Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


Today we celebrated Easter Sunday in a reverent and Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass after Pius V. The altar of sacrifice was decorated with beautiful and abundant floral decorations. Also the altar of Mary was not only bathed in glittering light, but also decorated with beautiful flower arrangements. These flowers had golden, red and yellow pearls in the calyxes. The angels and also the archangels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and they fell on her face in awe.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak today, Easter Sunday, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers, beloved believers and pilgrims from near and far. How much I have looked forward to this moment with you, My beloved ones.

My son Jesus Christ is truly risen, alleluia. The darkness of the grave has given way. The light illuminates the day. Your souls were illuminated by the Easter light.

I, as Heavenly Father, want to thank you, My beloved ones, for having responded to My call. You have prayed, sacrificed and atoned in this time before Easter. You have completely complied with my will. No effort was too much for you. You have willingly endured your disease of herniated disc and the pain associated with it, without grumbling. No wailing sound came from your lips. Now the darkness is gone from you and light shines through your hearts. I have illuminated them with the Easter light. You pass on this light of love to other men who need my love. You do not feel it when you pass on this light, since nothing is added to it. This is the paschal grace that you receive. It is also the Easter joy. I am grateful to you for taking upon yourselves the many atonements for My priestly sons. Some priests have therefore used their will and turned back. These priests are not known to you. With gratitude I look upon your ready hearts. The flames of love have shone through them. It is a consolation and a paschal joy in heaven over a single priest who is converted, as over ninety-nine righteous people who do not need conversion.

You are My chosen ones. You have endured persecution for my sake. Therefore you live and bear witness to the truth. There are many young people today who are searching for the true faith. They do not find a pastor who listens to their sins in a worthy confession to bring them back on the right path.

Everywhere the truth is veiled and passed on in a fog. It is uncomfortable for priests to pass on the way of the Ten Commandments and the Seven Sacraments. The priest who today lives and passes on piety is frowned upon, marginalized and cast out of the community. Therefore, many priests do not have the courage to reveal that they are pious and pray their daily prayers of the Breviary. This too is no longer commonplace. Today it no longer counts as a serious sin and has become unfashionable. The priest clothes have already been taken off. The seekers do not recognize a priest among the faithful. How far away are we from the Catholic religion today? One is ashamed of true piety. But you, my beloved ones, can manifest this Easter joy. "Where is my sting, where is my victory," you may ask? Enjoy the Easter time, the time of grace. Not a single day shall you miss, on which a deep joy does not shine in you and strengthen you to survive the coming time.

When you look at the Internet, there is desolation in your hearts, because apostasy is progressing. The wicked man wants to complete his work in men and enters to lead them astray. A special stability is required to be able to withstand the storms of today. Have faith and become like children, otherwise you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. Trust and patience are required today.

Soon, very soon, I will intervene with all my might, for my time is fulfilled. A little while longer, then it will happen.

First there will be a stormy thunderstorm and an unexplainable earthquake. People will rush around anxiously and will not know where to turn to. The earth will darken, the stars will fall from the sky, the sun will not give any more light and the moon will not light up the night. Strange things will happen in the firmament. These are the signs that precede my plan. No one can thwart this plan, because I alone, as Heavenly Father, will have omniscience. Whoever follows me and takes everything upon himself will be protected and will continue the way without fear. But who does not comply with my wishes and follows evil, he will sink into the eternal abyss. Keep your inner serenity and peace and consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of My Heavenly Mother.

My beloved little ones, you have the deep joy of attending a reverent Holy Mass of Sacrifice every day. The Divine Power will radiate into you, because there can only be one valid sacrificial mass. My Son Jesus Christ instituted this Holy Sacrificial Feast on Holy Thursday for all priests and faithful as a legacy so that He, the great God, may always be with us. A deep gratitude therefore grips us, and our hearts are strengthened anew, not with the human power, but with the divine.

I sprinkle all of you who believe with Easter joy and bless you in the Trinity with all the angels and saints, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Lord is truly risen, as He said, alleluia. The victory over death has been won. Let us enjoy this Easter joy.


