Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 28, 2017

Octave in the ascension of Jesus Christ.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


Today, May 28, 2017, in the octave of Ascension Day, we celebrated a worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice and the altar of Mary were decorated with beautiful white flowers. The angels and also the archangels were present and bowed in reverence around the tabernacle. They fell on her face several times. They adored the holy of holies. They also sang in different pitches. I myself was able to put myself completely in this Holy Mass of Sacrifice. I could clearly feel the scent of lilies several times.

The Heavenly Father will speak today: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

You, My beloved ones, have celebrated today, in the octave of Ascension Day, May 28, 2017, a Holy Sacrificial Mass pleasing to Me. The angels and also the archangels were present and laid down on her face in awe during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. Jesus Himself was made aware by His Father, the Heavenly Father, that in union with the Trinity, He should finally send the Spirit of Truth to earth. After His resurrection, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, returned to His Father in heaven to send the Holy Spirit down to us.

You, My beloved sons of priests, are in the choice to receive the Holy Spirit or not. If you continue to live the Un-Spirit, the Spirit of Truth will never produce its efficacy in you.

I tell you to love one another, for love is the greatest thing. How is it possible that according to the Islamic faith one is allowed to kill one's own children when they turn to a partner of another faith? Is this possible, My beloved ones, can this be true? Certainly not, My beloved ones. You cannot lump it together with the Catholic faith.

The true Catholic faith includes love, gratitude and faithfulness to the Gospel.

My beloved ones, have endured until now. You, My beloved flower of passion and suffering, have experienced the greatest suffering in the last week. Your language has already been taken from you by certain means. I ask you not to continue taking these medications because they will not help to reduce the severe pain. They did not take into account your previous illnesses. You will continue to suffer a little further, because only I, the Heavenly Father, can take this pain away from you all by myself. These are atonement sufferings, so that before the feast of Pentecost some priest's sons may reflect to repent. Of course you need a medicine, but I alone determine that and also the time when the illness ends. I will be there and will add everything, because everything the Heavenly Father will give you, if you give Him your trust. You have taken upon yourself this great pain, this unspeakably great pain, for the world mission. Sometimes you have asked Me: "Do you still love me, or why do you make me suffer so? Do You not hear me, Heavenly Father, what am I doing wrong that makes You so angry? You can turn it away from me. I call to you in the solitude of my heart and cannot find you? Where are you, I cry out for your help in my heartache. Where are you, I want to be near you, to fulfill your will." Yes, My little one, I Am near you and watch every step you take forward. Believe and blindly trust in my mercy. You are useful to Me, I will not tell you to go, but I love you the more you sacrifice for Me. You probably won't understand that. I know about your gigantic agony, to which you would succumb as a human being if I did not hold you with Divine Power.

You will continue to suffer a little. The world rejects me. The world has so far rejected the highest good, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is celebrated in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. Of course, this is not true, because the individual bishops alone decide on this extraordinary Mass of sacrifice. They themselves have now taken the scepter into their own hands and are not willing to proclaim the truth and to live, nor to bear witness to it. There is only one rite to follow, and that is the one according to Pius V, which lies in truth. You should all follow this rite after 1570. Only then are you in the full truth. Then I, the Heavenly Father, can send the true spirit down upon you. Then you are in the truth, because that is the guideline by which you are to keep yourselves. Then streams of grace of truth will flow into the world, which cannot be influenced. You, My little ones, hold the Novena of Pentecost, the nine days that are very important, and through it ask for the descent of the Holy Spirit on the feast of Holy Pentecost.

I tell you that I send the Comforter down upon you if you want to continue to fulfill the mission of the world. Only with the Divine Power can you fulfill this. You have remained loyal to me in everything. You have not strayed, despite the fact that you have been followed.

You have proved to Me your love, that you really love Me. You did not say, "Heavenly Father, this is too much what You are asking of us," but on the contrary, "Your will be done and not mine.

You are a group of four, I said so. I am the Heavenly Father after all, who wants to lead you to the top of Calvary, even if it means pain and sickness. I am and remain the leader of your group. Now the end is reached. Then miracles can happen, miracles of love and miracles of grace. You are My beloved ones. You have proven to me the perseverance.

Often it looked like you were overtaxed and didn't know what to do. You, my little one, almost lost your speech yesterday. This was a strong side effect of a drug. Leave out the second drug as well. This will also harm you.

