Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, December 2, 2018
First Sunday in Advent.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 1:05 pm and 6:10 pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved believers, do you not recognize that it is I, the Heavenly Father, who reveals Himself to My willing daughter Anne? Of course I am speaking My instructions and messages to My daughter, who then puts them into the computer and writes them. I will use this system in the future.
I have prepared and purified my little daughter Anne for this task for years. It is in humility and listens to my instructions. She makes nothing of herself. She surrenders herself completely to my divine will.
My beloved ones, today you are writing the first Sunday of Advent. It is a special day. You are slowly preparing yourselves with every other Sunday for the feast of the birth of My Son Jesus Christ. You feel that darkness has come into the world. People have clouded their minds. They do not have a clear view of the True Catholic Faith. They lie in error and unbelief. .
Nobody enlightens them, because the authorities themselves live in apostasy. How quickly this misbelief has progressed. Satan exercises his power over the people who place themselves at his disposal. The evil one makes his tools useful for himself. None of his machinations should come to light.
But, as you know, today there is the technology of the Internet. There I, the heavenly Father, will make public everything that my omnipotence emphasizes and lets make visible.
You will be amazed, my beloved faithful ones, how I have already intervened and will still intervene in very special steps. I am the Omniscient and Omnipotent God in the Trinity. No one will be able to snatch the scepter from my hand. One will certainly try, for men are very far advanced in science. But I work in my omnipotence over my creatures, whom I have created. I love all my children and would like to throw them the lifeline in this last time. They can take it. .
Look at Berlin, at yesterday's rally regarding the migration pact in Marrakech. It remained a peaceful rally. For the city of Berlin it was incomprehensible, because many terrorist organizations are in this governmental city of Berlin. This demonstration would not have been peaceful under any circumstances if I, the Heavenly Father, had not protected the people .
My beloved chosen ones, have I not prophesied to you that I will protect you through My Heavenly Mother if you go into battle and do not stand idly by and watch your beloved Germany being destroyed? I thank you all for this commitment. You have not looked at your persecutors, but have fulfilled My Divine Will. .
How many more signs will I have to give you to claim My love and to realize that I guard all your steps? You are never left alone when you place yourselves at the disposal of my Divine Will.
Now I have initiated the splitting. It separates the righteous from their persecutors. Do not be afraid, My beloved and faithful ones. You will be protected. You fulfil my will and that is why you remain in a protected environment. Believe in this protection and do not let yourself be influenced by others who claim the opposite.
My beloved ones, there are also false prophets who will appear at this time. They do not observe My commandments and also not My sacraments. They falsify everything and feign a false doctrine. They deceive you and want to draw you to their side in the confusion. Be vigilant, My beloved ones. Even in your acquaintance or kinship, the evil one can come in and deceive you. Separate yourselves from these people, because they want to take away your true and catholic faith.
My children, you are led to believe that it is easy to annul a marriage. That too is not according to my wish and will. The sacrament of marriage is sacred. I wish that after a failed marriage the partners remain alone. There is also the possibility of a Joseph marriage, so that these partners can live purity and then also receive the sacrament of communion.
These people are taught that they can live the "marriage for all" (according to the present Pope Francis) and thus ignore the serious sin and receive communion.What a serious offense. Nor does it harbor any reverence for the holy of holies.
He who worships My Son Jesus Christ and is in true knowledge will accomplish the works of love and will not stumble. "Put away the works of darkness and put on the weapons of light," says today's reading.
Prepare yourselves, my beloved ones, for my hour draws near. Advent is a preparation for the birth of Jesus Christ. Be in anticipation and prepare yourselves for His coming. Be always ready and receive the sacrament of Penance. The day is not far off when your Redeemer is coming .
My beloved little group, today you received the information that you are to celebrate the Holy Mass of Sacrifice for your diocese of Hildesheim. It is a Marian diocese that I want to save. She has committed serious crimes. Serious cases of abuse have been committed against more than 100 children by a priest who was able to abuse the children for years because the serious sin was covered up and this priest was not removed from office.
My beloved bishops in this diocese, are you not paying attention? I have placed a holy priest in your diocese at your side and you have humiliated him for years, depriving him of confessional authority in an unjustified manner. Is not your conscience beating now?
He interceded for Me and celebrated the True Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, which has been canonized and therefore cannot be changed. Why did you disrespect him for this? All the priests in his hometown were urged by your bishop of the time not to celebrate this Holy Mass of Sacrifice, but to continue to cultivate ecumenism and to celebrate the meal at the popular altars.
Again and again, My beloved sons of priests, I have informed you that this celebration at the grinding tables is a sacrilege and you have not listened to My words; .
Why does this abuse happen in your diocese? Didn't you ask yourselves this question now? In several messages I have explained to you that I, the Heavenly Father, will uncover everything. That is what is happening now .
I beseech you, beloved authorities in this diocese, free yourselves from the grinding tables and pay attention to My priestly son who celebrates My True Holy Sacrifice. Follow in his footsteps and wait no longer. It is time for you to follow My words of truth and celebrate My Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Feast according to Pius V throughout the diocese.
Only then can the full streams of grace flow in your diocese. Wake up, for you can save your diocese, which is a diocese of Mary. I will then stand by your side.
There is no other way of missionary work. The apostasy and the grave sin of fornication has collapsed and this is now going all over the world, because the most serious case of abuse is happening in your diocese.
Make at last earnest the repentance and obey my words, so that still worse will not happen. This is a warning to all of you, my beloved sons of priests in the diocese of Hildesheim.
My Son Jesus Christ will appear in the firmament very soon in great power and glory. Great signs in sun, moon and stars will precede in the sky. Pay close attention to these signs. They are to serve as your preparation .
My dearest mother and also your mother, wait for your repentance. She advertises in all love for your readiness. For some time she has been weeping bitter tears and in many places even blood tears. She wants your heart to become a loving heart, in which her Son Jesus Christ can open his dwelling.
My beloved sons of priests be ready for repentance, the hour is approaching when the Saviour will appear in great power and glory .
How much must still happen that points to my coming? Are not also the many catastrophes in all countries a special indication of My imminent coming?
Continue to pay attention to the climate change, because it cannot be explained. I, the Heavenly Father, have the fate of the world in My safe hand.
I love and bless you with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother, the Queen of Victory, in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be ready for the last fight, My beloved and faithful ones, and remain in serenity, for the hour of coming is near. Prepare yourselves and take the Holy Sacrament of Penance. I will save you all from eternal ruin.