Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, November 1, 2018

All Saints' Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 7:30 pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Today, My beloved, is the day of indulgences. You have visited the cemetery and won an indulgence there. The blessing of the graves was done by My priest son. Yes, it has become empty in the cemeteries. You, My beloved little ones, have missed your Catherine, for you would certainly have visited her grave. Now she lies in Quakenbrück, far away from you, with her daughter, which was not her last will. But one has avoided their will.

Have a little more patience, because your dearest father will order everything as it is provided for in my plan. I love you because you have given me so much joy in the last year.

Your persecutors have reviled and accused you. But I, the Heavenly Father, will deliver you from your wicked. They too must be saved, they are also my children. I do not want to let them fall into eternal damnation. I love her. Pray for your enemies and remember them, especially in this month of November.

A Holy Mass of Sacrifice, My beloved ones, contains so many graces that go far beyond your domestic church, where you celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast daily. How many rosaries have you already prayed for your persecutors? I will also make these fruitful, for no prayer is lost.

Today you honor the saints who help you to stay on the path of holiness. It is not easy for you, My beloved ones, to continue on this difficult path although many people hate you for My name's sake. Do not give up, My beloved children, for you will inherit the crown of heaven. You are my chosen ones who hold out until the end and do not want to throw down their cross. You are the preferred ones.

If they hate you and persecute you, give thanks, for only a little while more and you will be redeemed. You have a share in the eternal happiness in heaven, for that is the most important thing in your life. It is not in this time on earth that happiness is bestowed on you, but in the Eternal Glory. Do not give up hope, for I am with you all days and will not leave you alone in your pain.

Often, my beloved ones, you have no more strength at all because the power of the earth leaves you and the cross presses heavily on you. Then remain in this time and do not give up, because the reward is certain for you.

Today you have heard in the Gospel of the eight blessings. Yes, you will inherit the land of promise one day. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven.

Continue to hold daily the one hour of Psalm readings. You pray the Psalms daily: 6, 31, 37, 50, 69, 101, 129 and 142 in the Bible. They give you and many believers the strength to persevere in this difficult time of change in the Catholic Church. Everything will change soon. These psalms are precious for you and for many who trust in your prayer.

How lovingly I surround you. Have no fear of the future. Even if a frightening chaos has arisen in the world, I am with you all days and do not leave you alone. This daily hour of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament brings you much strength and endurance. You will soon feel that your strength lies in the Divine.

Continue to go to the cemetery every day and pray every day, nine days long, the indulgence for the poor souls, because there are so many souls in purgatory that nobody thinks about. They are especially waiting for your prayer during this time, because it is a time of grace for them. Many people do not even know that the indulgences are so precious in the month of November. Pray constantly. I thank you for your love, which you prove to me through this.

Today you have finished the novena for the poor souls. This too has brought much fruit.

Now to the chip that will be implanted in the many people. I will break these political laws. I am the ruler of the whole world and I will show My omnipotence.

Don't you see My intervention in the many disasters in the world? Have you been watching the weather? Autumn has arrived, but the weather remains summery and nobody can intervene, not even the meteorologists. There will be turbulences that are inexplicable.

Pray, My beloved ones, the weather blessing, as on every day. He will protect you from storms in your surroundings. Look at Rome and many other places in the world. The disasters have already occurred there.

And what about refugee immigration? Can you stop them?

Only through your persevering prayer, which you perform three times a day for half an hour, can you stop this migration pact in Marrakech, which is to be signed by the politicians on December 10 and 11, 2018. In Germany, mass immigration would then begin with family reunification. But Germany should be saved from this offence.

Have you any influence on it? No, definitely not. Yet I, the Heavenly Father of the rulers of the whole world can direct it in My Divine Plan. But I will show myself as the Almighty God.

One does not believe in my omnipotence in the present time. One wants to explain everything and initiate it oneself.

Let yourselves be guided by Me and believe only in My providences. They will look completely different than you can imagine. I steer everything into the right direction, because people have become fallible and proud. They do not let themselves be steered and want to control everything themselves. They want to rule and do not accept my omnipotence and omnipotence. They want to be the ruler of their things and unfortunately have put faith on their side. They think they can get along without faith in their lives. Soon they will realize that they slip from one mistake to another.

I call your attention, My beloved children. Trust Me and take the true faith to help you, because only faith and prayer can free you from this heap of rubble.

Nowhere will you experience peace, because only the love of God will be able to save you from the worst misfortunes. Believe and trust more deeply. I, the loving Father, want to help you to true happiness. I am the loving Father and I will not leave you alone in the great need of faith.

I bless you until Saturday the Cenacle of your Heavenly Mother, with all the angels and saints in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

Believe and trust. The love of God will accompany you. Do not be afraid, for heaven never leaves you alone.


