Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany


Sunday, July 14, 2019

Fifth Sunday after Whitsun.

The Heavenly Father, through His willing obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne, speaks into the computer at 11:10 and 18:10


In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and today through My willing obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.

My beloved father children, also today I have some important instructions to you. It is the day of the Lord the Sunday. Unfortunately, many believers have forgotten that it is a special day when you should honor the Lord God in the Trinity.

If you begin this day with a Holy Mass of Sacrifice in the Tridentine Rite, you can celebrate this day in a very different way than if you celebrate it in the world. The most important thing is simply missing and you will feel this all day long if you want to celebrate it in a different way. There are so many changes in the world that you can forget this Day of the Lord  .

You will feel that you will then be divided and will not bring in the peace and joy of this Sunday. If you are at odds with your brother, sister or other acquaintance, first go there and reconcile, for only then can you participate in a worthy Holy Mass of sacrifice.

Now you ask yourselves, where is there a place near me where another worthy Holy Sacrificial Mass is celebrated? You are right there, because there are really few Catholic churches in which a Holy Mass of Sacrifice is still celebrated and not a meal fellowship in modernism. Therefore, I have provided for My beloved father children. After the DVD, you can join in the celebration of the valid Holy Sacrificial Mass and thus enjoy a Sunday Sacrificial Mass. This is true for many people who unfortunately do not know where they can go or are ill and old. Again and again you ask where we should go if the modernist churches do not allow it.

It is a very difficult time for all of you not to celebrate this Day of the Lord with your like-minded people and also not with your relatives. Through enlightenment and conversation you will not become one mind. You talk past each other. Godlessness in the modern age has progressed so far that people can no longer talk about the true Catholic faith. This brings the disunity and you do not get on the same basis when you talk and the discord is pre-programmed. This is not meant to be.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God Himself founded His True Catholic Church. She shall shine to you all like a lamp. Jesus is the light and you too are to bring this light to men. "You are the light of the world and the salt of the earth," he himself says. .

Also you Christians must work together that you do not stray from the right path. This is very fast. Keep, my beloved Catholic Christians, the day of the Lord and rejoice together. .

Jesus the Son of God died for all and not just for some. They can all enjoy the Catholic faith. You forget, unfortunately, that Jesus died for all of you and that everyone has the grace to accept it. But many unfortunately do not realize it .

Love is the most important thing there again and love unites. In love you are united and equal. There you will find each other and will not fall apart.

In the Holy Sacrificial Feast you receive in kneeling the whole Savior with body and blood, with Godhead and humanity, in oral communion. You will become one, just as the priest at the altar of sacrifice becomes one heart and soul in the consecration. He really becomes one, even if you cannot see this great mystery. It is the greatest mystery of faith and the greatest miracle that will ever exist or has ever existed. The deity connects with humanity. Therefore it is also important that the priests wear the right vestments for this Holy Mass of Sacrifice.

Unfortunately, many priests today do not know what the proper priestly clothing looks like. Today one has put together one's own clothing. They disagreed about how this should look like.

Now My beloved sons of priests, you must keep the tradition as it was in the past. Then you are always right. Look into the past, where everything was still fine and nobody asked what to change. It was just like that and it was accepted by everyone. This is the way it should be today.

What about the priests today? Can you still recognize a priest by his clothing today? No, he is ashamed when he is supposed to show himself in the world with the priestly clothes. This is definitely not right. A priest is something special, a man of God, who should venture among the people. He must be recognizable and not live in secrecy. Openly and freely he shall walk the streets, so that the priestly image may be restored.

How often have I, my beloved, already referred to these priestly clothes. And yet the modern priests do not understand that these clothes are special. You must be proud of your clothing, My beloved priests, because you are loved especially by Me, the Heavenly Father. This should also be noticeable in daily life.

You are My faithful and on you I will raise up the New Church in splendor and glory .

The church of today rightly asks you what it looks like. They have been trampled beyond recognition. Very quickly the sacraments were abolished by flimsy laws. Where have the commandments gone? Are they still noticed? Hasn't it already been said, why should we keep it when there is no more hell.But My children, hell really does exist. There is also the place of purification, purgatory. Therefore there is also sin, which you must repent of and also have to repent. Repentance for your sins is also important. You remain sinful men and will also always remain them until the end of life. Therefore, the Sacrament of Penance cannot be abolished and the confessional should be brought back to the fore. A liberation takes place after a valid confession and this is also important.

Unfortunately, the confessional is no longer modern. In many places it has been abolished and the penitential prayer has been used for this. This is also a gross mistake, which unfortunately was made. It is simply no longer noticeable when an important action or a very important sacrament is no longer there and people can no longer call on their help.

How quickly everything has changed and you ask yourself how you can bring about a change. So much has happened that unfortunately the believers no longer notice it.

And now to my justice. I am the loving and righteous Heavenly Father who wants to include you all in His loving heart so that you may be well. My justice is still paired with mercy. They belong together.

Justice now comes first. Let her tell you that nothing is hidden. Everything is revealed. You dear children of the Father should feel that your loving Father is thinking of you and can look into your heart to make it happy again.

You have endured so much that the wicked have not allowed you to rest. They still want to harm you today. But your loving Father watches over you and does not allow you to be robbed of your last strength. I am the Heavenly Father, who does not leave His children alone and guards them so that one cannot ask too much of them.

My beloved little Anne and also My beloved flock, you have done very much in the last time and have not complained that I have imposed too much on you. For this I thank you. You are my loyal ones who have held out also in the hopeless times. The insuperable and firm faith has urged you to always believe in the love of the Father in heaven and not to let go of this faith even in the most difficult times. This faith has grown within you and has also made you more secure. You have taken advantage of the Sacrament of Penance and it was also a self-education for you. It should also help others to accept in gratitude the graces that flow from each sacrament of Penance.

Continue your efforts to see all the sacraments as loving offers from heaven. Don't let others influence you to use it sparingly. No, they are gifts of love from the Heavenly Father and you may gratefully use them often and not wait for someone else to come before you. You may accept the Sacrament of Penance and also Holy Communion again and again as a gift from Heaven.

There are many people who receive this communion in an unworthy condition and who, moreover, tell themselves that everything is fine, although it remains a grave sin to receive it unworthily. Also the often confessor has an advantage over the less confessors, because the self-education will become noticeable with time. Do not let up in self-knowledge, for the Holy Spirit will give you much that is for your own good. He is the love between Father and Son and wants to transmit this love to you too, to make you happy.

From every holy confession an inner contentment flows, which cannot be replaced. Try it, if you feel a deep remorse, go to confession and you will feel the inner happiness of relief. .

Pray much for the possibility of confession, because the Heavenly Father still has possibilities where man sees none. It is a time of maturity that you can take advantage of to become happier.

I, the Heavenly Father, now bless you with all angels and saints, especially with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen of Victory and the Rose Queen of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Remain vigilant, for the wicked man will try everything to dissuade you, even at the last moment, from continuing on the true path. Wake up, for the time of the coming and the intervention of the Heavenly Father is at hand.


