Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Friday, February 2, 2018

Mary's light measurement, Friday.

The Blessed Mother speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

First of all, the candle consecration was performed by a holy priest for all who joined us. All candles from near and far have thus been validly consecrated.

Today, February 2, 2018, we celebrated a worthy Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The Blessed Mother was bathed in a radiant golden light. Her clothes were all in white. Her coat was decorated with little golden stars. The baby Jesus was bathed in a radiant golden light. The nativity scene was surrounded by many angels and was in a radiant glow. Everywhere a heavenly light was to be seen. The angels moved around the manger and worshipped the baby Jesus. They surrounded the tabernacle to adore the Blessed Sacrament.

Today, on February 2, the Christmas season ends You, My beloved children, had illuminated your home until todayfor the light in the world has gone out Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came into the world as light for men He brings us the light of faith that was radiated .

The dear Child Jesus has no possibility to let His light shine into the hearts of men. No dwelling was granted him, for his own did not receive him.

The love of God is closed to men, because the lack of faith is spreading with giant steps. Whoever today carries the truth of knowledge into the world is mocked and hated by all. Jesus, the Son of God, has no place in this confused world. No one has the possibility of knowing the truth anymore.

Now Our Lady speaks: .

I, your dearest Mother, the Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach, speak today, February 2nd, on My Feast Day, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in the Will of the Heavenly Father and repeats the words that come from Me today.

Beloved little flock, beloved children of Mary and beloved children of the Father, I speak to you and bring you the light of the world  I wish that many people let this light shine in their hearts. They are to become the light of the whole world that illuminates the darkness. I, as Heavenly Mother, am the light of purity for the confused humanity, which no longer finds its way. Your light, my beloved children of Mary, is to become the firebrand of love. If you carry this light out into the world, you must reckon with contempt and mockery. They will not want to hear you, for you have become the cornerstone. No one will want to listen to you. You fall on deaf ears. .

I, your dearest mother, will accompany you on this journey, because you should not feel alone. You will not succumb to the mockery and cunning of the devil.

Of course the evil one will want to attack you and he will also try to confuse you. He wants to confuse and possess your hearts. He will not rest until the end. He always tries to intervene in your peace. He wants you to give up the fight for the truth. That is his goal. But in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

Hold on, My beloved ones, and never stop. I accompany you on all days of your life because you are surrounded by my motherly love. Keep fighting for this one truth and let your light shine. There are many things you cannot understand and you will not be able to explain them.

Very soon the New Church will shine in the glory of glory. Hang on, a little while longer, then the light will break through the darkness .

This small inconspicuous place Mellatz will be something really big. There the Heavenly Father has built His house, which He will never let be destroyed. .

One tries, from all sides, to seize my possessions, for one wants to possess the most valuable. Everyone senses that there is something special here. The wicked man is out to grasp it with his claws. .

You, My children, are protected in this house. It will never happen that this house can be taken away from you. Your angels guard you always and are visible to you, My little one, above this house.

From there I will let the light of the true church shine. It will be unbelievable that you have acquired this important possession as Heavenly possession . You will be envied for it. You too, my beloved ones, will not understand how I will work there in my omnipotence and omnipotence .

There will be rejoicing among many people because the miracles I will work through you are inexplicable to all.

I, as Heavenly Mother, will be among you and guide you with the angels. No one can penetrate your heart and snatch the ardent love of truth from you.

They will continue to despise you and will make you out to be crackpots and phantoms, because nothing can be fathomed. Love will guide you. Accept this mockery and sacrifice everything. You are my beloved ones, and the supernature will show you the way. .

Never stop fighting. The last fight has begun and in this fight I am in the midst of you, your dearest mother. You will feel that.

How should I ever leave my children? Have I not prophesied to you that I will achieve victory with My children of Mary? So it will be done, My beloved ones, I will save you under My cloak. Then, when it seems too difficult for you, I will be with you so that you do not give up and hold out until the last day. Even if it costs your life, never give up and fight for the truth.

Have I not promised you victory? It is the very last time.I warn all those who have not yet turned back to turn back, because the last time has begun. Never give up, My beloved ones, this is important. Fight the fight of your life here on earth. In heaven you will win the crown of victory. In the eternal glory you will be rewarded.

I love you and bless you, as Mother and Queen of Victory and as Rose Queen of Heroldsbach with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bring the light of truth to all, for the love of the Triune God is boundless and unfathomable.


