Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ascension Day.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 12:10 and at 18:05.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak today and now through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today I am giving you special instructions and also pouring out special gifts of grace. In ten days you will celebrate Pentecost. Tomorrow you will begin the novena of Pentecost. Hereby you invoke the Holy Spirit. .

You, My beloved children, you are the called ones. You cannot yet believe that I have given you such a gift. This day you may let a song of rejoicing resound for My Son Jesus Christ has ascended to Me in heaven. He will ask you the Spirit of Truth. Believe in it, for you will not be left orphans. You will be blessed with the Holy Spirit.

You, My children, had to learn that the people around you do not want to believe. You have witnessed the true faith with tears. You are the models of true faith.

Nothing should seem too heavy to you, for you believe and trust. You willingly take your cross on your shoulders. Even if people despise you, you bless them. You pray for your enemies. Then they cannot harm you.

My beloved children, with your powers you can do nothing. But you take the divine power. Thus you fulfill my desire and my will.

Of course it will not be easy to fulfill my will because you get a strong headwind. That would upset you if you would not make use of the divine power. .

My children, I see your worries and I know about them. But I will not take them from you. They belong to your life. The more you fulfill my will, the more life-affirming you become. You can accomplish many things that you cannot understand yourself. You will be amazed at what comes out of your mouth. You will experience true wonders. Even in your immediate surroundings you will experience these events that you cannot explain to yourself. You will be amazed and the others will also look at you in wonder.

The Holy Spirit will inspire you to do things that will astonish yourselves. You will thereby bear witness to Me. This will be the spreading of faith.

How did the twelve apostles do it? They have gone all over the world and have testified to the truth all over the world.

Now you stand at the beginning of the spreading of faith my beloved ones and think so it cannot go on after all.  No, my children, I will intervene quite soon. When my hour has come, all will fall down before the Godhead and worship the Trinity. .

It only takes a little while. Then the events will increase. You will see the sun appearing and turning in the most beautiful colors. Yes, a solar miracle will happen and everyone will see it.

You will still experience many conversions. These miracles of conversion will be incomprehensible. You will not be able to explain them. Watch and pray, for my Son will appear in great power and glory in the firmament. Many will fall on their faces with emotion and awe. .

My children pass on my love Everything is to happen in love and for love. You have so much to give away. Your own heart will burn with love. When you feel this love, you know that the Holy Spirit is active in you. Give thanks and adore Him. .

My beloved ones, I will always give you information so that you do not fall into evil in these streams of time. Satan wants to ensnare you, so that you agree to modernism. Stay firm. It will not be easy to make your point.

My beloved ones, you will have little contact with your former acquaintances and relatives, because they all reject the traditional Holy Masses of Sacrifice and also My Messages. They are not able to form their own opinion. They do not understand that modernism is harmful to them.

I myself cannot leave My Son Jesus Christ in the tabernacles of the modernist churches, for He is exposed to great disfigurement. These priests do not know that the Saviour cannot be transformed in the hands of the modernist priests, because they turn their backs on the Saviour in the transformation and turn to the people. Moreover, hand communion is still distributed in these churches. This too is a disgrace. Many lay people are at the altar and they also still distribute communion. All this is not possible when a true Holy Tridentine Sacrificial Mass is celebrated.

My beloved faithful and children, you see, the lack of faith has spread and the rosary is still not prayed in modernist churches. Since it is the safe ladder to heaven, it is required everywhere. Unfortunately, the faithful have been led astray by these priests.

My beloved father-children, you have pleaded so strongly for the AfD in the European elections, because it is really the only party that does not pretend to the people to come to the government, but they stand up for the German people.

Do not be disappointed My dear ones if this party did not perform as you expected.

In Germany there has to be a complete collapse first, because they have elected the worst party, which can only bring them misfortune. But Germany has become a country that no longer raises its hands in prayer - that is why this complete apostasy. Germany must regain awareness of its former values and put them into practice. They let Islam into their country and therefore did not demonstrate publicly. Look at the Eastern European countries, because they have learned from their past and are protesting in the streets. They don't just sit back and relax, but are committed to their own country in a very concrete way.>/strong>.

My children, you must be there for the other one again. You have become egoists. Everyone lives only for himself and his problems. Nothing is fine in their own families.

Unless you surrender yourselves completely to My will and consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, you will not be able to endure this life struggle. .

My mother stands by you. You can tell her all your worries. She is always there for you and does not leave you even if your life is surrounded by many crosses. She always knows what to do and guides you. She sends you her many angels to accompany you and you will have a happy life.

My beloved children, pray, because the time is short before the procedure happens. You should be prepared and take advantage of the sacrament of Penance. It is there for you, so that you may pass on these streams of grace and many more may be converted.

This time of upheaval is not understandable for many, because the consumer society has become independent. You want to experience something and the world offers many temptations. If people do not concentrate on the divine, they will be carried away by the general stream and they will not find themselves. They make use of everything that is offered to them and do not realize that they are missing the most important thing for true happiness. They live there without understanding the meaning of life.

That is why many other religions are also decaying, because they are looking for something there that they have not found before. There they receive recognition and initially help, which they would like to take advantage of. That they get into an aberration, they notice only very late.

My beloved ones, turn all of you to the true and catholic faith and realize that there is only one Saviour who should take your heart.

The path of faith is a long way to true knowledge. But it is really worth walking it alone.

I bless you with all angels and saints, with your dearest Heavenly Mother in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


