Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, June 30, 2019

Third Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 11:20 and 17:10.


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, give you again today some information that is important.

I speak through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved ones, the evil dragon is like a roaring lion that wants to devour everything that surrenders to him. Therefore my beloved ones, remain on guard, because I want to be with you. Open the doors of your heart and connect your heart with our united hearts and thus your hearts are also united with ours. Nothing can happen to you if you consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of your Heavenly Mother. This is the best protection for you all. Do not be afraid, but be faithful. Unite yourselves in faith and do not give up prayer, sacrifice and atonement. .

Yes, how many people today are still searching for the truth. Unfortunately, today the truth is turned into a lie. One no longer speaks about the truth, but indulges in fables. This cannot correspond to reality.

How many people are searching to find the true faith and therefore give themselves to other religions. One enlightens them falsely and turns to the one world religion, because the Catholic faith is unfortunately contained in this world religion. This will be falsified. He has been made equal, and men are thus confused and lost, and besides, deceived.

My beloved ones, I am the true Heavenly Father, who loves you unspeakably and wants to lead you on the true path. Surrender yourselves completely to Me and let yourselves be guided and guided. Go to My hand. Then you can be sure and not be absent. I am the Omniscient and Omnipotent Triune God, who wants to take you by the hand so that you do not go astray.

I go after My lost sheep and bring them again to the right and green pasture. There are unfortunately many lost sheep today, whom I want to follow, because they belong to me and shall not fall into eternal damnation. I want to protect them from that, because I follow every single stray sheep and bring it back when it has lost its way. I rather leave the 99 sheep behind to pursue the one that has strayed. So precious is every soul to me.

My beloved children, in this time of total chaos in the world, where erroneous belief has come in, I do not allow My sheep to be led astray. I am the good shepherd and I do not leave the stray sheep alone because they have no shepherd today, yes, they have become shepherd-less and are searching for the truth.

Unfortunately this truth is no longer conveyed to them .

I am looking for My beloved sons of priests who are consecrated to Me. They have given Me their promise of consecration and not to the bishops who spread heresies in the present time. This is unbelief, and they have not praised Me for this faith. .

It must be different again. This Holy Father should listen to the bishops, who should make him aware that he is not continuing to spread heresies. Everything is so clearly recognizable. Everything that speaks against the true Catholic faith is not in order. For this reason, the Bishops have the duty in their responsibility to make this Supreme Pastor aware that he must not falsify the truths of the Catholic faith and that he must not enact his own Church laws that do not correspond to this Catholic faith.

Where are My Supreme Shepherds? Where is the true faith and its responsibility? They have become lukewarm and do not dare to contradict the Supreme Shepherd. Unfortunately, they see their financial provision in the first place and not their faith. Faith must be firmly anchored in their hearts and must not waver.

Pathetic they are not able to fully represent this true and catholic faith. My beloved ones, it is the first duty of a bishop not to shirk his responsibility and to proclaim, live and testify to the pure faith.

How many people are thus led astray and do not find their way back? How sadly My Son Jesus Christ looks upon His flock. He has chosen and called them. Where have they gone? Have they been unfaithful to the dear Savior?

My Son instituted the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar and also appointed His priests as sacrificial priests. They are to stand at an altar of sacrifice and not at a grinding table and a Protestant meal fellowship. Grinding tables are Protestant and the sacrificial altar is the Catholic sacrificial table, where the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is renewed in each Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. This corresponds to the full truth.

I say it again quite consistently, throw these grinding tables out of the modernist churches and you will see how quickly the churches will fill up. You will not be able to grasp it, for the Catholic people demand holiness and can no longer find it in the modernistic churches. .

How sad is My Son, Jesus Christ, when He sees His erring sons of priests at the modernist grinding tables? Unfortunately, the Second Vatican Council has brought so much disaster and one does not change it, although one sees the excrescences that grow into infinity.

It is a shame and people are not even ashamed when they see their true faith mutilated. Nowhere is the truth revealed to them, although the priests should know what the true Catholic faith contains. Unfortunately, they do not realize that they are going astray and that they are on the wrong track.

There are the limits, the ten commandments. Why are they no longer observed?

Are the seven sacraments not the most important? Why is it being abolished more and more? It goes deeper and deeper into disbelief and you don't even notice it. Otherwise, one would put a stop to this nonsense.

