Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, April 23, 2017

Sunday of Mercy.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How reverent was this Holy Mass of sacrifice in the spirit of Jesus Christ. The altar of sacrifice was decorated with abundant floral ornaments, especially the statue of mercy was decorated with many white roses, lilies of Callas. The altar of Mary was immersed in a sea of roses. The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and enjoyed adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. They bowed before the tabernacle. Many saints were present, including Saint Sister Faustina. She thanked for the Holy Mass with a nod of her head.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, will speak to you today, My beloved children of Father and Mary, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, on this great feast day, the White Sunday and the Day of Mercy. She repeats My words, which are entirely in My will.

Beloved little flock, beloved children of Father and Mary, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims from near and far. Also you, My believers, are called today to follow this message. I, the Heavenly Father, speak in the name of My Son Jesus Christ in Mercy. Great streams of grace will flow over you on this feast day and in the hour of mercy. Your hearts will be filled with the love of Jesus Christ.

He is the merciful one. You, too, shall practice mercy. How much My Son suffers from this lack of faith. He has given everything, everything, until His last drop of blood. You too are to sacrifice everything; you are sacrificing and loving. Never shall you pronounce judgment on those who hate and persecute you. The one who judges is I, the great and triune God, the heavenly Father. Once these erring ones will also be judged. But first you shall atone and not despise these people. You shall not repay like with like. No, pray for your enemies and atone for their grave transgressions, for I, the Heavenly Father, am waiting for your atonement.

How I long for every single priest who decides on this day to repent. It is the day of mercy. I will want to forgive them all their sins if they only have the desire to repent of their sins and to start a new life. How much I wish it on this, My special holiday. Mercifully I want to show mercy to these sinners, because the day of my mercy is here.

But this day should not be misunderstood. I shall not be merciful to those who lie and remain lying in grave sin and do not take the way of repentance. This is the wrong way of mercy.

I will forgive the enemies if you atone and pray for them, because I do not want them to continue to live in grave sin and not to repent of it. You shall bring them on the way of repentance. How much I long for every single soul. I want to be able to enjoy their souls willing to repent. How much joy is in heaven over one who has the will to repent! The angels will fall down to be allowed to enjoy these souls willing to repent.

The heavens will open on this day and I, the Heavenly Father, will let the Blood of My Son flow over many sinners. The blood of My Son shall wash clean the hearts. The Holy Sacrament of Penance is the sacrament where souls are allowed to experience the sanctifying grace again if they repent of their sins and confess willingly.

Turn back, My beloved ones, it is still time. The day of grace is still dawning, the day on which I want to forgive many sinners. I eagerly await their repentance. How much joy would be in heaven today. You, My beloved ones, have also experienced this day in joy. But you too have willingly taken up your cross.

The cross is the persecution, the contempt that is shown to you because you believe and because you want to forgive sinners, so that they do not lose eternal salvation. To sink eternally into the eternal abyss is a terrible suffering. These, my sons of priests, who are not yet ready to want to repent, are standing before the abyss, and you can save them if they have only one desire to want to repent. Your soul shall be filled with the grace of love. They should have the desire to experience joy, because I want to meet them in love. The wrath of evil is mighty and you shall meet this evil with good. You should not do the same thing, you should not let the aggressions grow within you, no, love must be the decisive point for you. With love you are to confront them and never despise them, because I want to save them. I also love your enemies. Have I not shown love of the enemy in the oil garden? You are on the last path, because you have walked the last steps of the mountain Golgotha. Contempt strikes you. This is the evil one. But never shall you do the same. Accept this persecution of the enemies for my sake. Do not see your person first, but see in it the contempt of the Triune God, godlessness. If man lives on in godlessness, his soul will dry up, it will not receive any nourishment. The only food is the God of love, the Triune God.

So may they all have the desire to save their souls. Then I will hasten towards them. In this time of godlessness man is full of hopelessness and without confidence. Man cannot live without this hope. Then he falls for the worldly pleasures. He will become addicted to drugs, alcohol and other lusts. Then the wicked man stops his contemplation. He will influence My sons of priests to follow him. Many will not realize that godlessness is the downfall of their soul, and the wicked one has his entry tremendously, unfortunately in these priest souls, after which my longing will never cease. Therefore believe and trust that I want to save all, all of them, from this downfall. Not a single one shall be able to sink into the eternal abyss, when your burden, your cross, becomes greater.

You, My little one, have to endure this special suffering and pain on this day. Bear this cross, accept it as I allow it because many souls you can save through it and that will be your wish and also mine.

Do not give up and pay attention to the true way of love and to the true way of conversion of priests.

Your desire should be to save all priests and to continue in the love of the cross, in the love of contempt. Then you are on the right track. Then I love you especially. This is My wish to you, today, on this day of grace of mercy.

Love over love and faithfulness over faithfulness. Be My beloved children and bind yourselves firmly to My cross. Then you will be especially loved. I will pull you firmly to My cross. This is My message to you, My beloved ones who believe and trust.

And so I bless you today, on the Day of Mercy and in the hour of grace with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Progress in love and this love will be decisive for your life.


