Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday Quinquagesima.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


Today we celebrated the Sunday Quinquagesima in our home church in Göttingen. A Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V preceded it.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims from near and far Today you have heard a special gospel.

Yes, My beloved children. Everyone just wants to see miracles. You believe only in what you see. The Holy Scripture is interpreted today as the work of man. One no longer believes in it and is about to completely twist and change it. This is very sad, My beloved ones. My entire Holy Scripture is to be a work of man? Then My Son Jesus Christ did not come into the world for you to redeem you all. Everything that happened then was then conceived by men.

Is therefore the true faith today a fairy tale that has been invented? Everything that happens at the altar is a fairy tale hour and a spectacle. The priest at the altar is an actor and he plays his role very well.

But only the Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite contains the whole truth, according to which one has to orientate oneself. But unfortunately people do not believe it, because they are completely wrongly enlightened and remain ignorant. All untruths are presented as truths and even legalized.

My entire authority does not believe and even mocks me. They scourge me again, crown me with thorns and crucify me again. This is what it looks like today.

You, My little one, are suffering unbearable pain, and this for eleven weeks. You cannot believe that this will be over one day. No one believes in My Godhead and turns to Me anymore, although I am the Mighty, Omniscient and Almighty God. Everyone mocks Me. (Anne weeps bitterly and can hardly speak any more, for her pain is becoming even more unbearable).

I, the great God, wait for the conversion of My priests, who all turn away from Me and give themselves to the lusts of the world. How often have I given them great help to be able to repent. (Anne cries incessantly and can hardly speak.) They close their hearts and in these days of carnival the greatest dirt is brought into the church. These are the hours of the Mount of Olives, My little one, which you are now experiencing with Me. Look on My Cross how I suffered for all of you and had to drink the cup that the Father gave Me until the bitter end.

Now the time has come and all turn away from Me because they do not want to take their own cross on their shoulders. It does not seem bearable because they run away from their own problems instead of discussing and solving them with heaven. But me, the heavenly Father, no longer exists. I have been removed from life. In all other religions people run after me and seek their salvation in drugs and other narcotics in order not to acknowledge reality. They receive Holy Communion, the great sacrament, unworthy, in grave sin. They are so allowed by the Holy See. Sin after sin accumulates and, in addition, the sacrament of Penance has been abolished. One goes to a psychotherapist and seeks help. But one does not find it.

On the Mount of Olives I have experienced everything that is happening today in the modernist Church, how My priests despise Me and live this homosexuality. Homosexuality is the biggest dirt and with this dirt they also go to the altar. Is this not bitter for Me? The whole authority is not ready to repent. On the contrary, the office of the pope has been manipulated. This pope is a heretic, an antichrist. Yes, it is the true Antichrist. That is why you suffer intolerably. You cannot explain it to yourself, you ask Me to take away this pain. How gladly I would like to take it away from you. My little one, I can't see you suffering so much. Look at the cross, look at My cross. How much I am suffering, because the entire Catholic Church is in ruins. There is nothing left of holiness on the contrary. The commandments are twisted. One believes that one can receive the Holy Sacrament of Holy Communion in a sinful state, in a grave sinful state. This is the truth of today's modernist church. No one stops it, on the contrary, one continues to sin. They continue to despise Me. I am blasphemed. All My children who pray are despised. They suffer for those who again crucify Me.

My little one, soon your suffering will be over, soon, not quite. You are lying in the last stages of suffering and they are bitter. You can hardly believe that it can be over because it is humanly unbearable for you.

I Am the great God and know about everything and suffer for everything. You were always ready to fulfill My will. I thank you, I thank you for suffering, for not giving up. No one can help you than I alone. The medical art is finished and they cannot help you.

What about your little band? Can you believe in miracles? I can work miracles. But you must do My will entirely. Also from My Catherine I demand the utmost, the utmost I have said, nothing else, who completely fulfills My will, that she loves Me, because love is the greatest. And love must grow in the cross and not, when you are well, love grows. No, then when it becomes unbearable for you, only love grows. This proves, you, my little one. Yes, it is unbearable, I know it. I love you beyond all measure. I thank you for your faithfulness, for your gratitude, eleven weeks you have already suffered. Soon you will have suffered. Believe it.

Now you will write these objections in stages. You will not do it all at once. Without My help you will not accomplish anything. I will guide your hands and also your feet, then this message will reach the Internet.

I want to bring back some priests, back from the swamp they are stuck in. They are lying in a cesspool, it looks that bad. My temple is no longer a house of prayer, no, everything is a spectacle. They offer Me a play, but never a holy mass of sacrifice. There is nothing to be felt of holiness.

And now My little one, I want to come to the end so as not to overdo you. I love you, I love you, believe in it In the greatest pain I am with you. Bear it, I help you.

And so I bless all who love Me, who believe in Me, who are faithful to Me with My dearest Heavenly Mother who blesses everyone, with all the angels and saints. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Praised and glorified without end, Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.


