Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Fifth Sunday after appearance.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 7:30 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Also today, Sunday, I again have some important messages for you, My beloved father children.
I know that in this last period it will be difficult for all of you to put My words into action. But my beloved children, I urgently need you to fulfill my plan on earth. I wish that you correspond completely to my plans and wishes. Do not deviate a millimeter from my words. You are my chosen ones who live my truths and proclaim them.
Whoever lives and testifies to the True Catholic Faith during this time will be attacked to the utmost. But with My Divine Power you will master everything. You will not be weakened, but you will be strengthened. In persecution you will experience my strength and my will.
As today's reading says: "As God's chosen ones as saints and beloved, attract compassionate mercy, kindness, humility, modesty, patience. Bear with one another and forgive one another when one has to complain about the other. As the Lord forgives you, so shall you also do. But above all, have love, it is the bond of perfection. And the peace of Christ rejoice in your hearts, for to this you are called as one body. Show gratitude. In rich abundance dwell the word of Christ in you. Teach and admonish one another in all wisdom. Praise God with a grateful heart with psalms, hymns of praise and spiritual songs. All that you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and give thanks to God the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Be of one mind, my beloved children, for the great persecution inevitably comes upon you. Do not develop any fears, for I am with you all the time, so that you have the divine power and can by no means fall into evil. You will not be able to avoid temptations, but you will not succumb to them. .
Surrender yourselves completely to my will, then nothing can happen to you. Often you will see your strength dwindling, then do not be in despair, but full of hope.
The currents of time seize you also, but they do not overthrow you. Soon you will feel a special power fulfilling you, which you were not allowed to know up to now, because it is foreign to you. It will give you an inner security and will in no way weaken you. Remain calm, my children.
Miracles of faith will happen in and around you. You will not be able to grasp them with your mind and intellect. There will be miracles of conversion, even in the Muslim faith. No one will ever be able to grasp them. People will experience the love of God in amazement and a flood of love will seize them. .
Everything, My beloved will come to light. Nothing remains hidden. The sparrows will whistle it from the roofs. Believe and trust and take advantage of the help I am offering you.
The people will experience a vision of the soul that cannot be grasped. They will not be able to understand anything, it will happen in the supernatural.
There will soon be believers. They will reach for the messages, for nowhere else will they be able to experience the truth.
The migration stream has not yet been tackled. It is not yet ready for decision. Have a little more patience, because I, the loving Heavenly Father, will start my intervention. I will shake up the minds. One will not be able to understand anything. But many people will return to the True Faith.
Great crimes will be committed against the people, because Satan will rage in the terrorists who broke into our country. There will be many rapes and many people, especially the youth, will not be able to go out into the streets.
My beloved ones, where is charity? Who will still want to stand up for the other person and risk his life for the other person?
Rely not on the speeches and advice of others, for they can deceive.
I dwell in your hearts and true faith guides and directs you. Never will I leave my faithful alone.
You will be surrounded with angels of peace. Call them incessantly, for they are waiting for your calls for help. Is not the Holy Archangel Michael always at your side? Is he not the patron saint of your domestic church?
Now, My beloved ones, I want to thank you for visiting the cemetery daily for the last 9-11 days and giving relief to the poor souls. They thank you for your many rosaries that you prayed this week.
I also want to thank you all for spending one hour a day in adoration with the prescribed psalms. They have already borne fruit. Trust in your many sacrifices and prayers of atonement.
You, My beloved ones, have shown the fighting spirit regarding the migration pact. You are ready to stand up for your fatherland Germany. I have advised you to take action, because the time for the signing of the politicians in Marrakech is very urgent. It is the very last time. You can still prove that you love your fatherland. You must prevent this signing.
Unfortunately the majority is silent. So one relies on the other. One does not want to appear oneself. That means for you, my beloved ones, to prove anew the fighting spirit. I will stand by you, my beloved ones, when you take up the fight with evil. I have promised you that I will not leave you alone.
Has courage and endurance. Your dearest mother will stand by your side. You will achieve victory with her. She is the victor in all the battles of God. Renew daily the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. This gives you full protection.
Now to the Gospel of today. You are the wheat, you who believe in the Trinity and bear witness to it. Only do not forget the weeds of your enemies. Strongly they will intervene and persecute you, because you are the children of truth. This truth is denied today. Satan, the father of lies, persecutes My faithful and wants to win them all for himself.
Remain faithful to Me, My beloved ones, for you will once receive the eternal reward. Hold out even in the greatest difficulties. You will feel the light of the Holy Spirit and follow this enlightenment.
My children, you are called upon to save your fatherland from destruction Everything will be taken away from you by this diabolical plan of the migration pact, because after the signature everything will be expropriated from you.
One deceives you in all situations and tries hypocritically to embrace you, for the wicked man is cunning. You will break through this cunning of the devil with my power and help.
Who, my beloved ones, still believes in my omnipotence and omniscience today? Everyone is neighbor to himself and does not think of the other. "What can happen to me," they say, "I have everything in my own hands, for all will be well. One lulls oneself into a state of security. .
My beloved ones, do you also observe, as I have advised you, the present climate? You will soon have to experience a drought and dryness in your country Germany. Everything is subject to My change. But as scientists you want to explain and justify everything yourself .
Here My beloved ones, wisdom and not science is needed. Do these scientists still lie in humility or are they inferior to pride? Do they still know today what humility means? Is this not in the past? Who would still like to serve the other person today? Humility has really become a foreign word for almost everyone.
But you, My faithful ones, you practice humility and do not rise above the others. Love is in your hearts and it drives you to good deeds.
How much I love your inflamed hearts, they are the love flames of Our Lady. You have let yourselves be inflamed by your Heavenly Mother. She looks after her children of Mary and is concerned about you. She nurtures and cares for your hearts, for She wants to lead all your children into the Eternal Dwellings of Heaven. How lovingly She protects your children. None of your Marian children shall be lost .
Tomorrow you will hold the atonement night of Heroldsbach, the beloved place of pilgrimage of my mother. The trough is still locked and not accessible. But that does not prevent you from spending this atonement night in your house churches. With many prayers and efforts you give these hours of prayer to your Heavenly Mother. How much she is waiting for your help. You are your beloved children of Mary, who carries her in her arms.
Tomorrow your Heavenly Mother will therefore send a message.
My beloved ones, persevere and do not give up, even if a deep suffering hits you. Sacrifice everything and put it into the sacrificial cup of My Son, your Savior. He will look at you and gratefully receive everything. Therefore do not give up. I love you with divinity and humanity and do not leave you alone.
Thus I bless you with all the angels, your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You are My faithful. Rely on the heavenly powers. Put yourself at the disposal of the renewed fight. You are surrounded and loved with divine power.