Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Gaudete Sunday.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willingly obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:40 and 19:10
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment, through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today, on Gaudete Sunday, I give you very special and important instructions that will announce the coming of your Redeemer.
My beloved father children, be vigilant because the time has come in which I will enlighten you. My preparation time will experience a tremendous upheaval in my church in this epoch. Modernism will no longer last. There will be parallels that can hardly be outdone. People will wake up, because I will send into their hearts a stream of true knowledge .
Some people will not be able to understand that they are suddenly guided and steered. They want to put their own will into action. But faith prevents them from doing so.
Everything will go very quickly. I have prophesied to you, My beloved ones, that My intervention will be mighty. My Son Jesus Christ spoke in parables to thousands of His followers during His life and His sermons.
Well, My beloved ones, also today I, the Heavenly Father, will make many signs appear as symbols so that people shall awaken from their deep sleep. They cannot continue to live as before, because the world and also the church is in complete chaos. The many believers are in search of the truth. But they do not find the help they are looking for anywhere. They are enlightened by this authority in the wrong direction, namely in confusion.
It has now come so far that Satanism has taken root. Of course, Satan always goes one step further. After the child abuse, another grave sin inevitably follows the sacrifice of small children on Satan's grinding table.
My beloved children, now you see that the evil one is playing out his last triumph and wants to achieve his victory. He has gone one step too far. I, the Heavenly Father, have given him the last chance to seduce the people.
Now the time has come when I will separate the righteous from the sendlings of Satan. .
My beloved children, come to My side and decide for the love of your Heavenly Father, because I want to save you all. I look out for each soul and long for the open hearts. I want to let a flood of knowledge flow into the hearts.
Decide for the true way, the way of the only and true faith, the faith of love .
This belief is not a belief of hatred or murder. This faith leads you to love of neighbor." Love your enemies and do good to those who hate you. You will inherit the eternal kingdom for it, namely the kingdom of heaven. "Come all to My wedding feast, for you shall experience at My table the meal of eternal joy.
My beloved children of the Father, today you celebrate the Sunday of Joy, the third Sunday of Advent. Rejoice and be glad on this day, for the Lord is near. You may enter into this rejoicing today, for I want to give you a day of joy to strengthen you. You have suffered so much, My beloved ones, that I, as Heavenly Father, want to give you this joy. What father is not pleased when he is allowed to give gifts to his children? I love you, My beloved children, let Me share in your joy. .
And now to your worries, because these are also my worries. My beloved prophetess who willingly spreads My messages in the world because she wants to take all persecutions upon herself. It is ready to expose all the errors that are happening in the modernist church today. This does not mean that she herself brings these errors to light, but she gives herself up for the truth and opposes all the abuses. She does not lament that her atoning suffering is now beginning again, but willingly endures it.
My beloved ones, I need more atonement souls, because the sacrileges of the priests are a bottomless pit. .
As you all know, My beloved ones, homosexuality and child abuse is increasing, especially in the highest ranks of this church. How much suffering has this grave sin brought to your dearest and purest Heavenly Mother? This Mother begs for mercy on My throne for these crimes of the priests. She begs you, My beloved sons of priests, turn back at last. Can you continue to endure these supplications? She surrounds you with all her motherly love. Can you still resist it?
I urge all of you to finally clear the grinding tables out of the churches and put up the sacrificial tables again. Celebrate the sacrificial meal as it has always been in tradition. Only then can My Son pour out the full graces upon you. I am waiting for your ready hearts, My beloved sons of priests. I want to be with you so that you may become aware of your unique vocation.
The priesthood is not a calling like any other, but a vocation. Become holy priests, for I have chosen you, you are My chosen ones. With you I will build up the New Church, since it has been destroyed beyond recognition. .
Without prayer nothing is possible. If you think you can use your own power and strength, you will succeed only for a short time. Perseverance, patience, and also longsuffering can be attained only if you give yourselves completely to the will of heaven and put aside your own will and desires. My beloved ones, I will impart to you inner peace when you walk and change in My footsteps. .
You should appreciate the inner values of your true faith. It is not always easy to bear the many persecutions. You can only do that for the sake of heaven. I give you the knowledge of the Holy Spirit. He will dwell in your hearts and no one can influence you if you walk safely in the true ways.
You will be persecuted, even from your own ranks. But bravely you will take up your cross and bear it patiently. "He who does not take his cross on his shoulders is not worthy of me. Thus says My Son Jesus Christ.
