Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Feast of St. Monica and Cenacle.
The Blessed Mother speaks through Her willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:55 and 18:30.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, your dearest and Heavenly Mother, speak now and today through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the Will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats the words that come from Me today.
Beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far, I would like to give you some important information today. Time is hurrying, because the Heavenly Father will start His intervention very soon.
Many people and also believers will not understand Him in His omnipotence and omniscience. They cannot fathom His ways. They are incomprehensible to so many. But they are healing for some who want to repent.
My beloved ones, share with Me the joy of the Holy Spirit. He wants to overflow you unbelievers and teach you the truth. Do not be distracted by the generality of people who want to teach you wrong. They are impressed by worldly influences and do not want to let go of them.
But the Holy Spirit works in Me, your Mother of God. I am the bride of the Holy Spirit. I pray that the Holy Spirit may overflow you and enter into your open hearts.
Give yourselves all to Me, your heavenly Mother. Then you will be preserved from all evil. I give you the true knowledge.
Consecrate yourselves therefore to my Immaculate Heart to resist the confusions of the present time. Give yourselves therefore to Me, your heavenly Mother. I know about your heart's desires. .
My beloved children of Mary, I love you all and I want to lead you to the Heavenly Father. Be ready and let yourself be guided. The time is ripe. You cannot rely on your own help, for your strength will soon weaken.
What does it look like when the afflictions take hold of you and you get into despair? Will you stand firm then? Without my help you will succumb to the currents of time. I will summon legions of angels upon you. They will stand by you and you will not succumb to the worst temptations. .
I am your Heavenly Mother who feels with you. Take your cross on your shoulders and say a ready "yes" to the will of the Heavenly Father.
Of course there will be hard temptations for you too. There can be much suffering coming to you. But you will not succumb when you take up my help.
I know about your worries and needs and do not want to leave you alone in all difficulties.
Believe and trust in the omnipotence of the Heavenly Father. He will have to put you through a lot of hardships during this time to save many more souls from eternal damnation.
Bear your cross willingly and without murmuring. It is a cross of love, and you will be rewarded a thousand times over with the eternal goods of heaven.
The Spirit of God blows where he wants. The greatest criminals are able to repent by the influx of the Holy Spirit. You will experience true wonders.
and be shaken by the love of God. It will be incomprehensible to many where and how the Holy Spirit intervenes.
But it makes sense that many people have to carry a heavy cross before following the Holy Spirit in their hearts and not falling back into the old ways. No matter how heavy the cross may be, when the love of God flows into the ready hearts, many cannot resist. They can give themselves completely to the will of the Heavenly Father if they are receptive.
The Spirit of God wants to be prayed for. There are many atoning souls today, who atone for many sins of mankind in order to enable them to repent.
But nobody can do without following the cross. Follow My Son on the cross, then you are always on the right path and you cannot go wrong. Be ready when the will of God is put into your hearts. Be ready even if it is a difficult path to which you are to give your "Yes Father". No matter how difficult the way, I as Heavenly Mother will not leave you alone on this path.
Today you have felt the Holy Spirit in the Fraternita He has also poured into your hearts because the ecstasy of My daughter Anne has again shown you the way.
My beloved Children of Mary, I, your dearest Heavenly Mother, would like to speak today of the sense of family. The family is wanted by God. One wants to destroy them by many intrigues.
My beloved ones, do not pursue the sense of the world. He will certainly lead you astray. Homosexuality and generalized sexualism destroy the family. A surrogate mother is chosen to give birth to children who are then given up for adoption. These children are disturbed for their whole lives. They will not be able to start a family themselves.
But from true families certainly come holy priests who bear witness to the True Catholic Faith.
The present Supreme Shepherd was unfortunately manipulated and he is the real Antichrist, although one does not want to believe it. How then should the True Faith be spread?
The Heavenly Father will make sure quite soon that he is swept away. He harms the Catholic Church and publicly spreads one heresy after another. Unfortunately the German cardinals and bishops are not able to plead for the truth. It is a mockery how to stamp the True Church more and more into the ground .
My beloved children of Mary, I want to lead many who are ready to accept My words back on the right path. The Holy Spirit will knock on the doors of hearts and will meet ready hearts.
Unfortunately also the lack of faith is progressing and cannot be stopped. Many believers fall for the sects and thereby reach out their hands to Satan.
I would like to give all prepared hearts once again the good and ultimate advice do not be impressed by worldly pleasures, because they give only a short and fleeting happiness. Do not give in to this desire, for it brings you only misfortune and suffering. Unite in religious and catholic groups and pray the Rosary. Then you advance on the sure ladder to heaven. It will also give you inner peace, because the world offers only noise and restlessness to which many people today succumb. .
Continue to pray for your German country that is in danger of losing its mission. The virtues that characterized this country have been completely lost. It must again become a role model. You can request this.
You, My children, pray still every day before the Blessed Sacrament the eight Psalms and also the Litany of the Blessed Sacrament. I would like to thank you today for persevering in prayer despite the many tasks and problems. You have achieved a lot through this.
It is My wish that the party I prefer should be the future leading party in the next legislative period .
My children, I would also like to thank you for building me this beautiful altar of Mary. I am immersed in a sea of flowers. You have fulfilled My wishes that the former time of the beautiful altars may return. You have proved it and made me happy by doing so. Every day you sing many Marian songs in My honor, because the month of May is My special month.
I bless you now with all the angels and saints in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
You are the beloved of the Heavenly Father and are loved with Divine Jealousy. Hang in there, for your reward will be great.