Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 30, 2017

8th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, July 30, 2017, we celebrated the eighth Sunday after Pentecost with a dignified, Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of Sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were decorated with abundant floral and candle decorations. I was allowed to feel the scent of lilies and roses. The angels grouped themselves around the tabernacle at the sacrificial altar and adored the Blessed Sacrament. Many angels were also gathered around the altar of Mary. They moved in and out.

The Heavenly Father will speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak today, the eighth Sunday after Pentecost, after a Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Also today I will give you some important instructions on your path of life. You are to practice charity. I advise you, if you do not practice the love of God, stay away from the love of neighbor. Without giving glory to Me, the highest Trinitarian God, and without loving Me from the heart, you cannot love the other either.

What does this mean for the non-believers, for the outgoing Catholic believers? They not only pursue untruth, evil, but they live entirely in the world. They practice just that which you, My beloved children who believe, recognize as sin. Everything that is unimportant seems important to them, namely what they experience in the world and how they pursue worldly desires, that is how they live. Please ask yourselves if this is true.

I have created man in My image and likeness. My Son Jesus Christ went to the cross for everyone out of love, out of oversized love. In this love He redeemed all and He still loves all people today. All, without exception, shall be saved. He wants to save them from eternal damnation. May the people fulfill the wishes of the Heavenly Father and follow My Son Jesus Christ. This means that everyone should accept and bear their own cross, in love, patience and perseverance.

You, My beloved earth children, have many faults and weaknesses. Can you therefore claim that you are satisfied with it? No, you have to practice self-education. This does not mean, however, that you will become perfect until the end of your life. No, you will never be without weaknesses. But if you make an effort and recognize these mistakes, you will learn to fight. You will pass this battle. But only if you take faith to help you. Without faith you will succumb to these weaknesses and you also live in untruth. Quite soon you will become addicted to the worldly and will certainly not have the will to follow my wishes.

If you want to be in My discipleship, carry your cross and follow Me, your beloved Jesus Christ. There is no one who is flawless and who goes through life without a cross. One has less and the other has more to carry. I evaluate everyone according to their own tasks.

Every human being is an individual, that is, every person is a personality. I created him for this purpose. He cannot compare himself to the other. Therefore I tell you, do not become men who follow the stream. There you cannot find the divine. It is only to be found where I am worshipped in the Heavenly Father, in the Son and Holy Spirit. You must follow my wishes. Take up your cross therefore. Then I will accompany you and also make your cross bearable. If you live in the world, you will also have to carry your cross. Only this will look different than when you ask Me, the Triune God, for help.

I have given you the Ten Commandments to help you live. Use them. Many people today cannot accept their own lives. They do not accept it as I expect them to. They despise their own cross and throw it from their shoulders. They therefore suffer from diseases of today's civilization.

But if you want to become healthy, you must see that you are healthy in body and soul. The soul and the body must be in harmony. One or the other must not get overweight. This then creates dissatisfaction.

The people who follow the general stream are only satisfied for a while. Then they look for the variety that means the world to them. Happiness on earth consists in creating a balance for soul and body, a harmony, that is, to be satisfied with what you possess. Don't look at the other person as he lives and become jealous when he has more than you.

Be obedient and patient. Deal lovingly with the other person. Never become proud of your own works. Then you will very quickly fall into evil. The other will then never be satisfied with you, for you do not spread harmony but discord.

It is my will that you go patiently and calmly into the day. Without prayer, without sacrifice and without practicing love, your life is meaningless. The success depends on how you arrange your life according to my wishes. Look to Me, the Triune God, in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit.

I have given you all that you need on earth to be able to enter once into the eternal dwellings. I have given you My Son and the Heavenly Mother, who is worth more than your earthly Mother, as a gift. You shall look upon this mother and learn from her virtues. Then you strive for perfection. But this does not mean that you will become perfect on earth, but that you strive for it.

You can never be satisfied with your life if you call everything good. With this you say: "As I am, I can stay the way I am and that's the way it's good. Then you stop and do not strive for the higher that gives meaning to your life. This is not the way to go forward, but you are treading on the spot. Also never look backwards. Look for a fulfilled Christian and Catholic life.

If you bear only those people who are well-disposed towards you, you are wrong and you must change your life-stalk. You must strive to love your enemies and be helpful to each other. Don't say, "I'm fine, and I don't have to care how the other one is." Then you educate yourselves to egoists.

In life always look at your neighbor. "It has to be the other guy's fault and not mine." Otherwise you will not be satisfied. But if you say, "I am well, and if the other person is ill, it is his own fault, for he must take responsibility for his own life. That is not enough to be happy.

Satisfaction arises only when you look at the other, that is, when you direct your attention to the other. Don't take your own worries too seriously, but help the other person.

Now I have given you some instructions for your future life and you can make use of them. I do not want to rebuke you, because I love you very especially, but I want to be helpful to you with the commandment of love, because your Heavenly Father loves you immeasurably.

Thus I bless you in the Trinity with your Heavenly Mother and all angels and saints, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I love you. Strive for the divine and do not stop at the human. This is what I wish from all of you, My beloved children of Father and Mary. Amen.


