Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wednesday. Feast of St. Athanasius.

The Heavenly Father speaks into the computer at 18.30


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen,

The Heavenly Father now speaks: .

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and only repeats the words that come from Me into the computer.

Beloved little daughter, beloved little flock, I your Heavenly Father, am still in the evening giving some very important information to My faithful who are willing to turn back in this last difficult time to fully comply with My desire and will.

I am very much in a hurry My beloved ones, because the time of My coming is not only at the door, but I the Heavenly Father see a great multitude descending into the eternal abyss. This is so unspeakably bitter for me that my tears cannot be stopped. My and your Heavenly Mother also weep bitterly, even visible in many places in Italy. My beloved ones, Italy and above all My Rome is in the greatest danger. One does not want to comply with my wishes, since one makes one's own gods one's own.

The apostasy of faithlessness is so far advanced that you, My beloved ones, cannot grasp it. I cannot describe to you the malice of the individual persons. It is stunned.

My beloved ones, go with Me and My mother in the final battle. This battle will be hard for all of you. But My mother is with you. Let yourselves be taken by the hand, for you are not alone. Many angelic hosts accompany you and are parked for your protection.

You are persecuted, you are ostracized, and all evil is repeated to you. Pay no attention to this, but think only of the salvation of those who persecute you. Forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Offer your cross daily and take it on your shoulders. Do not complain that it seems too hard for you. Think of your Savior, who was crucified innocently for all people and is still being mocked today.

Many people kill themselves for the sake of hatred. They do not know where to find help. Man has become lonely. No one stands up for the other. On the contrary one accepts the lie as truth and this lie spreads in lightning speed. One searches for the truth. But it is nowhere to be found, because one listens to lies and evil.

My beloved children, why do you still not wake up now? Am I not your Savior who has done everything for you? Have I not put My loving heart at your disposal? Why do you still not turn back My beloved sons of priests and My beloved believers? Has My sacrifice of the cross been in vain for so many? Wake up, My beloved, the Omniscient and Almighty Great and Merciful God in the Trinity cries for your souls!

I say to you all, I am the loving God and not the punishing one, as whom I am despised and mocked. I love all people and there is no one for me that I do not want to save.

My beloved sons of priests, you are in danger. You are taught the wrong, My beloved ones, Satan never tells you the truth. He is the lie and he brings you down cunningly. If you do not consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, you are lost. You do not recognize the cunning of Satan because you have strayed too far from the true faith. You know neither the Bible nor the Ten Commandments. You also reject the sacraments that I have instituted for all of you.

You mock my messengers and atoning souls, who suffer for you daily, because you are occupied with so many trivialities. But only one thing is important for you my beloved ones, prayer and sacrifice. Become sacrificial souls who worship the loving God in the Trinity. Forgive each other and learn from the virtues of your Heavenly Mother. She is your teacher. She is waiting for your plea. She is never idle. With what loving looks they accompany you. She pays attention to all your actions and wants to be at your side all the time. But you do not call them.

My Son Jesus Christ gave her to you under His cross as a mother. Should all this have been in vain? The whole sky is in turmoil. The upheaval has begun. I, the Heavenly Father, await your willingness to fight. Who does not fight, has already lost. My beloved ones, I need you as My tools. Put yourselves at my disposal!!!

I have said, "the servant is not above the master. Take the persecution upon yourself. "If they have persecuted Me, they will also persecute you." Think of eternal glory. On earth you will not attain peace. "One nation will rise against another." There will be no peace in any family. Only in prayer and sacrifice will you be one. If you do not accept the true faith, you will not attain the kingdom of heaven.

There is only one Catholic and Apostolic faith. You are to live and bear witness to this If you are taught something else, do not accept this erroneous belief. Celebrates only the one True Tridentine Mass of Victim after Pius V, which has always been valid. Celebrate them with dignity and reverence. Distributes only Holy Communion as kneeling oral communion and does not allow this to the laity. This holy sacrificial meal shall be your source of strength on all days of your life. Then nothing can happen to you. Hold fast to the ten commandments. They are your guideline. Pick up the rosary daily. If you are taught anything other than the only True Catholic Faith, do not accept it.

False gods appear. They will cunningly ensnare you and speak after your mouth, for it will be easy to follow them. To follow the true faith is to take the narrow path. The wide path leads to ruin. You will have many enemies and will make yourselves unpopular everywhere, because you proclaim and live the truth.

Always remember that your Heavenly Mother accompanies you and knows about everything that happens in you.

If you become brave fighters, no harm will befall you. You are in constant protection. The Holy Spirit will inspire you, for He will speak from you. You do not speak, but the Spirit of God speaks in you and through you. .

Surrender yourselves completely to the will of God and do not develop any fears. They will be taken away from you when you, for heaven's sake, begin to take up the fight. Remain at the front in the fight. I will strengthen you and put a legion of angels at your disposal .

My beloved children, it is all about truth, and this truth has many enemies who want to turn you away. Never has the enemy appeared so cunningly as today. You will not succumb to him if you spread the truth and also live it and bear brave witness to it.

I bless you in all love and faithfulness with My dearest Mother, all angels and saints, in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Develop a fighting spirit, for love will inspire you and become your companion. The victory is certain for you.


