Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Feast of Corpus Christi.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne at 1:10 pm and at 5:10 pm into the computer.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and today through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved small flock, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. Today is a very special festival. Today you all have the opportunity to confess your true and catholic faith before all people.
In how few places and also pilgrimage sites is this traditional faith still publicly proclaimed and cultivated in processions today? The loss of faith is increasing more and more.
People have come to the conclusion that they want to manage everything themselves. They can do everything themselves and no longer need the loving God, My Son in the Trinity, who with every fiber of His heart longs for the believing people. But they ignore the loving and caring Son of God, My beloved Son, whom I sent into the world to redeem all men.
It is hardly bearable for Me, the Heavenly Father, that so many people, despite the loving care, still reject My Son. They realize that they cannot do their daily work alone and are already overwhelmed.
But they do not want to surrender themselves to Me and My loving Son. They are afraid that they should hand over the leadership of their own lives and no longer be able to decide for themselves.
My beloved father children, surrender yourselves with all that is dear to you, to Me your caring Father, who wants to be with you always and who loves you infinitely. Out of exceedingly great love He went to the cross for all men to redeem all. But many men have not accepted these graces. .
"I am the way, the truth and the life", My Son tells you and I promise you paradise in heaven if you let yourselves be led. Surrender completely to Me the guidance and be obedient to Me, the Heavenly Father, who loves you infinitely and does not want anyone to be lost.
Hell is cruel, My beloved and for every human being I, the Heavenly Father, am fighting until the last moment. .
The wicked man is still cunning today, and he fights for his followers who are dedicated to him. But believe me, my beloved ones, he lies in his last trains. He feels that his time is soon over, where he can still draw the lukewarm men to his side. Unfortunately many people do not realize that they are led by evil because they do not even realize it.
My beloved children, return to the true Catholic faith. There is really only one True Catholic and Apostolic faith. It is the faith of love and not of hate. In this love I want to embrace all of you and press you to My caring heart because I love you all and this will not stop.
You compare your love with My love. But it cannot be compared because I still love you when the others reject you. Then I do not give up on you. If men hate you, then practice love of your enemies.
Today you celebrate the great feast where the Savior is carried through the streets in the Holy Monstrance. The altars in the processions of each station are richly decorated. They testify to the true faith. "He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I abide in him," says My Son Jesus Christ. It should be a praise of the Holy Eucharist, in the confession of true faith.
"But whoever receives My flesh and blood unworthily eats and drinks the judgment. My son testifies to this too, it is the truth. And for this truth you are to stand up and live and testify to your faith.
If you live this faith only for yourselves, it is a dead faith. There is then no spreading and you are not apostles sent into the world. I have called you through My Son and Savior to spread this faith. Whether convenient or inconvenient, spread the truth and you will receive the eternal reward in heaven. .
You stand in the following of My Son, who willingly took His cross on His shoulders and had Himself crucified for all of you to redeem you. You are therefore the redeemed. But this also means that you also willingly take your cross on your shoulders and do not carry your cross grumbling. Accept it gratefully and rejoice when you become bearers of the cross. Only then are you in the following of Christ, My Son, because in the cross is salvation. .
What about the Islamists? Do they also have the same God as we do? No, definitely not. You, My beloved ones, proclaim the faith of love while Islam presents the faith of hatred. Your faith cannot be put on the same level. It is not the same God whom you are to worship, for it is a devil's faith that wants to draw many more to his side.
Do not let yourselves be influenced, for the wicked man wants to twist everything, for truth becomes a lie that can hardly be recognized .
Therefore be vigilant when the wicked man wants to oppress you and make you believe everything that is not true. Be vigilant My beloved ones. I warn you again and again live the true faith and unite yourselves in the unity of faith. If you are of one mind, nothing can happen to you.
I, your Heavenly Father, want to protect you from all evil, so that you may know that I have sent you the Holy Spirit to come to the knowledge that good must prevail in your hearts. Do the good, My beloved ones, and refrain from evil. You will know it because the Holy Spirit whom I send you will make you know everything. Do not be afraid but be faithful. I am with you every day and do not leave you. .
Have I not promised you love? Whoever remains in my love also has the Holy Spirit. The angels are also important. Call them, because they want to be asked.
The time is ripe, My beloved ones, where I will appear in the firmament in great power and glory; I have already given you so many signs. Please do not be blind to my admonitions. I would like to call your attention to the fact that still much will come to you. There will be the purest whirlwinds and earthquakes will occur in many countries. There will also be famines. You will be afflicted with diseases that you do not know and there will be no medicines available. These diseases will be brought in because your borders are still not closed to the migrants. These diseases will be brought in by the black Africans. They are also signs of uncleanliness .
Your German people were exemplary in their cleanliness. Now everything looks different. You can't pretend that. You are chased into fear and you cannot prevent it.
My beloved children, the time, namely My time, has come. Whoever chooses Me, the Heavenly Father, I will protect him.
The loving and great God wants to be at your side in all situations. Rely on this love. He knows exactly in his omniscience and in his omnipotence what you lack.
As you know, a complete chaos has broken in this present world. The people do not find anywhere an open ear for their problems. They would like to speak out. But there is no priest to enlighten them and give them exact instructions. .
Because of godlessness, many disputes also take place in their own families. They are divided in faith and also in the upbringing of children.
Through the gender ideology the people have been maneuvered into a crisis of faith. You cannot squirm out of it. If today one stands firmly to its catholic faith, then one is rejected, because it does not lie in the normality that one represents the truth and is also vehemently engaged for it. Anyone who publicly admits to this is marginalized. It is hardly understandable why one rejects the true and catholic faith so.
There are also good and pious families who want to practice their faith and don't find approval from the other families.
That is the trend today. But I, the loving Heavenly Father, will change everything, because I will intervene quite differently, as one can imagine. Men will be amazed how I, the omniscient, will act.
This is also missionary work, if you are still spreading your faith despite the counter-resonance. I thank you for so bravely spreading the words of the Bible.
If you suffer persecution, My beloved ones, do not be afraid, but courageously spread your convinced faith. People will thank you for it.
I bless you now with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Be brave My beloved ones, for I will protect you in every situation like the apple of My eye, for you are My faithful and beloved ones Stay in love and do not let yourselves be distracted.