Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, September 10, 2017

14th Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, the 14th Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of the Sacrifice and also the altar of the Virgin Mary were bathed in golden glittering light and decorated with abundant floral decorations, especially with roses in different colors. The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass and worshipped the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. What was decisive for me was that I was allowed to see some well-known saints, as well as Saint Padre Kentenich (who embodied the Heavenly Father during his lifetime and was not yet canonized on earth), Saint Padre Pio, Saint Juliane of Liège, Saint Francis, Saint Dominic and other saints I did not know.

Father Kentenich and also Padre Pio both fought for the true Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V and did not want to recognize modernism. They both died after the last Holy Sacrificial Mass in Latin and did not recognize Vatican II.

They were not obeyed, but were forced to celebrate the modernist popular meal. These two saints have achieved nothing on earth. But thus they have an intercessory power in heaven, which we can claim. Thus they have practically become martyrs of the soul. In the same year 1968 and in the month of September both entered eternity. Until today one has not accepted this lived truth, but celebrates modernism and invites to hand communion.

The feast of the Seven Sorrows of Mary marks the anniversary of the death of Father Kentenich and the 23rd of Padre Pio. Let us implore these two saints in heaven to help us and to celebrate the true Holy Sacrificial Mass of Tradition.

Unfortunately, today one does not recognize the creator of the whole world. One disowns and abuses the religious things in the world and unfortunately stands in rejection before the glorious nature, which the heavenly father has given us out of love. The natural events of floods, earthquakes and other catastrophes are not attributed to the supernatural, because one wants to explain them in human terms.

The Great God remains the Creator of all things and He alone holds the world in His Father's hands. In six days He created the world and on the seventh day He rested because He wants to tell us that we should celebrate the seventh day as the Day of the Lord and give glory to the Creator alone. We want to thank Him in a Holy Mass of Sacrifice on Sundays and holidays, so that we may receive strength for everyday life. "Six days we shall work, but on the seventh day we shall rest," says the Scriptures. Unfortunately, people do not follow this today. The commandments of God are there to be obeyed, because the Heavenly Father has given them to us as an aid to life. If people listen to the advice of the Heavenly Father, we could attend a worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass every day. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, left it for us as a testament out of love. Through this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, we could make Sunday the Lord's Day and give Him this day, show Him that we are completely there for Him and leave all work behind. This is the will of the Heavenly Father. Practically on Sunday we get the strength for the coming everyday life, because we can only cope with it if we give the glory to Jesus Christ.

Faith is never a compulsion, but our free decision. Some people interpret the Catholic faith to mean that the faithful must go to church on Sunday. This is not so, because we are allowed to meet the Lord Jesus Christ in His sacrament. This should be a joy. The Holy Mass of Sacrifice is practically a gift from heaven to make our lives more livable and easier.

The Heavenly Father speaks today, this 14th Sunday after Pentecost: I, your Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely at My will and repeats only the words that come from Me today.

Beloved children of the Father, beloved children of Mary, how much I am concerned for your well-being. How much I pay attention to everything that happens around you. There are many things I do not agree with. Many believe in this day and age that they already live the truth and do not need to change.

Where can these people learn the truth today? It is still the duty of every priest today to educate the faithful of their parish. Now what is true faith? Can these believers still understand this today when sin is seen as truth and confirmed by the priests? What does it look like when the chief shepherd lives and testifies to this sin as truth? No, My beloved ones, this must not be spread further. I would like to finally reveal the commandment of love and truth as a triune God. That is why I have appointed many seers who courageously live and spread my words and instructions. But unfortunately today it is generally said: "We do have the Bible, after all, because we do not need to believe in these private revelations.

In the present time, people are no longer enlightened. Young people often slip into a relationship and anticipate marriage. That is why they cannot hold out in marriage. A true marriage, which is to be lasting, must have a preparation time, the engagement time. Will the priest still enlighten today's couples about true marriage and sin? Definitely not. Adjusting to each other is foreign to the young people. They do not recognize that everyone has faults and weaknesses and these weaknesses must accept now times the partner, which is not simple. One must not put oneself in the foreground and see only one's own wishes fulfilled. One must adjust to the other in marriage. Then, My beloved ones, when differences of opinion collide, everyone must be ready to compromise. If you do not do this, the marriage is doomed to fail. Then great injuries arise in the soul. How do you deal with these injuries?

