Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, August 13, 2017

10th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after a Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, August 13, 2017, we celebrated the 10th Sunday after Pentecost with a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

The heavenly Father says: I, the heavenly Father, will speak today on this day, because this day, the tenth Sunday after Pentecost, a Sunday, has precedence. Otherwise I would have let the Blessed Mother speak today.

The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of the Virgin Mary were richly decorated with flowers. The angels moved in and out. The Blessed Mother was dressed in light blue today. The rosary was also light blue.

The Heavenly Father will now speak: I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you, My beloved children of Father and Mary, through My willing, obedient, and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved little flock, My beloved followers and My beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today, My beloved little flock, you have a great journey ahead of you, the journey to My Father's house in Mellatz. For almost two years you have not been able to visit this place, because the illness of My daughter Katharina did not allow it and was the main reason for your visit. Now you go for a short time to Mellatz. You are very much looking forward to it and I will receive you lovingly. But unfortunately this trip is also connected with melancholy, because my daughter Katharina has been in the home in Vollpriehausen for almost three weeks. There she is well accommodated according to my will, even if you, my little Anne, cannot understand it. She has found her home there and helps other sick people who are even worse off than she is. My little Anne, you are in over your head, because one event has replaced another and you have not been able to process it until today. Have a little more patience, I help you, because you will overcome it, even if you cannot believe it now. You are sad that everything happened differently than you wanted it to. But believe Me, your Heavenly Father has the scepter firmly in His hand. Remember that you will suffer from it for a long time, because it is quite natural. After all, you were together with My Catherine for almost thirty years and it is a certain farewell. When I have experienced a dear person in joy and sorrow and now everything is supposed to be different than before, it must hurt. I thank you for having arranged everything in My Divine Power. You did not give up, even though your human power became too much for you with all the many things you had to do. You kept going, even when your strength was at an end.

You all held together and grew together into a small community of three. It was not easy for you. You have also visited My little Catherine many times. It was hard for you three. I have given rays of hope to my daughter because she still recognizes you. You can still talk to her, even if there are difficulties in this respect. It could be different, My beloved ones. From a human point of view, it would look different, because this disease is progressing in giant strides.

But I, the Heavenly Father, can change everything if it is in My will and desire. I can work miracles, even when it seems impossible for you. I can make the impossible possible. Always remember this, because it must include your hope. Trust deeply and firmly, because it will look different than you can imagine. I can no longer prophesy to you, because you would not be able to cope with it. Have a little more patience and think of my omniscience and omnipotence. Everything will be good in the end because I am your loving Father who means well with you and will solve all difficulties for you. Give yourselves completely into my hands, then you are safe.

And now to my beloved sons of priests and also to the authorities. Unfortunately they have become proud and cultivate their egoism. They do not see that they have to separate from the popular altar and the meal community. They despise me and do not recognize the truth. They do not want to admit to it either, because it could bring disadvantages for them. They do not take the Divine Power to help them. They think they have everything in their own hands and can control it. But they will have to think of another one.

This procedure that I have to start will be hard for her. Why, My beloved ones, because they do not believe and trust. How often have I admonished them that they may finally turn back, and yet they have opposed my will. Yes, they despise Me and think they can settle everything in the meal fellowship. I am not present in these modernist services, for I cannot transform myself in these unworthy priestly hands. When they turn their backs on me, then they address the people and not me, although I longingly long for them. They do not remember My Son, the Son of God in the Trinity. In their service I am disgraced, although the priests do not want to believe it. They should turn to the tabernacle and celebrate a saint's sacrificial meal. My Son makes himself present in the sacrifice of the cross in every valid Holy Mass of sacrifice. Unfortunately, the sons of priests have fallen into pride, for they do not think of giving Me, the Most Holy Trinity, the glory. So Satan has them firmly in his hands and seduces them without them feeling it. If they do not give up pride, they will sink into the eternal abyss, for the devil will influence them. They are no longer powerful to their senses, for their mind is failing. They will not immediately realize what is happening to them. I have long advised them to repent; it has not been fruitful. Now My patience is exhausted, because My sons of priests follow modernism and their conscience no longer beats. They have moved away from Me. They are turned toward the worldly and not toward me, the divinity. They ask the laity to distribute hand communion and do not distribute oral communion themselves, which corresponds to the true faith.

