Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Sunday, April 26, 2020
Second Sunday after Easter and Sunday of the Good Shepherd.
The Heavenly Father speaks through His willing, obedient and humble tool and daughter Anne into the computer at 7pm.
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and in this moment through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is entirely in My Will and repeats only the words that come from Me.
Beloved little flock, beloved followers and beloved believers from near and far. I, the Heavenly Father, give you some information today to tell you to change your ways. Often you are going astray and do not even feel it.
My beloved children, I am the Good Shepherd, I know My sheep and the sheep know Me. They listen to my voice because they know me, that I am the Good Shepherd. I still have sheep in another sheepfold who do not listen to My voice. I would like to lead these sheep to the right pasture.
So far these shepherds have not listened to My voice, although I have been calling them for years. These I would like to save, because I love them very much. If you knew My beloved children how great My longing is for these called shepherds.
I have given them so many talents and in addition many graces .
They alone have the task to be able to transform Me in their hands. Why do they disgrace Me daily in their modernist churches on their grinding tables. In addition, they let the laity distribute Communion. What a great offense of my displeasure.
The greatest shame is that after the Second Vatican Council they obeyed their bishops and not Me, their Savior and Redeemer of all mankind .
My beloved sons of priests, I urge you again today, on the Day of the Good Shepherd, leave these churches and grinding tables and return to tradition. Honor Me and turn back. Celebrate the Holy Masses of Sacrifice only at an altar of sacrifice with the face to Me, to the tabernacle, and not to the people as before. Then you will feel that My exceedingly great love enters into you. You will become one with Me. Can you imagine the grace that will come into your heart? Repent of your sins with all your heart so that no more guilt may come upon you. .
Can't you imagine that this coronavirus is a debt of all mankind that must be atoned for? Why have I appointed many atonement souls for a long time, who are ready to take on the most severe sufferings? They do not complain, because their whole concern is to alleviate my suffering. They take upon themselves the slanders, mockeries and also the blasphemies. For years they have been My favorites who listen to My words. Nothing is too much for them.
My beloved sons of priests, thank these souls that they bear your guilt and continue to be willing not to give up.
You have brought the Catholic Church to the brink of ruin, and to this day you do not repent. You continue on this path and do not turn back. What a suffering for these atoning souls .
Have you only vowed obedience to your bishops alone? No, with this promise in your consecration hour you have vowed obedience to Me above all else. Unfortunately you have forgotten that. The Supreme Shepherd, the Shepherd of the entire Catholic World Church lies in heresy. Not even that you recognize. You follow the erroneous belief and swim away in the current of time. You do not feel that it is your task to guide the souls that have departed from the true faith back into the right path .
Why don't you comply with this my wish and will? Have I not always given you My love? It is a consuming love, which always and always wants to give itself away. It is especially effective in the Holy Transformation.
I cannot give you a greater love. Remain in my love and I will draw you to me with a power that you cannot imagine. Come to my soul food; I will refresh you. Do not let up in true obedience.
My love is boundless and it will never end. Why do you not come to My grinding table? He is a sacrificial table. You are My beloved priests of sacrifice. Have you forgotten the victims? Or will it be too much for you to make these necessary sacrifices?
Look at my messengers. They make the greatest sacrifices and set a good example to you. They will never stop wanting to make sacrifices. Her only desire is to bring joy to Me her Savior.
The present time is a time of crisis. You can overcome it only if you carry out your task to the full. Without prayer and true conversion, this time cannot be overcome. The Rosary will help you if you pray it every day. Your Heavenly Mother will be at your side. Consecrate yourselves to Her Immaculate Heart.
I have given you this mother for your help .
Unfortunately you have banned this Heavenly Mother from the modernist churches. Worship her again at your altars and celebrate her feasts as she deserves. Then you will find that peace and joy will return to your hearts.
Tomorrow the mask duty begins for all of you. You hide your face and must not show your feelings. Do you not see that you are being lied to and deceived? This cannot be true. This virus can certainly not be fought by it. You breathe in the unhealthy air that you otherwise exhale. Your mind already tells you that. You are led astray and you must obey. Otherwise you will be punished.
Why do you still not grasp the straw that I have been throwing you for a long time? But you still turn away from me. The apostasy is increasing more and more.
One takes away your freedom of religion. The feast of Easter has already been taken from you and you have been silent. What else will you sacrifice for your faith? They want to take from you all liberties to which you are entitled according to the Civil Code. You follow a blind obedience and do not recognize that one wants to take from you what is most valuable. The most valuable thing in your life is faith. You can lose everything. But if true faith is taken from you, your life is worthless. .
Why are there so many suicide attempts today? People look for the warmth and closeness of a person and do not find it. Today, people take 2 meters distance from each other to protect themselves from this virus. Is your soul then also protected? You are thus forbidden to have contact with your neighbor. Do you now feel what they want to achieve with you? You should not be able to exchange information and you should not be able to help each other.
Everything serves to be strangers in one's own country. They want to destroy your German country and your true faith.
It is a cold war and you are not up to it. .
I am the ruler of the whole world, because I have laid this beautiful world at your feet to please you. What has been done with nature so far? And what is done today with the people who love Me? One takes away their freedom and destroys their souls.
These wither away because no priest is willing to lead them. They retreat into their houses without caring for the rosary and without putting prayer first. The quarantine and the ban on contact come to their aid. Where is the pastoral care? They have promised to lay down their lives for Me if it should be necessary. In this time of crisis almost all priests have failed miserably.
I would like to take the first place in her life again. My beloved children, pray, sacrifice and atone for them so that they may finally want to repent.
The time of maturity has come. I, the loving Father, will come in my omnipotence and omnipotence. Woe to them if I have to say, "Get away from me, I do not know you."
You, My little one, have written this message despite your poor eyesight. I ask a lot from you, because the world is in a cruel darkness. You shine into this world with the light in your heart and bring the light that they desperately need. Continue to be My willing tool and do not tarry. Let your lord and master guide you. I wish the heaviest sacrifices from you, because that includes the world mission. Be brave My little one, for you are loved.
I bless you now with all angels and saints and with your dearest Heavenly Mother and Queen and the Queen of the Rosary of Heroldsbach in the Trinity in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the love of your Heavenly Father drive you forward and be your purpose in life .