Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Sunday in the octave of the Feast of the Sacred Heart.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 7:30 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak today and now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Also today I would like to give you some information, because the time before my coming is hurrying.
My beloved ones I ask you, continue to observe My signs in the firmament and the various weather forecasts. Then you will see that everything does not match. I am the Creator of all things and I also determine the weather. I have everything in My safe hand. No longer is I, the Creator of the whole universe, trusted to direct and direct everything. .
Because I have been put on the side and apostasy is progressing more and more, I must show My omnipotence to the people. Nowadays they say that astronomy explains everything. My beloved ones, do not believe in it, believe in me and my omnipotence. Let yourselves be guided by Me. Surrender everything to Me. When you use your own will then you will soon see that you suffer shipwreck because your will is not in conformity with my will.
You experience My omniscience even more intensely when you surrender yourselves completely to Me. Then I can direct and guide you. Your life is often full of wrongdoing, because you are and remain imperfect human beings. I am the Almighty God and have the whole world in My hand.
Why do you not believe and trust in My love which is infinite? Never will I forget that you are in need of my love. I hold you very firmly by My hand. You are My beloved children. Day and night I prove my love to you. But you often do not feel that I am very close to you and speak to you in other people. You may be sure of my love.
You, My beloved ones, often make a mistake and try to fix it. Often you are at the end of your strength. And it is then that you make mistakes and become dissatisfied. You are and remain human beings on earth. Why do you not understand My love? Just then I love you. Hurry to the loving heart of My Son. He wants to be your comfort. Unite with His love and do not lose hope.
I know, My beloved ones, that you often get into despair. Then, in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, turn your heart towards Him, the Heart of Jesus. He alone knows your distress and looks into your heart that needs love.
He will strengthen it and embrace you in love Trust my beloved ones, for a little while longer and you will be comforted. Hang on, you are My faithful ones. I have only you who return my love. .
So far you have courageously faced the battle and have not forsaken Me, the Heavenly Father. I thank you for your willingness to keep fighting.
Your Heavenly Mother is with you. Do you not feel it that she is near you and that she is making her angels available to you?
My beloved ones, now you have heard today from the last chosen priest of your home parish that he too does not want to obey Me.
My beloved ones, you have faced this battle. Everything was fine. I thank you for fighting so bravely.
Do you not feel that the Masons are at work? They want to lead you away from the true way. They want to disturb you in your constancy. This means that you have to face this struggle.
My beloved ones, the more you are hostile and experience failures, the more I love you.
You, My beloved chosen ones, then experience persecution. This is exactly what My Son, the Son of God, experienced.
He did not avoid it, but has rushed to My loving Father's heart .
My children, if My son suffers, I also suffer to the same extent.
"He who loves the Father loves the Son, for Father and Son are one in the love of the Holy Spirit"
He shall be the driving force of your daily life. I am with you. .
My beloved. I have never left you alone. I always look at your everyday worries. As a father loves his children, so I am interested in everything that concerns you.
If only you could feel how my love embraces you. It is always there and never stops, even when you move away from me; then I go after you and seek your traces. I woo for your love and you do not feel it. Come to my loving Father-heart, which sleeps for you. .
I feel, My beloved little one, that you feel overwhelmed. Have I not told you that your father knows everything? Why don't you come to My loving heart and relax? I will be your consolation. Piece by piece you will not master everything, but your loving Father in heaven will stand by your side. Rest at My Father's Heart.
Some things will take care of themselves, because that is how I put it together. Only, My beloved little one, never stop fighting.
This end time means battle. In heaven you will be able to rest once forever. But on earth you will experience many things that will grieve you. Bear with my folly a little longer because I love you.
Blessed be My beloved ones with your Heavenly Mother, all angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My beloved ones, it is the final battle and you will pass it if you have the will to persevere. I love you and my love is eternal.