Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 4, 2017

1st day of Pentecost.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On June 4, 2017, we celebrated the first day of Pentecost with a reverent, moving Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, on this special feast day.

While the priest was celebrating the Holy Sacrificial Mass, I could clearly hear a tremendous roar.

I saw a large tongue of fire above this priest, which doubled in size. This flame had a special luminosity.

Afterwards the tongue of fire could be seen above the atonement soul Monika. I also saw a flame waving back and forth above the sick Katharina. I also saw a smaller tongue of fire, and I knew that it was the tongue of fire above Dorothea, who is no longer one of our small flock, but is a follower. There was also a huge area of small flame lights, there could be 50 or more. These meant the tongues of fire of the retinue.

The angels who entered the house church during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice had beautiful faces, they were really heavenly faces, every single angel had a special expression on his face which was illuminated by the light. They then grouped themselves kneeling around the tabernacle. A fire blight had broken out when all the candles lit up, everything was bathed in glistening light.

The Heavenly Father will speak today on the first day of Pentecost: I the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only words that come from Me.

I felt that the Holy Spirit has poured out streams of love. Unfortunately I could not see the tongue of fire above my head. But I felt that now the Holy Spirit was working in me. I have gained insights that I have never been aware of in my whole life. These were situations in which the Heavenly Father wanted to strengthen me. Everything became clearly understandable to me, what I was allowed to experience now. I would have liked to have everything confirmed with a "Yes, that's how it is", because everything is controlled by the sky alone. It will always happen as the Heavenly Father has intended.

So now a great gratitude flowed into my heart. I felt the love of the Holy Spirit deeply. There was much that I had not considered in the past years. I also did not know that these atonement sufferings could become so severe that they are hardly bearable.

The Heavenly Father told me that I obeyed Him in everything. He also told me that He was the King of my soul.

The Heavenly Father says: I direct your thoughts and also activities. It is not you yourself who holds the scepter in your hand, but I Am your King, Lord and Master and your loving Heavenly Father in the Trinity, who has never left you alone.

Have you realized how your Heavenly Father must suffer? I suffer for the many offences of the priests. They are still resisting me today, even though the church is in total self-destruction. Unfortunately there are still no priest's sons willing to make sacrifices.

My priest of this domestic church in Göttingen was formed in My image and purified by Me. I will continue to purify it, otherwise it would not be useful to me. I guide and direct him into the right direction.

For I am a loving father who never leaves his little sheep alone, but follows them lovingly. I am the good shepherd and I feed My sheep on green pastures.

I love you the more if you willingly take up your cross. The heavier your cross appears, the more you are loved. You cannot understand this, for the love of your Heavenly Father is unfathomable. You will tremble at the greatness of the Triune God.

Your trust will grow, but without the Holy Spirit, beloved children, you would not recognize anything. This Holy Spirit has flowed through you today in such a way that you feel it in gratitude in your heart. The love of the Holy Spirit will flow through you so that there is a better life in you than before.

I will embrace you in My arms, you My beloved children of Father and Mary. Often, my beloved ones, it is difficult for me to watch your sufferings because I suffer with you. How I, the Heavenly Father, really suffer, you cannot fathom. It is difficult for me this cross, not to be able to take it off. But with this you prove to me again and again that you really love me. For this love I thank you today, on this first day of Pentecost. I have asked you this Holy Spirit today because you are precious and precious to Me.

I would also like to thank you for the many devotions, rosaries and other prayers, especially from My following, which already counts sixty people.

I love and bless you now, on the first day of Pentecost, with the Holy Spirit in true Pentecostal joy, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you for all the love I have prayed for you in the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, because I am with you all days and dwell in you.