The severe sacrilege must be atoned for and I have appointed many atoning souls who are ready to reconquer these souls to Me through their suffering. But I am very sad and cry relentlessly many tears, as also my mother, who begs at my throne for her repentance. I have let streams of grace flow into the hearts of every single priest, streams of grace of knowledge.

Every single priest has his own mission conceived by Me. The talents he has received as a gift from me. Unfortunately, the priests did not use them. They have followed the general stream and have not considered that they indulge in selfishness. You yourself are important and have pushed yourself into the foreground. It is not I who is important to them. They have already put me on the side, because I am only a symbol for them. They also pass this on to the people for whom they are responsible. They do not pass on the Catholic faith to the faithful. This faith is for them one faith among many, it is no longer the only True Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church in which they have believed. Once, at the eternal judgment, they will have to answer for this, then it will be bitter for them. They have erased this true faith from their lives. In their reality, the modernist faith exists and it has nothing in common with what they once vowed at their ordination. The modernist milling community has become a principle for them and they cannot be dissuaded from this. There is no altar of sacrifice for them, but a grinding table at which they celebrate. In all modernist churches they have got used to it and think they are doing the right thing. None of the priests whom I once chose rebels against it, it is the general current that no one can stop.

Can you now understand, My beloved father children, why I have to intervene, although I do not like to do so. In this last time, My beloved children, you are now. It will be hard for you. I must expose injustice, because everything will come to light. No one will be able to say: "I didn't know that." The birds will whistle it from the roofs. Satan will visibly come out of the tabernacles because he thinks he has the greatest power, which I still allow him. Without my will he is powerless. I must separate the wheat from the chaff. That time has come.

I told everyone: "Stay out of these modernist churches. Stay in your homes and celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast according to the DVD that I had made for you. Many times I have pointed this out and advised you: "Get this DVD, then nothing can happen to you when my time has dawned. You shall experience my protection and celebrate a holy sacrificial meal daily. But you would not listen to my admonitions. Now you have to make do with these modernist churches, because Satan now rules there.

These churches are empty. Everything was removed from them that could still evoke a feeling of holiness. All figures have been removed. The churches have become a meeting place and the priest is the head, nothing more. The former holy altars have been removed. Instead, a white block was placed in the middle, which bears no resemblance to an altar. One holds to it the meal community and nobody can go strengthened from this meal into the everyday life, because the strength of the holy sacrificial meal is missing. Unfortunately, the people are irritated because they are not enlightened by the priests of today. It will fall into error and disbelief without rebelling against it. The general public is addicted to apostasy and does not even notice.

My beloved ones, I have warned everyone and still warn them at the last moment. Remove yourselves immediately from these modernist churches, for you cannot believe what is about to happen there.

The authorities have completely resisted the faith. The chief shepherd, who still cloths the chair, is addicted to error and unbelief. One heresy replaces the other. You cannot imagine how My intervention will take place and how everything will happen in the near future. It will be cruel for many.

Believe and trust and turn to the true sacrificial meal. Then you are protected. Consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your dearest Mother, whom I have given you.

I love you and want to save you. I bless you in the Trinity with all angels and saints and your dearest Mother and Queen of Roses of Heroldsbach, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today the Holy Sacrificial Feast is celebrated in Heroldsbach. Followers take part in it because they believe and trust and include you in prayer. Still there is for you, my beloved little flock, the prohibition of the house ban. Remember that I am above everything and not people. Only I can free you from it, but when and how, let that be the concern of your loving Father. Amen.

Praise and glory be without end, the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, forever and ever Amen.