Saint John was the caller in the desert of that time. My beloved ones, now it is My prophetess appointed by Me, who in this most difficult time gives My words of repentance into the world streams.
Pay attention to My words, because everything is in the Divine Will. Always connect your daily life with the supernature. This will pull you upwards and you will get the strength you need.
I have not promised you paradise on earth. The time on earth is a preparation for eternal life. There in heaven eternal joys will be bestowed upon you. Turn your attention to the eternal joys and not to what is earthly, for that is transitory.
My beloved, unfortunately many believers will not listen to your voice. Then stay in the truth and face the present fight of unbelief. You will win with the rosary in your hands and love in your hearts.
I wish that My voice be given to the majority. My voice is in the political party of Afd. I have chosen it because it will fight with the weapons of faith. I will guide and lead them and they will get the true knowledge. The Holy Spirit will speak from them. Not they will speak, but the Holy Spirit. You will feel it, my beloved ones, and you will hardly be able to grasp it. .
The devil will no longer be able to influence the laws of the present government, because the persons of My appointed party will announce the truth. I give them the knowledge to uncover everything and put it into practice.
Sometimes it goes on snake paths. But the result will be astonishing. It depends on the stamina.
The previous government wants to legalize the killing of small children in the womb. This is murder and a crime against helpless small babies. Every offence must be prosecuted. The facts speak for themselves. Don't be afraid, be believers. Then I will realize myself in you. My desire and My will will come alive in you and you will become My witnesses. .
Last night I showed you a sign in the firmament so that the crescent of the moon was on its back and the star of Bethlehem was visible. He shall show you the way of faith. He goes ahead of you and points to the birth of the Savior Jesus Christ.
What about the brotherhood of the Pius brothers? Do they walk in My footsteps? My beloved ones, I have prepared in due time this new Superior General for his task of leading the Fraternity in the spirit of its founder, Marcel Lefebvre. He has confided in me. I have given him the knowledge he needs to lead the fraternity safely in truth and love.
I need this brotherhood for the continued existence of the True and Holy Catholic Church. It will courageously follow My steps and not oppose My instructions. There has been a split in the meantime, for not all are willing to celebrate the True Holy Mass of Sacrifice according to Pius V after 1570.
Some tend to the fraternity of St. Peter, which partly corresponds to modernism. They do not completely fulfill my will, but only partially. They have decided, because this new Superior General has put them before the alternative. Now the brotherhood can grow in firmness with the new Superior General. .
What about your diocese in Hildesheim? Will this newly appointed bishop meet my wishes? I have chosen him too, for he too will become a new caller in the wilderness of this time. Persecution will come. But I alone will strengthen him in his insights. He will submit to my will, because I have granted him special favors. Much will happen in his diocese in the future. My children, pray for him, that he may remain steadfast in his demands. I will strengthen him, My beloved ones. Remain in prayer and do not let up in atonement because all the sacrileges that have happened in this diocese so far must be atoned for. .
I will bring my father's children into my desires, that they may be prepared for my coming in all power and glory. Men will fall down in awe and gratitude, my beloved children, because soon miracles will happen which cannot be explained. The chaos of the world will come to an end. .
My beloved children, you are facing a third world war. All powers have made their preparations for their undertaking. Will you wait until it breaks out. I have prophesied to you that it is 5 minutes to twelve o'clock. .
Believe me, my children, it is serious. Do not wait until something happens, but take the rosary, your only effective weapon, and then the impossible will become possible because still your dearest mother has won the victory over Satan. .
Stay united and be of one mind. Do not deviate one step from the truth. You will get the knowledge, because heaven will guide you. You will feel it. Hold out until the end and do not weaken in your efforts.
The evil one will try to ensnare you with his cunning. Be vigilant, I warn you of his inscrutable cunning. He can work you in every man who does not orient himself exactly according to my instructions; you will not find out at once. Therefore examine everything, and only then act in my sense and truth.
Perceive the sacrament of Penance It is given to you, especially in this time before Christmas. It can bring you enlightenment. Remain in humility, for the evil one loves pride and tries to seduce you. Remain calm and peaceful. Keep worship, because it enlightens your mind. Let not the restlessness take precedence in your hearts. .
One more week of reflection, then you will celebrate the great feast of the birth of My Son, Christmas. Rejoice in this feast of love, for graces are waiting for you. Bring also the graces of this joyful day into your heart. It shall be overflowing with the jubilation of this day.
I bless you with all angels and saints, with your dearest Mother and Queen of Victory in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.