Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, July 8, 2017


The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V through Her willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The altar of the Virgin Mary was richly decorated with flowers, as well as the altar of sacrifice. The Blessed Mother was dressed all in white today. The rosary in her hands glowed in light blue. The angels moved in and out during Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father, repeating only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers, beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, your dearest Mother, invite you today to enter the sanctuary of My Immaculate Heart. This sanctuary shall be a safe haven for you in the future. That the future will not be rosy, you all know, My beloved ones.

The Catholic Church is now completely destroyed. It has been destroyed by the authorities.

I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, your Mother and Queen of Victory, and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach, take you into My arms. I will comfort you and give you safe protection in this most difficult time. You will not fail, as it looks like right now. No, you will receive protection from me and fulfill the mission of the world in the threesome.

It is still not easy for you to cope with this serious illness of My beloved Katharina. Yes, the wicked is walking, My beloved ones. You can almost not believe how evil he can react. He speaks to you through other people and you are frightened by wickedness. But I give you the safe protection. Believe that the wicked man wants to turn you away, to turn you away from the truth. You are in the full truth. You will not be dissuaded. But the wicked man will try again because he does not want to give up and because you have now entered my safe haven. He wanted to dissuade you from that. And yet you have come in and received my safe protection.

This love that has been poured into you is a sure compensation for evil. My beloved daughter Katharina, has now received the severe dementia. The malignancy will increase. But she will not recognize it.

You, My beloved ones, have nothing else to do but to plead for this home because the Heavenly Father desires it so. So far He has guided you safely to this refuge for My Catherine. That it will not be easy for you, I, as Heavenly Mother, know best. And yet I will still be allowed to lead you. You are not left alone. In all things you will be guided and directed by the Heavenly Father. He alone knows that His most precise plan is being followed, that His wishes are being fulfilled. He will never leave you alone, although sometimes you think you just can't go on. And yet the Heavenly Father knows everything very well, because He alone takes care of your worries and your efforts.

Believe that your trust will continue to grow. Your love for the Triune God will also grow. I, your Heavenly Mother, grant you daily the safe protection and you return again and again to my safe refuge. My Immaculate Heart will triumph, as the Heavenly Father has conceived it. He will not yet make any announcements. What is certain is that his intervention has been taking place for a long time. You can recognize it by the signs of heaven. The many misfortunes that happen and the many wickedness in the world are increasing. This is the intervention, My beloved ones.

Can the Heavenly Father act otherwise than to carry out this intervention? No, he can't. The authorities force him to do it, because they do not believe and trust. This pope continues to use his wickedness to drag the church into the dirt. But I, as Heavenly Mother, will impart to all who believe in Me and trust in Me the love they need to follow the wishes of the Heavenly Father and also to bring them to fulfillment.

I love you all and I definitely think of the day of atonement in Heroldsbach. You will make some atonement and on that day you are still in Göttingen. I wish you a short night of atonement, which you will survive. But right now you still need a lot of sleep to survive the long journey to Bad Mergentheim and Mellatz.

I love you all, My beloved ones. Pay attention to the sure signs of the Heavenly Father.

Never will the children of My beloved Catherine be able to intervene where the Heavenly Father has extended His sure hand.

I wish that you alone, My beloved little Anne, receive this certificate of care and it will open all the doors that the Heavenly Father has foreseen for you.

I bless you now with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You are protected in everything. Think of your circle of light. Amen.


