Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

VERY STRONG EXORCISM, dictated by the ARCHANGEL MICHAEL on 29.11.2011


Each prayer throws 50,000 (fifty thousand) demons into hell, so it is necessary to pray it as often as possible. Gift from God through the Holy Archangel Michael on His feast day. Enormous liberations are achieved in our nation and in the world.

"O God, One and Triune Tiger, I humbly beseech You, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, through the Holy Archangel Michael, for the great grace, the powers of darkness in the land...... (call the country) and in the whole world, in memory of the merits of the Holy Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, of His precious Blood that He shed for us, of His Holy Wounds, of His agony on the Cross and of all sufferings during His Holy Passion and all earthly life, of our Lord and Savior.

We ask You, Lord Jesus Christ, send Your Holy Angels to cast the forces of evil into hell, so that in the land...... (call the land) and in the whole world the Kingdom of God come and the grace of God is poured out in all hearts. Thus the land...... fills up (call land) and all nations of the world with Your peace.

Oh our wife and queen, we beseech You with all our heart, send Your Holy Angels to throw the forces into hell and all evil spirits that must fall.

Holy Archangel Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Host, You have received the commission from the Lord to carry out this mission so that the grace of God will be with us always. Lead the Heavenly Host so that the powers of darkness may fall into hell once and for all.

Use all your powers to defeat Lucifer and his fallen angels who rebelled against the will of God and now want to destroy the souls of men.

Be victorious, for You have the power and authority and intercession for us, the grace of peace and the love of God, so that we may always follow our Lord into the kingdom of heaven. Amen"