In the order it would be to make a valid Holy Confession and describe the whole situation to a priest. But can you still find a priest today who will listen to you and understand your concerns? No, it is not to be found today, because today's priests have no time. Where are you going now, My beloved ones? You go to a psychiatrist. Can he help you? No, unfortunately he can't. He will show you the wrong way to strengthen your assertiveness. You are advised to enter the next relationship so that you are not left alone. And this relationship fails because you have not recognized your mistakes. This next relationship is a grave sin before Me, the Most High God in the Trinity. You must now consider: "Why did this marriage fail? What was the reason for its failure? Did I make the mistake or the other one? What have I done wrong? When two people separate, it is never the fault of one alone. Have we asked enough forgiveness? Did we give up right away and not confess our problems to the Heavenly Father in a confession? Did we ask the Blessed Mother for help or did we ask St. Joseph, who is in charge of the families? Have we shown enough love and understanding to the other person? Have we lived in premarital relationships?" Actually, you then anticipated marriage. Only one partner in marriage is allowed to perform this act of love. You should not put sexuality in the first place. Marriage is a communal act of love and from this love children are born. So it shall be according to my will and desire. I, as third in the league, have my share in this love. If then a child should be conceived, then I have breathed the breath of life into this expectant child. I decide about this new life and never the person whether the child may live. What about the parents of this child? You have to accept it as it is, whether it is disabled or not. Perhaps you did not expect this child at this time? Do you then have the right to kill it, as it is happening today? No! Do you have the right to determine when this child may be born? No. I, the creator over life and death, decide over life, I alone. Please do not forget this, My beloved believers.

Today, unfortunately, it looks different. Today, research has progressed so far that people think they are the ruler of life. Research has already been done that you can manipulate children the way you want them to be. One does not accept the children from My hand. How does it continue then? How to educate the children? They are given to a day care center. You want to work as a woman. You want to earn money. Is that right? No. If the man earns too little, My beloved ones, you can earn something in your free time. In the first place is the upbringing of children in the true faith, love and morality that they are raised in love and not given into other hands. You have the responsibility to educate them religiously. Are you doing that today? No. Everything is too much for you. Television, the Internet, cell phones and computer games used as children's toys. Everything is possible today. Are these possibilities also allowed for you, dear parents? Aren't you making mistakes as parents? Don't you have to confess and confess them because you have not taken responsibility for your children? Please consider that you have listened to these priests who have led you astray.

Consider, beloved priests, who have consecrated yourselves to Me, have you fulfilled your responsibility towards the faithful? Can you practically do whatever you want? Can you change the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which My Son Jesus Christ instituted, according to your liking? Can you amend the canonized high prayers of the Holy Mass? You have done it. So how do you want to get on the right track? Vatican II, I have often said, is ineffective. You can't use these possibilities you have. You have a holy sacrificial banquet to celebrate in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V and nothing else. You must not change anything. Only when you celebrate the Holy Mass of Sacrifice in a worthy manner will you be protected from evil and modernism. Only then you recognize the truth and can also bear witness to it. You are there to pass on the faith, to administer the sacraments worthily and not to change anything, but to give yourselves completely to My Son Jesus Christ in the Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

In the consecration a fusion takes place, that is, you, My beloved sons of priests, become one with My Son Jesus Christ. You have put on the chasuble of the Holy Mass of Sacrifice. The moment this merging happens and you become one, a transformation happens within you. In this moment it is no longer you who live, but Christ lives in you. He lives entirely in your heart. This being one remains a secret for everyone. Therefore you must keep this secret. You cannot speak these words of transformation to the people.

How should this transformation take place when you do not address My Son Jesus Christ, but even turn your back on Him at this important moment? If you have already taken off the priestly clothes for years, how do you want to embody Him? Even if you are not prepared to wear the chasuble? You do not want to wear individual parts that belong to the chasuble. If you change everything that belongs to the Holy Mass of Sacrifice and which is a relief for you, you cannot serve Me in the Trinity. You want to conform yourselves to the people, but not to your loving Savior who is waiting for you. This love, My beloved sons of priests, I demand from you in the future so that there may be holy priests again. I want to revive My Holy Catholic Church. People should feel: "What actually belongs to the Catholic faith and what does sin contain? How do I live my Catholic faith? Have I already made him one with the other religions through ecumenism? I have already said, it is all one, whether I am Protestant or Catholic, I must recognize the other religions. There is something catholic in every faith. So I see it in terms of globality. This is modern and contemporary today". No, My beloved ones, there is only one true, Catholic and Apostolic faith. My Son Jesus Christ has appointed him for all times. The priesthood is an ordained ministry, a sacrament that is indissoluble and unchangeable. The sons of priests therefore have consecrated hands. These cannot be replaced by laymen, as is the case today. Therefore I urge you, beloved sons of priests, to return to the truth. Why must My longing for you continue to grow? Why do I shed tears of love for you? You do not listen to my words and my instructions, which I again give to you out of love. I do not force you to live and testify to the true faith. I desire from you that you finally repent and your souls be united with Me.

Your Heavenly Father says this to you with great love.

You are facing the great intervention, which unfortunately must take place because men do not listen to my words but remain in indifference. They do not live according to the truth, but build their own faith according to their own ideas, which they can change at will.

I bless you now with all the angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love, for it is eternal.