My Son Jesus Christ gave you all this legacy of the Holy Eucharist before His death. He wants to be with you always in the Holy Host in this elixir of life. He is truly present with flesh and blood in every Communion where the Sacrificial Banquet is celebrated in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. This is the true Catholic faith that one wants to destroy. You may receive Him and He dwells in your hearts. You may tell Him all your needs and tribulations and He will never stop listening to you.

He wants to become completely one with you, as He becomes one with the priest during the Holy Communion, so He wants to become one heart and soul with you. He asks for you.

Isn't this a unique faith? Will you let this faith be torn from your ready hearts? You can never let that happen. He is your Lord and Master and the Creator of the whole world. He owns everything.

Has He not created a wonderful world for you? When you walk through the world with your eyes open, you see everywhere the mighty creature He has created, and which should not be destroyed, just as modern mankind does.

My beloved father children, I love you so much that I want to prove it to you again and again. I am sorry that I have to give you information again and again to explain to you how quickly you succumbed to evil. You keep forgetting how cunning the evil one is. He tries with everything to bring you down, even in your next acquaintance, because you do not notice it.

Unfortunately it is a crisis that has come everywhere and people don't know how to help themselves. If only they would believe in my omnipotence and omniscience. Then I could be at their side better. It is because of the false enlightenment and this leads astray.

I would like to help everyone so much that there is unity in the families again. Divorces are increasing. The couples do not understand each other and cannot forgive.

Therefore I advise all, take advantage of the sacrament of Penance. It will help you to be able to forgive. Peace must enter into the hearts. This brings about a good confession.

Why do you ask where you can take the sacrament of Penance? It has its effect with all priests, because it depends on the sins, on your guilt. You want to be freed from this guilt and this can happen with every confessor.

Of course it is good to have confidence in a good priest.

But then you ask yourselves, where do I find a good priest today? The Pius-Brothers and also the Peter-Brothers celebrate the Holy Sacrificial Feast in the Tridentine Rite and do not lie in modernism. There you will certainly find understanding, for modernism will bring you down. .

You will be told many things that are not true. They will also very quickly judge every seer and prophet. They do not cultivate the gift of discernment of spirits, and that is very important.

If one judges overhastily, one will not have tested either, but will rely on the opinion of other people. But the feelings of men can deceive and very often.

How quickly is a messenger insulted as a sectarian? Is that right? My beloved ones, the prophets and seers whom I appoint, often have to bear great suffering. For the most part, they bear their suffering with much patience and do not complain that I, the Heavenly Father, burden them with such a large cross. They ask for mercy to wear it.

My little Anne, do not be afraid if the suffering seems incomprehensible and too much for you. The many atonements are necessary today. How should the serious sins be taken away? Everything must be atoned for.

Do not be sad if your own wishes are not fulfilled. You do not know how I, the loving Father, must see my wishes differently with a heavy heart, because I will have to include the future and also the past, which you cannot do.

Despair not, my beloved father's children Time will pass and you will realize that in the meantime everything has happened differently, which you cannot foresee. Do not despair immediately, but persevere in patience. Time will bring it. .

Let your loving Father guide and direct you. This is the better way than despairing immediately. I only want to achieve the best for you. Often this is the hardest thing.

Carry your cross in patience and love because My Son preceded you in the cross. This is the Catholic thing that people often do not understand. Do not let up in the virtues of faith, hope and love. You can practice this if you practice it.

Don't judge the other person immediately, but look first at your own mistakes. I strongly advise you to do this, because then you will be more gentle with the other one.

Now I have given you a lot of information that will surely help you. I am anxious for every soul, because you are all very precious to me. No one is to sink into the eternal abysses, because I want to save all and receive them into my Divine Kingdom.

Dear my children, let your motivation remain. If you take this to heart, it will look more peaceful in your life and your despair will decrease. I wish you all that with all my heart.

In the coming month of July the month of the Precious Blood of My Son begins. Immerse all your worries in His Precious Blood, for only a small drop of His Blood can accomplish much.

I love you all without limits, please don't forget that, because this shall be your goal and incentive. I want to be with you every day and am always open for your needs. Tell it to me and not to other people.

I bless you now with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach and all the angels in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Be vigilant and do not rely on your own powers. Take the Divine powers when your own are not enough. Love will continue to be the deciding factor. If you have the love, you can master many things differently.


