Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Saturday, June 8, 2019

Saturday, Cenacle of Our Lady.

The Heavenly Mother speaks through Her willing, obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 5:50 pm.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, your Heavenly Mother, speak now and today through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in the will of the Heavenly Father and only repeats the words that come from Me today.

Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today you have celebrated the Cenacle, you have felt a deep devotion and you have felt only the good in your hearts. I thank you with all my heart that you were not absent. You have felt a deep calm and balance.

Love has breathed the true spirit into you. Yes, this is the Holy Spirit, the Comforter whom I have asked for your hearts. .

On the morrow you will celebrate Pentecost. You are all looking forward to the pouring of the Holy Spirit. He will flow through you so that you will be transformed into changed men, even become believing men. You cannot believe what the Holy Spirit is doing in you.

But first to my Cenacle. You have rushed to My sanctuary and have asked the Comforter. You were ready to receive the Holy Spirit. How much joy can the Holy Spirit give you? Open your hearts wide, for the Holy Spirit wants to enter into you. .

When true love overflows you, you can bear much that seemed too difficult to you up to now. Please do not feel any fear of the supernatural forces. They will be within you and encourage you to do good and to refrain from evil.

You are the beloved of the Heavenly Father, because you believe in the Trinity. Always hold fast to your faith and go into prayer as often as possible. It will strengthen you.

What is the situation in the world today? Are there only worldly people left? Or are there still people who live and testify to the faith?

My beloved, today, unfortunately, the evil one exerts a special power on people who surrender themselves to the public and do not seek silence in prayer. You won't find peace and quiet, because the variety is too big and the world attracts with its many pleasures.

I will give you the necessary serenity when you practice the rosary in your families. It is a prayer that immediately reaches heaven and also has a calming effect on the soul.

You cannot believe how many graces you receive, because he works true miracles in which you almost no longer believe. .

In your families there is disagreement for the most part. You do not find peace because you are not believed. They want to rob you of faith. You are looking for pronunciation and for a loving gesture.

But you only find and reap quarrels. You want to pass on love, but you reap only hate and incomprehension. You cannot pass on faith, that makes you sad. .

The hearts of the people are hardened today. Look only at the top rows of the church. Abuse is at the top of the list and unfortunately it contains the truth. You want to cover it all up, but it comes to light.

I, your dearest mother, am with you in this chaos of time and in your needs. You are not alone if you continue to take up the cross and follow My Son Jesus. The cross often presses strongly on your shoulders. Do not shake it off, for it is precious. Yes, I said precious.

Without the cross you cannot earn heaven. The earth is but a passageway to heaven. Life on earth is short, but heaven is eternal. .

Be not sad when your suffering oppresses you. Look on My Son, who willingly bore all things, though He was without sin. It is His will that is done in you. Therefore do not be afraid when evil surrounds you and not everything is done according to your will. The will of the Heavenly Father is quite different from what you imagine. You often cannot understand His ways. .

Pray therefore to the Holy Spirit that He may give you the knowledge to do good and to leave evil behind. Always remember that Satan is powerful, for he is involved in everything .

If you think you are experiencing a big fish of conversion, you will soon find out that the evil one is intervening. You often experience this very closely and cannot understand it. Man can be influenced and makes a U-turn to evil even though he was already on the right track. You are disappointed and can't believe how man changes to the negative when the influence of evil becomes too strong. .

Do not give up, My beloved ones, but pray for the person who is in danger of losing the Holy Spirit There are often inconsistencies that you cannot understand.

Love shall overtake you to wait for the intervention of heaven. You know that the Holy Spirit blows where and how He wants. The tide can turn, and very quickly. Therefore, hold on and trust that heaven will soon untie this knot, but quite differently than you expect. Time will bring it.

Persevere in patience and do not let up in prayer. If you lose the guideline to heaven, it becomes critical for you.

Heaven always has the possibility to change the situation that you do not have and cannot recognize. .

You will experience true miracles in the future and you will only rejoice how heaven adds everything. Don't lose your true connection to the Heavenly Father, who loves you with an intensity that you cannot understand.

>>u>Love always remains the greatest. And if you have this love within you, you can survive the biggest problems. Love urges you to true deeds. Where the human stops, the divine begins to work and miracles follow.

So never give up, but go forward. .

Today you have celebrated the Cenacle and have entered the Pentecost Hall, the place of refuge. My heart, the Immaculate Heart, has poured love into you.

You are in the month of the Heart of Jesus this month You can now ask for many graces from the Heart of My Son .

Today you have finished the novena to the Holy Spirit and in nine days you have invoked the Holy Spirit. It will overflow you tomorrow. The tongues of fire will descend upon you and set your hearts aflame. A deep joy will seize you. Do not be afraid that I overtax you in all your crosses.

You will feel an urge to do good that you have not yet known. Wake up, my beloved ones, the time of grace has come. Let the Holy Spirit penetrate you. .

Do not believe in this world, which lies in the darkness of unbelief and cannot make good decisions. In the storm's roar the Holy Spirit will inspire you and penetrate into you. Have courage and open your hearts wide, for this power of the divine shall give you undreamt-of powers.

Do not believe in people who keep you away and do not want to accompany you on your way. You are on the path of truth.

As you know, the truth is presented today as a lie. But you know the truth because you live it and the good pushes you forward. .

How many people today live in darkness and do not even recognize these important graces of Pentecost. They spend the days of Pentecost like a vacation and do not realize that they are missing the most important thing in their lives. They seek only worldly variety and remain firmly in it. They oversleep the graces of Pentecost and the blessing of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice all days, My children of faith, for I am the bride of the Holy Spirit and will ask you all that the Holy Spirit has planned for you.

You have no reason to be despondent because you are the ones who receive the gifts. Patience, My beloved children of Mary, is an important commandment for you. It lifts your soul to true joy that cannot be taken away from you. You will be admired and praised for your endurance. Therefore you should not give up, even if many things seem incomprehensible to you. It should not diminish your faith.

You are experiencing the anticipation of Pentecost and these joys will not be robbed of you by the many problems and the crosses that have been placed on your shoulders .

I bless you with all the angels and saints in the Trinity especially with the Holy Spirit in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Rejoice every day, for the time of grace has come. The Holy Spirit is waiting for your ready hearts, for He wants to flow in. Be ready for these joys and graces.


