Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, December 2, 2017


The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V through Her willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, December 2, 2017, we celebrated the Cenacle of Our Lady in our home church in Göttingen. We had a dignified Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V.

The altar of Mary was decorated with lilies and roses. I felt the scents of lilies and roses. The altar of sacrifice as well as the altar of Mary were surrounded by countless angels. They paid homage to the Blessed Mother on her feast of the Cenacle.

Our Lady will speak today: I, your dearest Mother, your Queen of Heaven, speak through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I love you especially because you celebrate the Cenacle on the first Saturday of every month after Sacred Heart Friday.

My beloved believers, My beloved little flock. You are in the greatest battle of the end times. The Heavenly Father has told Me that He must intervene quite soon. Even before this happens, My beloved ones, some priests will be able to repent because you will give My beloved Son the comfort of atonement, sacrifice and prayer.

You are there for Him, and surrender yourselves to Him to fulfill His will completely. You are indeed sinful people, for sin is not far from you. You respect the sacraments. Unfortunately, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is no longer celebrated in a dignified manner today, because the modernist meal fellowship is a priority. I, your dearest mother, weep bitter tears for My chosen sons of priests as they make themselves available to modernism. The popular altars have not yet removed them. They hold the grinding community at the grinding tables. This hurts My Son Jesus Christ to the utmost. He suffered for his priest sons and today he wants to have worthy saint priests at the altar of sacrifice. But unfortunately these do not obey him. They commit the most serious sins and, in addition, they go to the altar with these sins.

Can My Son Jesus Christ still be transformed in these priest sons? A clear No says My Son Jesus Christ. My Son Jesus Christ cannot be transformed in these priestly hands. This is not possible, you can see that, because sin blocks them from the love of Jesus Christ.

First of all a penitent confession is necessary. Unfortunately the sons of priests do not realize that they are in grave sin. Therefore they will not say yes to the Holy Sacrament of Confession. They will continue to celebrate the meal celebration at the altar. But a transformation is not possible. My beloved ones then you ask yourselves, where else can we receive a Holy Sacrificial Feast from a worthy priest?

I have given you, My beloved ones, a DVD. You can purchase them. According to this DVD, you will have a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice every day, including Sundays. I give you this possibility at the moment.

I, your dearest mother, regret it very much, because I have wanted to take My chosen sons of priests by the hand to lead them. But they have opposed My Son Jesus Christ with a no. This has deeply hurt my soul.

I weep bitter tears with My beloved Son Jesus Christ for these chosen ones. If they do not repent, they will fall into the eternal abyss. It is bitter for My Son to watch as one priest after another falls away and continues to refuse the Holy Sacrificial Meal. Although some will turn back, it will still take some time.

My Son Jesus Christ will work miracles, He Himself has said that this will still be necessary before the great intervention of the Heavenly Father will take place. Then, my beloved sons of priests, it is too late for you to declare yourselves ready for repentance only then. Unfortunately My Son Jesus Christ cannot hear you then. He will say, "Get away from me, I don't know you."

In due time you have not obeyed Me, the Son of God. Do you want this, My beloved sons of priests, or do you still want to turn back in this last time of struggle?

Will you not recognize that the Holy Sacrificial Feast is the holiest? My Son Jesus Christ gave it to you as a legacy before His sacrifice on the cross. Satan is walking around and can seduce you in every situation.

It must therefore not be changed in any way, because this is a sacrilege that is carried out today in the modernist church. Today one pays attention to the Second Vatican Council, which was only a pastoral one.

I love you, My beloved and chosen ones. Turn back and convert in the last time. I love you and want to lead you back to My Son Jesus Christ.

Your dearest Mother, in this time of tribulation, with all the angels and saints, in the Trinity, blesses you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be ready, for the time of My intervention is at hand. Believe and trust and give yourself to your dearest Lord Jesus Christ, your Savior.


