Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, December 26, 2017

2nd Christmas Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, on the second day of Christmas, December 26, 2017, we celebrated in a festive manner a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

The floral decoration was abundant like yesterday. During the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, the calyxes of the amaryllis leaned towards the tabernacle at the altar of Sacrifice and towards the Child Jesus and the Mother of God at the altar of Mary. They were already in full bloom because they had opened themselves to the joys of Christmas.

Today, on the second day of Christmas we celebrate the feast of the Holy Martyr Stephanus which has its fixed day immediately after the first day of Christmas. The angels moved in and out, hovered over the altar of Mary and held the banner with the 'Gloria in excelsis Deo' in their hands. Today nine choirs of angels sang additionally. Yesterday they sang softly so as not to wake up the baby Jesus, today they sang much louder in different pitches and festive singing.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today, on the second day of Christmas: I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is wholly in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today, on the second day of Christmas, I will again give you some special instructions for your path of life. These instructions are important for the coming difficult time.

Just as St. Stephen had to endure his stoning, his suffering, one day after the first day of Christmas, so you, My beloved ones, also experience your difficulties one day after the joyful message of the first day of Christmas, because the illness of My daughter Catherine is progressing, as you have noticed.

It is My desire that she be accompanied by you, My beloved ones, on her last journey. Therefore have no fear, because I will guide you and keep all evil away from you. You will feel it that I, the Heavenly Father, will direct and guide everything. But you are to become active yourselves. That is what I want from you.

Yesterday and today you received many graces through the rays of grace from the Child Jesus in the manger. These gifts will give you much strength. The power that works within you is the Divine Power. Don't worry about the many events, everything is regulated by miraculous coincidences. You will not be overstrained.

I, the Heavenly Father and your Heavenly Mother will guide and guide you as before. But without suffering you will not experience the next days. Suffering, My beloved ones, strengthens you and makes you more secure. You cannot imagine that your suffering does not make you weaker, but that it can provide additional security. But this is how it will really be. In suffering you will recognize my love.

Did not My Son bear the heaviest cross for you? Did He not have to experience everything to be crucified for all of you, to redeem you? So you too, my beloved ones, are to accept your cross, as the present day Holy Martyr Stephen did.

My beloved ones, the Jews of that time have already not acknowledged My prophets. On the contrary they killed them between the altar and the temple.

You would also be killed today if I did not hold my hand over you. But you will be persecuted.

Pray for these enemies, your persecutors, and do not maintain contact with them, for the wicked man will lie and deceive you with his cunning. You will often not even feel when he uses his cunning. Therefore be vigilant. The cunning of the evil one will be so powerful that he will twist everything and you will not know the truth. Only through My divine providence will you be able to fulfill My wishes. Do not be afraid, but believe. If you believe and trust, nothing will happen to you, for you are in Divine care.

Look again and again at Saint Stephen, how he could bear everything, only with his deep faith. He prayed for his enemies with the words: "Lord Jesus receive my Spirit" and for his enemies he pleaded: "Lord do not count this sin against them. He was stoned for his faith and surrounded by many enemies.

You too are prophets and surrounded by your persecutors. They hate you because you live the truth and bear witness to it. You call this truth into the world. Today there are hardly any men left who want to testify to my truth because one does not want to take the persecutions upon oneself.

But I tell you to follow Me and take up your cross, because it serves your salvation, here on earth already. Love me in your cross, because I show you the true way and give me the gratitude of your cross.

On the second day of Christmas I bless you in love, gratitude and faithfulness with all the angels and saints, especially with the dear Jesus in the manger and your Heavenly Mother and Queen, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Follow Me and pray for your enemies, because they do not know what they are doing. Amen.


