Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, May 6, 2018

Fifth Sunday after Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. through His willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, on the fifth Sunday after Easter, May 6, 2018, we celebrated a worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V.

It is again a special day of the message.

The angels and also the archangels were present. They adored the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle. They were grouped around the Blessed Mother and around the altar of Mary. The altar of Mary was decorated like a carpet of flowers. They were May flowers, which are brought to the Blessed Mother for her glory.

The Heavenly Father will also speak today, the seventh day of the messages: .

I, the Heavenly Father, speak to you today, My beloved children of Father and Mary, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

I would like to reveal to you today some instructions that are of great importance for your future life.

My beloved sons of priests, I, the Heavenly Father, know about you. I know everything that troubles you.

If you continue to live in this modernism, you cannot walk the path of holiness.

A priest lives and witnesses the truth, whether approved or not. He is an example to his confreres and the faithful of his parish. If he does not live up to this example, he is not worthy of me. .

I wish of all My priests that they administer the sacraments worthily. Only they alone have the authority to do so. This must not be done by a deacon or emissary of the priest. A priest has by his ordination alone these holy and consecrated hands.  If he pursues his calling, I will hear him.  He has given Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity, the promise of ordination through his bishop. A worthy priest must also today - and now I say I must - swear the anti-modernist oath. .

How quickly another word or another meaning comes into the Holy Mass of Sacrifice, which has been changed today.

The Holy Eucharist is no longer celebrated worthily. It is not the sacrament that gives first place to reverence. It has been debased and no longer kneels down. One receives Holy Communion standing and not as oral communion. What indignity is in this, My beloved sons of priests? .

Why do you not recognize this with your mind? Why did you cut yourself off from the supernatural? Am I not your loving Savior to whom you have sworn allegiance? Have you not considered that I have given you the ten commandments as an aid to your hand? These commandments will help you to avoid the grave sin.

Have I not put your mother at your side as your Heavenly Mother? If you consecrate yourselves to her Immaculate Heart, you are protected from everything in purity. .

If you don't follow this, the human aspect comes into play. You are to renounce the world, for the world offers much that does not correspond to the divine. All commandments are sacred. Unfortunately the priests do not take these commandments seriously.

The Holy Eucharist is not dignifiedly celebrated Today the meal fellowship to the people is celebrated. This does not correspond to order and truth .

How much love has My Son Jesus Christ put into the priests to be able to celebrate this Holy Sacrificial Feast worthily. A holy priest is My priest, to whom I give all My love and this Divine Love is transmitted through him to his parish. This love is transferred to the faithful and a holy parish will be established .

The responsibility remains with the priests. But they do not live up to this responsibility. They go their own ways. They go after their own wishes. I have become unimportant to them as Savior and as the Triune God. I step to the last position.

When all worldly things are already exhausted, some priests still have time for a short prayer. That's all they have left for me. This is bitter for me.

That is why also the Heavenly Mother must shed tears in many places, because She wants to guide, guide and form them. With how much love does the Blessed Mother woo her priests? And yet they go their own ways.

My sons of priests have banished My Heavenly Mother to the last corner of the churches. They do not worship her, on the contrary, they disrespect the Heavenly Mother. Praying the rosary today is only for elderly people. Many cannot even pray it anymore.

My beloved, the rosary is the ladder to heaven. Pray the Rosary daily with reverence. Pray for the priests who have fallen away and cannot decide to live and witness their true priesthood.

I beseech you, My beloved sons of priests, otherwise too many will fall into eternal damnation.

Therefore I ask My believers and also My atoning souls that they pray, sacrifice, and atone for true sacrificial priests. The Holy Sacrificial Feast must again be present for all priests and be reverently celebrated .

And so I bless you, the Heavenly Father with My Heavenly Mother, the Queen of Victory of all angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Live love, My beloved sons of priests, and be obedient to the Heavenly Father in the Trinity Amen.


