Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, February 10, 2019

Fifth Sunday after publication.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11.50 am.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Today, the fifth Sunday after the apparition, I, the Heavenly Father, would like to give you some important information for your future life. You are my faithful and you shall also experience my love and care today. You, my faithful ones, go along with Me, the arduous way of your life.

Therefore I would like to give you some additions to today's reading and also to the Gospel.

First of all be of one mind and forgive each other. Do not hold anything against the other. Then you remain in my love and can also pass it on and testify to it. I know, My beloved and faithful ones, that in the present time of upheaval in the Catholic Church you have a very difficult time not only to want to spread the faith. You feel quite soon that one does not want to hear anything of my words. You make the greatest effort to pass on my love. But you hear very little and receive no echo that a good spread has taken place. Yes, one despises you or one avoids you. They say all bad things after you and take away your honor.

Unfortunately, many believers do not understand that the truth also has many enemies. You must take your cross and this persecution of your enemies upon yourselves. It is incomprehensible to you that my words do not reach you. You make the greatest effort, my beloved ones, to scatter this wheat, as it is mentioned in the Gospel, far and wide. This wheat should not only grow, but also multiply. .

But overnight the evil one comes and secretly strews weeds in the seed of the wheat. Then you hear, My beloved ones, that My Son Jesus says that one should not remove the tares between the wheat, but let them grow together with the wheat. One could also remove the wheat with the weeds. Then one would have made a serious mistake. So both should grow together until the harvest.

What does the beloved Jesus want to tell us? We should not give up immediately. The weed can still prove its worth. You have to be patient and maybe with time it will become docile and useful. It can still be added to the wheat.

But Jesus also said that at the time of harvest the weeds should be tied up in bundles and then thrown into the fire. That would be bitter, for that would be the eternal fire. But Jesus wants to protect them from that and wait until the harvest.

You, My beloved believers, have an opportunity in the time of your life to confess your sins in a Holy Sacrament of Penance. In it you will be washed clean of your sins and can begin anew. .

Be ready at all times, My beloved children, because the thief, the evil one, can come overnight and rob you of the sanctifying grace. This is your highest good. Consider this and do not let it be taken away from you. When it happens, seek a confessor as soon as possible and take the sacrament of penance. It is available to all of you at all times.

Then you can also receive Holy Communion again. For only with a pure heart is this possible.

It is a disgrace to receive this Holy Sacrament of Holy Communion with a grave sin. It contaminates you even more.

It is not true, my beloved ones, if one pretends to you that it is not so bad after all, and after all everyone does it, why should it be so? If everyone does it, too, this is not yet a standard. One should take this to heart. The generality is not decisive, but sin is decisive.

My beloved children, do not be confused. The general public can be deceived and many things can be interpreted differently. After the Second Vatican Council many things have been changed or interpreted ambiguously. Therefore one should not align oneself with it and one must ask oneself whether it is not therefore ineffective.

The consequences of the Second Vatican Council cannot be overlooked. The grinding tables at a popular meal have not been removed until today. It was not recognized that a grinding table is not a sacrificial table. It is a big mistake not to be overlooked, if you make a comparison here.

Only at a sacrificial table can the renewal of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross be truly celebrated. Only then will there again be priests who are willing to sacrifice  .

My beloved children and father's children, do you still not recognize the grave difference between a table for sacrifice and a table for grinding?

At a grinding table one can eat ordinary food, while at an offering table one can eat the Lord's Supper, namely Holy Communion, kneeling in due reverence and taking Communion by mouth. This is so easy to understand that it should be equally clear to everyone. But unfortunately, the faithful have been confused. They have been told an untruth. Unfortunately, many still believe this today and are not convinced by the truth. It has become so familiar that it is easy to take the easy way and follow the unbelief. One just does not think that it has serious consequences and that the person himself has a responsibility, which he does not follow at all. .

Now I bless you with your dearest and Heavenly Mother and all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


