Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, October 21, 2018

22nd Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 1pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved children of Mary, today I want to give you some instructions about love and justice.

Love, My children is the most important thing in your life. If your works are not crowned with love, they are worthless.

This love is for the people, and above all, the two-person relationships, no longer appropriate to the times. You change partnerships like you change your daily shirt. Whether young or old, divorces are becoming more and more frequent. One does not take into account the psychological cuts of a partner. It has simply become commonplace.

What is missing in these current partnerships? I tell you, true love. Loyalty has become a foreign word for them. If love is not lived, no partnership will last. Premarital relationships destroy love even before the decision of a marriage vow.

What is love, My beloved ones? Love is to be there for the other person and not to satisfy your own ego. One must learn to forgive and accept the weaknesses of others.

Most young people decide to leave their parents' home at a very early age to live a partnership. This incision is already decisive for the whole life. Disappointments about the weaknesses of the other person very quickly come to the fore.One would have to learn to adapt to accept the partner in his originality. This happens very rarely. You break up at the first difficulty.

One does not even try to understand the other and to recognize one's own errors. You slip from one relationship into the other. From the catholic faith there is no difficulty because the commandments are ignored today. Everything is legalized. There are no borders and man becomes boundless, because it is general, it is modern. Sexuality is in the first place and is lived without limits .

My beloved children, My Son Jesus Christ died on the cross for all people, and that out of exceedingly great love. He still loves you all today. But men do not accept this grace.

When the first barrier, the first commandment, is crossed, the next serious sin follows very soon. One no longer notices it, for faith is no longer spread, and men live their daily life without faith. True happiness in a really lived marriage becomes more and more rare .

The Antichrist has made his entrance and Satan holds a rich harvest. One cannot speak out to anyone, for the other has no time or leisure to listen to the concerns of the other. The medical practices of psychiatrists are increasing and the offices of lawyers and notaries are booming. After all, one must speak out.

Rarely can a priest be found who takes time for the worries and hardships of today's youth They get into drug or alcohol scenes and slip more and more.

My beloved ones, how can you help them? Do you not experience this in your own families? Can you help there or intervene in a helpful way? They do not want to hear your admonitions and enlightenment regarding faith. You are not taken seriously at all. You will be ridiculed and called old-fashioned. You often experience constant quarrels. In the end, you give in to achieve the long awaited peace. This is not the right way, My faithful beloved ones.

There is only one way, that of sacrifice, prayer and atonement. Carry your cross in patience and forbearance.

Consecrate yourselves again to the Immaculate Heart of your dearest Mother She will place her angels at your disposal. That will make you happy. Give yourselves completely to Me, your beloved Heavenly Father. I love you and will prepare for you the eternal dwellings in heaven. This must become your goal.

True love exists only in the Catholic faith when it is really lived It will not be easy for all of you to resist the currents of this time, because you have to swim against the current. It is not important how the general trend is, but your own personality comes into play.

Even during the procreation of every human being I have conceived a love plan that I want to carry out. Unfortunately this is thwarted by today's abortion, the killing of unborn children. Come all to My Father's Heart and to the maternal heart of your Blessed Mother to give you the strength to persevere in this time and not succumb to evil.

What about My sons of priests? Isn't the same thing happening there? Do they really live chaste and pure after their consecration? Homosexuality proves the opposite. This is also legalized today. This sin continues and there are no limits there either. The Breviary will no longer be prayed and no one will tell the priests that it contains a grave sin. Here too, the consumption of drugs and alcohol has taken its place. This also assumes an increase.

My beloved sons of priests, turn back at last and celebrate in all reverence the Holy Sacrificial Feast, as it was in former times and there were still holy priests. Today one does not even know the priest's clothing. One has adapted to the world here too. They get into relationships and the promise of faithfulness of priestly ordination is transgressed. It happens very quickly and thoughtlessly, for after all it concerns the general public today.

My sons of priests become unhappy on this path, for they do not pursue their own calling. In their hearts they soon feel that they have not taken the right path. But now the way is blocked, because marriage wants to be lived. They soon feel their own mistakes and cannot undo them if a child is already on the way.

Where is the true love and faithfulness sworn to My Son in the Holy Sacrament? One carelessly puts aside the sacrament of priestly ordination. But the fall follows on it.

My beloved ones, why do you not take the sacrament of Holy Confession? Come to me, all you who are toilsome and burdened, because I want to refresh you. There is always a way of repentance and remorse.

I am with you every day and will not reject you. Holy confession is fine with any validly ordained priest. With much prayer you can take the right path. Do you think, My beloved priests, I have forgotten you and do not see the stream of time?

I will stand by you and comfort you. Your loving Father is there for you and will never forget you. My love never ends, even when you have gone your own ways. It depends on a deep remorse. I love all My children and leave no one in solitude.

If you all knew how my Father's heart waits for you full of longing. It is filled with love.

You know, my beloved ones, justice will prevail. I will make everything new. The many faults and wickedness of others will be revealed.

Only a little while more and I will be among you.

Continues to pay attention to the signs in the firmament. They will multiply. No one will be able to fathom them, although science tries.

My holy wrath will become reality. It will not be avoidable, because men have vehemently transgressed my commandments, and they show me that they have switched off love for me.

You see the catastrophes in many places and you certainly observe the current weather situation. It is not an everyday occurrence and it should make everyone aware of it. But the people of today live blindly. They mean to experience reality and do not think about who created the world. They do not feel that I am the All-encompassing Triune God and Creator of the whole universe. I direct the whole world and also experience the cruelties of today's people.

My beloved ones, quite soon you will experience the soul-vision and also the harbingers of My further intervention. The violent hurricanes and the earthquakes in many continents will increase.

My beloved children, in your beloved country Germany, wake up at last and take the rosary. How often must I still admonish you? It is 5 minutes to twelve o'clock. Your dearest mother can no longer hold back My punishing arm.

I love you and I wait for you eagerly. Return to the True Catholic Church and do not wait until it is too late for you.

It blesses you now with all the angels and saints, with your dearest Mother and Queen of victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Love is the greatest and most precious thing. Never give up, My beloved ones, for I am with you all days. You are not alone.


