Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, March 11, 2018

Fourth Sunday of Lent and Laetare Sunday.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you My beloved children today on the fourth Sunday of Lent, the Sunday of joy.

The altar of sacrifice and also the altar of Mary were festively decorated today. Today is the Sunday of Joy, on which you are to gather strength for the coming time, for the last days of Lent. I say to you, "Rejoice, rejoice, for the Lord is near. Therefore the angels wore festive robes. These white dresses were trimmed with golden braids at the hem and neck and they were additionally decorated with small golden stars. The angels also wore golden wreaths. They moved in and out during the Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

The Heavenly Father will speak to us today on Joy Sunday: .

I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on Joy Sunday through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today on this Sunday of joy, because I want to sink these joys deep into your hearts. You are to gather strength again on this day, strength for the next and last time, because you are in the end times.

What does this coming time mean for you? You will fight the last and important battle. Do not become tired to use your last human power, because I am with you all days. You are not alone. This fight also means victory.

You, My beloved little one, will receive special Divine powers and you My beloved remaining little flock will support them; Everything will be done according to My will and desire You need time and patience now. Judicial matters need long waiting periods. Even if you are at the end of your human strength and do not understand many things because it is and was in my wise foresight. It will happen differently than you imagine. .

Have you, My little one, helped that you are now the housekeeper of My beloved priest's son in Göttingen? Have you been able to participate in this or was it My wise foresight? You can answer this question for yourself. .

I, the Heavenly Father, order everything, because you, My little one, have given Me, the Heavenly Father, your will. Therefore I use you as My cue ball. You are thrown here and there and you will not understand it. You will not understand this next matter either, how I will settle it. But believe that your Heavenly Father will arrange everything according to the best conditions, although you will not understand it. Do not ask, my little one, because I will not be able to answer you. Your intellect will not be sufficient for My orders, for your loving Father in heaven is the all-knowing and all-embracing. It always remains a secret, for the Heavenly Father holds ready only the best for all of us.

I thank you for your sacrifices over the many years and your serious diseases of atonement.

The ninth book has already been printed and you can buy it in all libraries and at the Druckerei Mainz. In this book every believer and seeker gets an answer to the respective problems, because they are solved. Every believing person will learn to accept everything more easily and gratefully. The courage and also the hopelessness will disappear. Acquire this precious pearl in your hearts and let heaven speak. He will teach you not to give up. Where the human possibilities are exhausted, the effectiveness of the possibilities of the Heavenly Father only begins. Remember that these My Messages go out into the whole world and have been doing so for thirteen years. Everything corresponds to my full truth. Nothing is from My little Anne, everything is from Me, your beloved Heavenly Father. He continues to be the handlebar and leader of the whole world. He holds the scepter in His safe hand.

There is only one True Catholic and Apostolic Church, instituted by My Son Jesus Christ in the Trinity This Church as it is now presented lies in complete confusion, chaos and misbelief. Modernism must come to an end, for it has led many people away from true faith and has caused disaster in this world. Some people are searching for true happiness and will not find it. Today's priests in modernism no longer enlighten the faithful in the truth because they themselves have fallen into delusional belief. They celebrate a popular mass at the grinding table and go home empty without receiving the divine power and strength from a sacrificial mass.

My beloved ones, stay away from this modernistic meal community. You will not be able to draw divine strength from it. Modernism also means standing and lay communion and also the meal fellowship at the popular altar. That cannot at all correspond to the truth. There is no sacrificial mass there, for these priests are not sacrificial priests. .

I wish quite soon that My beloved priest's son Rudi will save Göttingen through this Holy Sacrificial Mass. It is My wish and will that the true Holy Mass of Sacrifice be present in the city of Göttingen. I will be with him when he obtains the permission in his parish church. As you know, the permission of Pope Benedict XVI is permitted in all Catholic churches by all priests.

Believe and trust, because the Divine Power comes only from Me, the Heavenly Father. I will continue to guide and direct you. Especially tomorrow you will need my help. Through the Requiem you bid farewell to My little daughter Catherine, who is already with Me in heaven. This Requiem is celebrated in a dignified manner in the Tridentine rite. It was My will from the beginning. The priests of today no longer respect My will. They live according to their comfort and see their financial security.

Many guests will bid farewell to My beloved Katharina tomorrow. You will meet them with your understanding and love. Everything will happen according to my plan and desire. Remember that this day is also the Day of Atonement of Heroldsbach and many will renounce this Day of Atonement because of little Katharina. This is a special gift from Heaven, My beloved believers. Even if you take up the attorney matter, it will be according to My plan. Believe and trust and do not develop fears because I am with you and never leave you alone. Rely more on the Divine powers, then your worries will pass. Your Heavenly Father will settle everything in love and truth. He is the way, the truth and the life. Trust in His love.

My beloved daughter Katharina, who was buried in Quakenbrück on February 23rd, will be returned to Me in the near future according to My will and will be reburied. You will achieve everything through the lawyer and the coming court order. The will of the deceased is recorded in the will of 28.11.2008 and this wish and will will will have to be considered. Everything will be regulated by Me, the Heavenly Father. Therefore, My beloved ones, do not worry about the future and the judicial matter. It is My business, do not develop special fears that will worry you. Have I, the Heavenly Father, not so far always guided you in the right paths?

My beloved Katharina is with me in heaven and she is doing very well She will intercede for you when you call upon her. You shall not fail in human strength. The evil one will continue to attack you. People will persecute and despise you. They will take away your honor. I ask you from my heart to accept the humiliations with gratitude. They are worth gold. .

I have demanded the utmost from my little Katharina. Her life was a single sacrificial life. The whole matter of her severe intestinal and dementia disease will be written in a book that will be printed quite soon. You who believe can buy it privately. It will help you to accept diseases from God's hand and still not despair. .

Thus I bless you with all the angels and saints and with your mother and queen of victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love and faithfulness will be decisive for your future. Believe and trust, then nothing will happen to you.


