Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Night of Atonement.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V through Her willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Lady will now speak: Today, in the night of December 12, 2017, you have atoned Me for the transgressions of the sons of the priests, My beloved children of Mary, for today you, My beloved followers, dwell and atone in Heroldsbach.

You, My beloved little flock, have celebrated today a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were richly decorated with many beautiful flowers. The angels moved in and out during the Holy Sacrificial Mass. They adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle.

I, your Heavenly Mother, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the Will of the Heavenly Father, repeating only the words that come from Me.

You, My beloved children of Mary, have persevered in this serious crisis of the Church. You have taken your cross upon yourselves. You have not despaired and have not desponded. The Father in heaven looks at your cross, which He has measured by depth, height, width and length. He alone knows what He can ask of you. In the cross is salvation. Often you, My beloved ones, do not understand your Heavenly Father.

If a heavy cross hits you, you want to throw it off, because it seems too heavy to you. You want to pass it on to the other and insult the other. This puts you in additional trouble.

But your Heavenly Father can see into your heart and knows your need. Only He alone can stand by you and help you. But you seek help from those who give you wrong advice. Thus you first go other ways, which are not in my will, but are erring ways.

On this Holy Night of Atonement you have received many graces as gifts.

My beloved faithful in Heroldsbach will also receive these graces. They are pleased that they are allowed to make atonement there. They go to this place of pilgrimage, like every 12th of a month, to pray and atone. They pray for their benefactors, but also for their pursuers and enemies. The most effective prayer is that for your enemies, because they need it, because they have no one to truly atone for them. They stand on the edge of the abyss and do not know whether they will be saved.

When you pray for your enemies, you take away their power to continue to sin and persecute you.

I hear your prayer and bring it to the Heavenly Father. I know your need and also your will to persevere. I know your heart and can look into it. The Heavenly Father knows your wounds and wants to heal them. He wants to receive your love and comfort through your atonement.

Tomorrow My retinue will go to the Mulde in Heroldsbach. There will be many pilgrims there. They thank for this grace. They have said a free 'yes, Father' to Me and have taken all the trouble. They say to me, "Dear Father, even if I understand nothing, I will still do Your will, for I know that nothing else and better can happen to me than to obey You. He alone knows about my difficulties and He alone can be my help".

Many people talk to other people or go to a psychiatrist who certainly cannot advise them. A valid, dignified and holy confession alone would help them and bring relief.

My beloved ones, go to the Father, to your Heavenly Father, He is waiting for you eagerly and confesses your guilt before Him. Then He can forgive you and you will be set free. He can relieve your distress, quite differently than you think. In due time He will hear you. Have a little more patience and put your own wishes aside. If you pay attention to His wishes, nothing will happen to you. He alone will order everything according to his plan, even if it does not correspond to your wishes.

Say often to your sorrow, "Yes, Father, it is in your plan and I will follow you. You thought it up as it happens. I accept your wishes and I am grateful that you guide me according to your love plan. I can't see through anything and yet I know that you only want the best for me, I rely on you completely. I do not want to rebel, but to accept everything as you add it. Even if it seems too hard, I know about Your love, which can only mean well with me. Even though I cannot fathom anything, I know, dear Father, that You are there and You hold me in Your arms. I myself cannot measure my cross, You have chosen it in Your wise calculations. Only you, dearest Father, know about my cross and you will never ask too much of me not to be able to carry it. You will ask the Heavenly Mother to walk by my side so that I will not give up."

I, your dearest Mother, do not leave you alone, especially when a cross hits you.

A Heavenly Mother always suffers for her children of Mary when a cross is dedicated to them. I have shed some tears for you.

Even today I weep many tears for the sons of priests who are standing at the abyss and do not know that they have fallen into the lie and are in delusion. They live in the world and enjoy their pleasures. And yet everything is only sound and smoke, what they experience there. Eternal bliss is what they should strive for. Some gamble away eternal bliss and live only today in the world. The worldly seems so important to them and they forget the divine. Mammon has become so important to them.

My beloved children, everything in the world is transitory. But the eternal in heaven is eternal. You will be allowed to see the glory of the Triune God for eternity.

Confess your guilt on earth again and again in a worthy holy confession.

If you go to the Father's Heart and confess your guilt before Him, He will gladly forgive you and you will be in the sanctifying grace.

But look also at the burden and guilt of your enemies. They have a special need to receive your atonement so that their burden of sin may be lifted from them. You can contribute to this.

They then realize that the Heavenly Father is waiting for them, because He looks at them, because He loves them in every moment. They are valuable to Him. He wants to draw them to His altar of sacrifice. He wants to receive a true sacrifice from them and never wants a priest to celebrate a meal at the popular altar.

If only some priests would finally realize what pain the Heavenly Father must suffer for them when the priests offer him a spectacle at the grinding tables. They crucify him again and despise him. With this they are in error and disbelief. Never will a priest at the people's altar be able to bring joy to the heavenly Father, even if he pretends piety to Him.

The Heavenly Father wants to repeat the sacrifice of the Cross of His Son at the altar of sacrifice. Only then is it His sanctified priest, to whom the Heavenly Father looks with joy and gratitude.

My beloved ones, continue to pray for the apostate priests, that they may convert at the last moment and not fall into the eternal abyss. I, your dearest mother, am suffering for every single priest and I ask him to finally repent. It is up to his own will. If he fights this self-will, he will be able to turn back and fulfill the will of the Heavenly Father.

I bless you now in this night of atonement with all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love and often visit the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. Jesus Christ is waiting eagerly for you and for your love in return. He loves you infinitely and boundlessly.


