, for many are on the brink of the abyss. Repent and sacrifice for them. Amen.


