Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, January 13, 2018

Saturday, Fatima and Pink Mysticism Day.

Our Lady speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, January 13, 2018, we celebrated the feast of Rosa-Mystica and Fatima-T. We had a dignified Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine rite according to Pius V. The floral decoration was again abundant on the altar of Sacrifice and also on the altar of Mary. The angels, but also the archangels moved in and out. Today I also saw the Magi worshipping the Child Jesus in the manger.

Our Lady will speak today: .

I, your dearest Mother, Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and Mother and Queen of Victory, speak today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the will of the Heavenly Father and repeats only the words that come from Me.

I, your dearest mother, give you instructions for your future life. You will not be enlightened in this day and age. Neither in the economy, in politics nor in the church is the truth to be found. Whoever publicly admits the truth today will have to give up his profession in the foreseeable future. He is marginalized, despised, even ridiculed.

You recognize the only truth only in faith. But if you do not pay attention to things concerning faith, you go astray and go astray. If you move back and forth like a little flag, that is, if you swim along in the great stream of the generality, you will never know the whole truth. If you recognize and live only half the truth, confusion is great and you are not protected from delusion. You will do things that do not correspond to the truth. .

If you want to live according to the truth, follow the Ten Commandments; Also, the true Tridentine Mass of Sacrifice shall be for you a turning to the true faith.  You can also receive this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which is valid every day, from the DVD. (Order from Fr. Winter, Kiesseestr. 51 b, 37083 Göttingen, phone no. 0551 305 44 80) .

I, the Heavenly Mother, give many special instructions to My little daughter Anne, who has to endure great persecutions. By the sacrifices and prayers you can recognize today's true prophets; there are also true mystics among My chosen ones. They will be rejected, and their honor will be taken away from them; but they take these persecutions and abuses upon themselves for heaven's sake; if you follow these My prophecies completely, you are in full knowledge. .

However, many believers reject these truths. Why are so many people against My intensive messages and especially against the messages of the Heavenly Father and reject them without informing themselves first? One must be able to make great sacrifices. One must learn to do without many things that are offered in the world. One must bow completely to the will and desire of the Heavenly Father.

But this also means that you are to separate yourselves from men who do not correspond to the truth. Among them can also be your children and also grandchildren. .

The Heavenly Father has prophesied this several times and also warned you. But you, my beloved ones, do not take this seriously. .

If your children do not correspond to the full truth, they can drag you into untruth and unbelief. Although you were convinced of the truth before, you can still become fickle and cannot resist the temptations. Be vigilant, for you are thus prevented from living the true faith. If they turn around, you can always reestablish contact. But as long as they reject this true faith, the danger is not banished. It harms you, my beloved ones, because I, your dearest mother, want to continue to guide you. I will direct you to the Heavenly Father. Your Heavenly Father knows about all your troubles. He alone can arrange everything, not you, My beloved ones. Often you are helpless and do not recognize the cunning of Satan. Often you have contact with people where you do not realize that the evil one wants to seduce you. Remember that in this last time Satan is so cunning that you do not notice when the events have already occurred.

Look at the authorities, look at this heretical pope, look at the cardinals and bishops, Are they true? Definitely not.

Do you recognize the truth in your children? Do they live the truth? Or do they go other ways, ways of sin? Do they live in partnerships, in premarital relationships? Do they have sexual relations? Do they want to have fun and not make a decision regarding marriage? Do they really want to receive the sacrament of marriage or are they unsure of their partnership? Do they perceive the sacraments that My Son Jesus Christ offers them as help? Do you go to the Holy Sacrament of Penance regularly? Do you go to Holy Communion worthily? Do they still receive hand communion standing up? You should ask yourself and the children all these questions. If this is not true, separate yourselves from your children, for they keep you from the true faith.

My beloved followers, I, your Heavenly Mother, want to draw you more and more to My Immaculate Heart. I can do this only when you accept the true realizations, live them and bear witness to them. Confess that the will of the Heavenly Father is most important to you. The will of the Heavenly Father is above the will of your children. This is how it should be.

I love you, My children, and I want to press you constantly to My Immaculate Heart to transmit this love to you. I want to lead you to the manger, to the Divine Child, so that you may receive graces during this Christmas season, which lasts until February 2. They are special graces. Draw in this time and the time that is still given to you. Sing lullabies to the baby Jesus, which he loves to hear and thereby delights him. In these unbelieving times of today, few people fetch these graces from the manger of My child of God. They do not know how to show their feelings openly, yes, they are ashamed of their faith.

It is also a fast moving time, in which people cannot spare time for faith. All other things are important, because faith takes the last place, it has become secondary. Nobody talks about it anymore, because one could be disregarded and avoided.

But when the hardships and worries become great, one reaches for prayer, but secretly, so that the other person does not notice.

My beloved children, take the rosary often. He is the ladder to heaven. In this way you can be freed from your worries, because you are connecting with the supernature.

In this last time, before the intervention of the Heavenly Father, you experience so many things that turn you away from faith. The daily things are overwhelming you that you cannot spare time for prayer. Therefore I advise you to take up the thrust prayers, for they can be a help. Then you connect with the Heavenly Father, who stands by you in every situation. Let the sky guide you and you will be on the best and safest way. You cannot accomplish everything you wish for yourself. Therefore let yourselves be guided from heaven. Often it is the injustice that has been done to you that oppresses you. You do not recognize the truth.

I, your Heavenly Mother, want to help you in your worries and needs and do not leave you alone. I love you and you shall draw from this love. I bring you daily to Heavenly Father and tell Him all your troubles.

Today, on this day, you have connected with the Muldans in Heroldsbach. They atoned and prayed last night and you joined them in your home church, since your ban is still in effect. You have all made many sacrifices. Today this group went into the hollow. There they celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V according to the DVD. They have received great graces and pass them on to acquaintances in need of grace and help when the pilgrims return to their homes. These streams of grace are very important.

I bless you in the love of the Heavenly Father and the Trinity with all the angels and saints, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love and worship the baby Jesus in the manger...


