Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Monday, April 22, 2019

Second day of Easter.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:10 and 18:30.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved little flock, beloved followers. Today you celebrate the second day of Easter and enjoy the many graces that bring you the light of knowledge. Your hearts burn brightly in the joys of this time.

My beloved children, I may enjoy your love because you show me your willingness to make sacrifices.

My time is fulfilled. I have given you all the signs of the times. But unfortunately many believers are not willing to give me the sacrifices I demand. All of you who show willingness, you will be rewarded a thousand times over. Believe and trust, for I am the Omniscient and Almighty Father in heaven. I will not leave My little sheep alone. I will stand by them in all need and will also give them my help.

There will be no easy time coming up to you all. The heaviest sacrifices are demanded of you. Do not give up on my beloved ones and do not fall into despair when the sacrifices seem too heavy to you.

My beloved mother will guide you in the right direction. She will send you many angels at your disposal. She is the mother of beautiful love. Walk in your footsteps and continue to be willing to sacrifice.

If you see what is not right in your families, do not give up anyway and fight the fight of the righteous. He will teach you many things, for I see your sacrifices and the willingness to sacrifice. .

Proclaim the faith and be ready to receive the heaviest things even if they seem inexplicable to you.

If the erring ones do not want to accept My faith, the True Faith of the Catholic Church, I will intervene, only quite differently than you expect. I have many opportunities to have to accept My sacrifices and to want to do so. The sacrifices that I will then demand are paired with love and mercy, but also with justice.

Many people are convinced that the easy way, the way of the world people is enough to be able to stand before me. You take the easy way and switch off the supernature completely. They just live in the world and take advantage of all amenities.

I will not force anyone to accept the true faith. But these people will find themselves quite soon in their helplessness. Often the realization comes too late. .

My beloved children of faith, be vigilant, for the wicked man does not sleep. He wants to lead you on the trail of misbelief. Besides, he will still proceed cunningly. You will not even feel it.

Even in your own kinship there are pretences that you cannot even recognize. For the sake of faith you will be hated by all. You will be judged and dragged before the courts. Freemasonry is on everyone's lips. .

Wakes up. Pray the rosary daily, for he is the leader of heaven. If you want to be protected, you must find prayer. Fold your hands again.

You, My beloved little flock, pray the Psalms daily and in addition several rosaries daily. From Good Friday up to and including Mercy Sunday, you pray the Novena to Mercy. Everything bears abundant fruit. You can save many who have not been willing to turn back. One day they will be grateful to you.

The whole clergy lies in falsehood and announces modernism. People fall away from faith by the dozen and the future lies in mistaken belief. Since all live this apostasy of faith, hardly anyone will be able to find faith. The children and the youth are at the highest risk.

But unfortunately nobody is warned of this great danger. Men live there as if there were no God and the will to live is only to be found in the world. .

My beloved ones do not let yourselves be led astray. Be watchful and choose only the company that does not lead you astray from the true path of faith. Pray together and be of one mind.

Share the pain of the lack of faith and carry the heavy cross of unbelief with each other.

My beloved children, you who believe and are in the true following of My Son Jesus Christ, do not give up. You are the faithful and have the special protection of heaven. He will guide you and bring forth the true deeds in the light of faith.

I, your beloved Heavenly Father, want to protect you from all filth and all evil. You are loved from eternity, and I do not want to leave you alone in this time. You will have many angels at your side. .

If you are in danger, legions of angels will be at your side and you will not stumble or even fall. You are in divine care. Do not develop fears, for heaven is watching over you.

I bless you with all angels and saints and especially with your Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You who believe, you are given special protection. Believe and trust, and do not be distracted from the truth.


