Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Friday, May 4, 2018
Friday, Feast of Saint Monica.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 7:30 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak today on the Feast of Saint Monica, again through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved daughter, beloved little flock and beloved followers, today I speak to you once again, since I do not want this day to pass without giving you special instructions.
How much I am waiting for My priest sons to convert. They expect everything from Me. But even they behave like ravening wolves in the flock of sheep. They were supposed to lead My lambs and have become leaderless themselves. They have not confided in My words. They have devastated My temple and have themselves become lost sheep. .
Who can still today, as a believing Christian, orient himself to one of My shepherds? They often lie in grave sin and vegetate away. They have no guideline. The red thread of faith has been lost to them. They also do not take the sacraments as a help.
My Blessed Sacrament of the Altar they have disgraced. There is no turning back for them, as they swim away in the broad stream of worldly pleasures .
How many messages and instructions have I given you, My beloved priests, that you may find your way back to My flock. You have become stubborn. Everything in the world seems important to you. Only I, the preciousness of your heart, has become completely unimportant to you.
Oh, My beloved sons of priests, how long have I been looking for you? how many tears have I shed for you? Love drives Me to you again to knock at your closed doors of heart. How I long for you. How great is My love for you, My chosen sons of priests. .
But today, on the feast day of St. Monica, I would like to make another attempt to win you again. I want to be your teacher. I give you into the hand of your Heavenly Mother. If you grasp this hand, you will not be lost. She will accompany you wherever you go. With a loving and motherly look she accompanies you on your way, so that you do not go astray. When you turn to her, you are safe and secure.
My beloved ones, take the chance and celebrate in reverence the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass of My Son Jesus Christ, which was given to you as a legacy.
Only you, My beloved sons of priests, are authorized to put the body of My Son into the mouth of My believing children. Only through you does He allow Himself to be transformed. You are His jewel.
A holy mass of sacrifice has such a great significance that you cannot understand it. You shall be the witnesses of My True Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. Just as I sent My apostles into the world, so I am sending you today and I am waiting for your readiness to take up the command to send.
The more your heart is filled with Divine Love, the more true faith will spread throughout the world.
Take up the fight against this intercommunion. The Body of My Son is holy and may only be received kneeling and reverently by My priests.
What is generally proclaimed today is a lie. Satan celebrates his greatest success. You must not follow this. You must face it with strength and fighting spirit.
Think of your calling. How much your heart was once filled with the enthusiasm of love of faith. You have spread my word, the truth. Your tongue has given fiery testimony of Me. Full of gratitude I could always look upon you.
Today I search for you. Where has My flock gone? Where has it gone astray? I want to take them back. Can you not follow Me, My beloved chosen ones?
How brave you were once and stood at the altar of sacrifice. How lovingly you have perceived the pastoral care in your parishes. Every sacrament was important to you. You did not let it get out of your hands like it is today.
Haste before the Blessed Sacrament, My beloved brothers of the Catholic faith. I will strengthen your faith. I will stand by you in this struggle. You will experience palpably that the Spirit of God inspires you. The security will return to your hearts. The love of the Triune One will penetrate into your souls. I, the heavenly Father, will be your teacher.
You will again seek your refuge to me. In this difficult emergency of unbelief I will not leave you alone. Flocks of angels are set aside for the spreading of the True Faith for you. You cannot grasp it, because miracles of grace will happen through you. Show your readiness that you stand up for the truth completely. It will then astonish many men at what great sacrifices my fighters in faith will be enabled to make. .
Do not let yourselves be slackened when you are to be driven into hopelessness. I will give you divine power and love will drive you forward.
My beloved priestly son, you have now served Me many years in the truth of your testimony. Continue to be your elixir of life, from which you draw. This source will never run dry.
Please go to your brothers in office and instruct them, for I have chosen you. You have received this commission from Me. Do not give up if your ways are not crowned with success. No despair will enter into you, although you will not understand many things. Love will drive you forward more and more. You will not cease to give glory to your loving Father in heaven. .
Be obedient and never give up. You are in the last time of the struggle. You will certainly not succumb. But if you rely on your human strength, you will flag. I will reaffirm you after each failure. You will follow the Holy Spirit. You will not speak from yourself, but the Spirit of God will speak from you. .
The truth lies in your spreading. Your Heavenly Mother looks at you with a loving gaze. The angels will thankfully serve and assist you.
Be my fighter, for the last time of the fight is announced.
How few apostles are ready to enter into the fight of faith with me. But whoever shows willingness comes unexpected forces. You will feel it again and again that undreamt-of forces drive you forward.
For today, My beloved ones, I, the Heavenly Father, want to finish My messages.
Tomorrow, the Cenacle of the Sanctuary of My Heavenly Mother, She will speak and guide you with a motherly hand. Be ready to dare to fight with her, too. I will be with you all the days of your life, for my love will always carry you. .
I bless you with the Heavenly Queen and Mother, all the angels and saints in the Trinity, in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.
At all times of your struggle I am the love that surrounds you. In no situation of this fight you are left alone. Be faithful to me and do not let up in the strength of faith.