Confess this to the doctor who is accompanying you, because not everyone reacts in the same way. You have a very sensitive body, you have to take into account the many diseases that have preceded it. One serious illness has replaced the other. But you did not complain about it. Sometimes there was a despair and desolation in your heart. You meant that I, the Heavenly Father, left you alone in this hopelessness. But I have strengthened you again. You have not fallen down, not to rise again. No, you got up and said "Yes father", we continue on Calvary to the top of Golgotha. And you will also climb the last steps. Then you will experience miracles, miracles of grace. You may experience and testify to them. Bear witness to Me, the Heavenly Father.

If miracles have happened, do not keep silent about them. Pass on this joy and gratitude to others.

This Catholic faith has been pushed into a corner. He must come forth again as true and only faith. This does not mean that other religions may condemn you. Everyone can also live his faith, but never hurt the other in such a way that one may kill him, that one may terrorize him. This is not true. Actually my beloved ones, the Catholic faith is very easy to recognize, namely by love. It is a belief in love. This love, the love of neighbor up to the love of enemies, proves that this faith corresponds to the truth.

Without My power you cannot recognize many things. The streams of grace from this Holy Mass of Sacrifice on this Sunday go out endlessly, because in the most severe pain you have agreed to let this message be received. If you succeed, you, My beloved little one, will write them. But you can also hire someone else. You are not allowed to sit for long because of your three times herniated disc. You have the desire to write. But if you can't make it, don't be sad that you can't.

I cannot take everything from you, not yet at this moment, because Satan is still walking around like a raging wolf. He will still devour many who do not recognize the true faith, who persecute and despise you, above all in the deceitfulness of the devil. So pay close attention to his cunning. Then, if the lie is preprogrammed and you do not know exactly who you are facing, keep silent at first. People want to say something to you and cannot do it. I keep everything away from you, also the Holy Archangel Michael, the Prince of Angels, will accompany you on this path, the path of truth. He will support you in truth, and he will also stand behind you when you are persecuted and evil is said to be done to you.

Yes, it is clearly written in this gospel. You will be expelled from the synagogues. You will be followed. And then you are right. You have been visibly expelled in this, your parish. You were right there as well. This is how it should be and this is how people should recognize the truth. You have taken upon yourselves everything that is written in the Bible.

Even today, when people say: "We know the Bible", this is not true. It is a lie. Many priests do not know the Bible. Nevertheless they say that they know the Bible, but they do not live by it.

In your messages, which you will put on the Internet, nobody can prove to you that even one word does not correspond to the Bible. Everything is truth, nothing is added that is lying. Moreover, according to the truth, you have taken upon yourselves all persecutions. Separations and severe abuses have been done to you. But still you have not deviated one iota from the truth. And that is important, My beloved ones. You are separated from the other priests. So you cannot be accused of anything in that sense. Nevertheless, the confessional ban is also invalid.

You, My beloved priestly son, can hear the confessions of your little flock in your house church. If I wish so, you will be able to hear confessions elsewhere, but I do not want that at the moment, because you are persecuted enough. You have taken enough upon yourselves. Therefore you will not obey many things that are your right, but be merciful to others, and also show mercy to your enemies.

Up to now you have loved your enemies, even though you have been cast out everywhere, from all communities; you have been separated from all, even from your children. That was painful for you and still is today. I, the Heavenly Father, understand when a mother has to hand over her child, which she has raised, to Me, the Heavenly Father, because I lead these children in truth. Nevertheless I know about your suffering. Your Heavenly Mother also suffers with you. She is not passive, but actively stands behind you and puts her protective arms around you when it seems unbearable for you. Then love takes hold, because love covers many sins. You have followed everything and for that I thank you.

Now, My beloved ones, I will give you the Sunday blessing and unite you in love, the four of you. How many times have I said you are four and you do not believe it. Why do you not believe it? Do you believe that I cannot wipe out in you all that is bearable of sickness and other things? Yes, I can and I want to prove it. That's why I follow my guidelines very specifically. What I tell you, do that and obey that. Then you are my beloved little faithful flock.

I bless you now with the whole host of angels with your dearest Mother in the Trinity in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are loved from eternity and you will still climb these last steps. You will never say no to me. I love you and strengthen you with Divine Power.


