Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, November 20, 2016

Last Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Today, on the last Sunday after Pentecost, November 20, 2016, we celebrated the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V in a dignified manner. The altar of sacrifice and especially the altar of Mary were not only bathed in glittering light, but the altar of Mary was embedded in a magnificent sea of roses.

These 30 beautiful roses were given to me by my Maria from Wiesbaden. I thank you for this, My beloved Mary Child. That is why today the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach comes into effect.

The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and grouped themselves around the Sacrificial and also around the altar of Mary. The Mother of God, St. Joseph, the Child Jesus and St. Padre Pio blessed during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. The Heavenly Father was present and the Holy Archangel Michael struck his sword in all four directions to keep evil away from us.

The Heavenly Father will speak now: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. All of you have answered My call today. I give you a very significant and important message for your arduous path of life.

In the Holy Gospel you have heard that My intervention is close at hand, that is, in My omnipotence, omnipotence, omniscience and all-encompassing efficacy I will work in the very near future.

Soon, My beloved ones, the Cross of My Son Jesus Christ will appear visible in the whole firmament. My Son Jesus Christ will also appear in the firmament with His and your mother. Without His Heavenly Mother, the Mother of the entire Catholic Church, My Son will not want to appear, because they belong together. She gave birth to the Son of God, the native Jesus Christ, and was therefore raised to the status of the Mother of God and at the same time the Mother of the Church. She never left her son alone and followed Him until under the cross.

The Protestants ignore this mother of the church. They claim that the Catholics adore the Mother of God. No, My beloved ones, you honor My dearest Mother. The Lutherans, of course, are not in the truth. They refer to their founder Luther. He has stamped into the ground everything that is important in the Catholic faith for the entire world church. This founder declared everything null and void. The Protestants still follow this diabolical founder today. They believe that they live the truth.

No, My beloved Protestants, you must repent and return to the Only True Catholic Faith. This faith has been disgraced and followed this heretic, the present Pope Francis.

One has taken the liberty of considering these invalid communities as legal and thinks that one can receive Holy Communion in a worthy manner at the same time. But whoever receives this bread unworthily eats the dish.

I, the Heavenly Father, have had to take My Son out of these modernist tabernacles because He is disgraced by these homosexual priests. How much filth would have been brought into these modernist churches if I had not taken My Son out of these tabernacles early.

Now, My beloved believers, you can decide individually whether you want to go My way, the arduous way, or prefer the Protestant faith.

Everything was stamped into the ground. The Catholic Church has been downgraded beyond recognition.

I, the Heavenly Father, have long since taken the scepter into my hand and have appointed this, My son in priest, Pastor Rudolf Lodzig, as the new Chief Shepherd.

An emergency situation has arisen, My beloved ones. I did not like to change my plan. It has become necessary in this day and age because My cardinals, bishops and priests, except for the four cardinals, do not obey Me. These go the arduous way. They fight against the seventeen newly appointed cardinals. They have started this fight and they will win. I, the Heavenly Father, will see to that. This Pope Francis will soon be removed from office.

You, My beloved little flock, have many pursuers. But I will have to impose severe sufferings on these persecutors individually. Why, because they do not go my way and because they persecute my beloved chosen ones in the most evil way. You, my beloved ones, have already been dragged before the courts. But the victory is certain for you.

Then, when My Son Jesus Christ will appear in the Heavenly firmament according to My wish, He will pull you to the right side. You who do not believe will fall into eternal damnation. This is bitter for your Heavenly Father, who has done all that is obviously possible to save these cardinals, bishops and priests.

Now the church will split. The Pius brothers will also split.

Some will choose the right side, others will tend to the left side. There will be a tremendous struggle, a struggle between good and evil. The Blessed Mother, the snake treader with her children, will confront the devilish power.

Your dearest mother, the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach will be victorious. The town of Heroldsbach will expand as a place of grace.

You will have to be recognized again, although you have been prosecuted and had to leave this place of grace. You have been banned from the house. But I, the Heavenly Father, will take this back.

The second Vatican Council will be declared ineffective. I will smash all popular altars.

In this modernist church things will be cruel, because the devil will visibly come out of the tabernacles. I have warned you, My beloved believers, many times I have warned you.

What do you ask of these modernist priests who cultivate homosexuality and at the same time distribute communion? The laity stand at the altar and the Holy Eucharist is no longer venerated. The holy sacrificial meal is celebrated unworthily. The veneration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar is no longer maintained. These are all points where you can see that the Catholic faith is dwindling.

You, My beloved little flock, are protected from evil. You have been placed by your house church in Göttingen on the site of the house chapel in Mellatz. You have become one with Mellatz because I need you here in Göttingen to carry out My plan. The house chapel in Mellatz will give rise to the New Church. No one will believe it. But I have chosen the smallest and the small flock that has never opposed me with a no. This small flock has endured the most severe contempt and tribulations, including the most serious diseases. And yet, My beloved ones, you stand, like the pillars, behind Me, your Heavenly Father. You honor Me, the Triune God in every Holy Mass of Sacrifice, because I offer My Son Jesus Christ anew at these sacrificial altars, where the real Sacrificial Feast is celebrated in the Tridentine manner according to Pius V.

My beloved ones, order this DVD, from Frau D. Winter, Tel. No. 0551/305 44 80, because it is important for the coming time. All who believe should also be protected. I must intervene in a powerful and frightening way.

As you have heard today in the Gospel, the stars will fall from heaven and the sun and moon will not shine any more. The world will darken. Cruelly, this intervention will take place with an enormous roll of thunder. Lightning and a ball of fire, which hunts over the earth, will destroy whole regions. Unfortunately, My beloved ones, I must intervene so powerfully. I am sad about this procedure.

You, My beloved ones, stand firm and remain faithful to Me. Respect the commandments and endure everything in patience and serenity.

I, your Heavenly Father, will judge all things and embrace you in My arms because you have given Me comfort. You never said, "No, Father, it's getting too hard." Nothing was too much for you and I thank you for it, My beloved ones.

I bless you in the Trinity with your dearest Heavenly Mother and all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised and glorified be the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, now and forever. Amen.


