Messages to Anne in Mellatz/Goettingen, Germany
Thursday, December 23, 2021
The two great powers, America and Russia, are trying to play each other off against each other. Only with the power of the Rosary will you prevent the war. Pray it daily, My beloved ones, because you cannot accomplish anything better.

This is to remind us once again of the message of December 18, 2016, because it also deals with the great powers of America and Russia, and especially with the power of praying the Rosary.
The Little Flock wishes its followers a Merry, Peaceful and Gracious Christmas!
December 18, 2016 - Sunday. Fourth Sunday of Advent. The Heavenly Father speaks after the Holy Sacrificial Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V, through His willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne
In the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today, December 18, 2016, we celebrated the Fourth Sunday of Advent. It was preceded by a dignified Holy Sacrifice Mass in the Tridentine Rite according to Pius V. The altar of sacrifice as well as the altar of Mary were bathed in golden, glistening light. The angels moved in and out. They grouped around the tabernacle and the altar of Mary during the Holy Sacrifice Mass. Heavenly Father and also Our Lady blessed us during the Holy Sacrifice Mass.
Heavenly Father will speak today:
I, the Heavenly Father, speak now and at this moment, through My willing, obedient and humble instrument and daughter Anne, who is completely in My will and repeats only words that come from Me.
Beloved little multitude, beloved followers and beloved pilgrims and believers from near and far. You have responded to My call and you render obedience to Me.
I want to thank you all today, on the fourth Sunday of Advent, for your faithfulness.
How difficult it is for you to persevere at this time My beloved ones, before My intervention takes place. But I protected you in every situation. Your dearest Mother is with you. She is sending you many angels to give you the strength to persevere. It will not be easy. But you remain faithful to Me, the Heavenly Father in the Trinity.
Like the one calling in the desert, St. John, your voice, My beloved little one, will resound throughout the world. It is not your voice, but Mine. I call all believers in this last time to follow My call.
How much injustice there is today in this time and how much misery and how many hardships are in families today. Families are torn apart because they do not know where to find the Catholic faith.
Many live in premarital relationships and have conformed to the general public. It is tolerated, even legalized, by the Catholic Church today. Fidelity in marriage no longer exists. It is possible to separate when the difference between the partners becomes apparent in living together. There is then no longer a coming together or forgiveness. There is no reconciliation at all, because the love that holds a marriage together is missing. One moves on to the next partner, thinking that the next one will be the right one.
In modern times, moreover, one can still receive the sacraments, because, after all, today's church teaches it. Neither partner feels that they are unworthily receiving the sacrament of Holy Communion. "After all, everyone does it, and it's modern in this day and age," they say. No one wants to be backward.
The Catholic faith is completely destroyed today. There is no more unity lived in families. In this world they do not find satisfaction. Only for a short time they think they have found happiness. It is a worldly satisfaction and happiness, but has nothing to do with faith. Many succumb to their addictions, alcohol, drug intoxication or sexuality. Addictions come from seeking true happiness. No one realizes that serious sin piles upon serious sin.
One has turned to the world and conformed to it.
The church has adapted itself to the world. It should be the other way around.
The world must be in search of God in His Catholic Church.
It is the wrong way today for practicing Catholic Christians to go.
They are taught by their superior priests. No one realizes that it is not true. After all, everyone is doing it. No one wants to be a loner and separate from their family and friends. The general picture of life has changed. It can't be turned back. People have moved too far away from the faith. Since this change is creeping in the church, no one notices it either, because it just plays in. No one wants to be an outsider.
My beloved ones, how difficult it is for you to be understood by your closest family members. They reject you and do not know that they are following the wrong path. You suffer from this and are helpless.
Remain faithful to Me and My will and do not abandon Me in this last time. I will guide you if you surrender yourselves completely to My will.
Believe Me, to the ends of the earth I, the Heavenly Father, will spread the truth. Everything will be revealed. What is still hidden today will be brought to light.
You, My little ones and humble ones, you are the bestowed ones. You will be envied for your security and strength. Hold on, for I am with you all the days. If you seek Me, you will find Me. Call Me, for I do not leave My faithful beloved alone. If you are despised for My name's sake, bear this burden, for it is sweeter than honey. It leads to the goal. Your goal is eternal glory.
Unfortunately, today not only the believers have turned to the world, but also the authorities, who should be an example for all. From the Supreme See of Peter to the priests, the error is taught. Everything has been twisted. From the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass to the sacraments, even the Ten Commandments have been changed. My places of worship have become theaters and My chosen priests have become actors. How can I teach them the truth when they put themselves first. The faith has disappeared, it has been adapted to the world, so that this Catholic faith is one among many.
My beloved little flock, I beg you, stand by Me and do not abandon Me. Do not deviate one step from the truth. I will teach you everything if you follow My call and show obedience to Me.
Unfortunately, My authorities have failed in every way and this pains Me greatly. Stand by Me, My beloved ones, how much I need your comfort.
When you are ridiculed, remember My suffering on the cross. Connect yourselves with it and do not slacken in your striving for true holiness.
The evil one wants to seize you, even at the last moment. Remember that he is cunning. He will leave no stone unturned to deceive you. Weigh everything. I give you the insight that the Holy Spirit gives you. Often the evil one works even in your own families through quarrels and envy.
Yes, you are looked upon with a certain envy. You often do not feel this, but it is true. You are envied because of your deep faith and your carrying capacity in the cross, especially in sickness.
I give you the strength. It is not out of you that you can bear the suffering. With the Divine power you can overcome everything. If you beg Me and your Heavenly Mother for help, we will stand by you.
My Heavenly Mother, who is also yours, weeps bitter tears for her priest sons who do not want to repent.
You will be accused of all evil and expelled from the churches. The Mother of the Church, the heart of the Church, has been pushed out of these modernist churches. It has become unfashionable. It is not fashionable to talk about faith, because it has become a private matter.
People feel ashamed when they pick up the rosary. It is outdated, because it is practiced only by the older believers.
Because people no longer take this most secure weapon at hand, that is why the true and Catholic faith is dissolving. Unfortunately, the mother of the church is missing.
My beloved ones, do you now understand why I had to give the office of Supreme Shepherd to My beloved priest son in Göttingen for a short time? I acted from the emergency situation and did not like to do it.
Now My beloved priest son in Göttingen has consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It has its validity because it is My desire. I thank you, My beloved priest son, for taking everything upon yourself. You have proven that I am important to you and not the people who despise and mock you. This worldwide call was already given by My Heavenly Mother in Fatima. But one has not followed this message. One did not even spread this message. It was veiled by the priests. Now it has become actual.
The two great powers, America and Russia, are trying to play each other off against each other. Nobody wants to be the loser.
Only with the power of the Rosary will you prevent war. Pray it daily, My beloved ones, because you cannot accomplish anything better. You will feel it that the rosary gives you peace and serenity.
How much I have struggled for My priest sons. But they do not want to. Fidelity to priestly ordination has become unimportant to them.
Some even live two sacraments, marriage and priestly ordination, and believe that it is possible. They will not be faithful to either of the two sacraments. Always the burden will press on their soul, because they have gambled away the mission and, moreover, they live in grave sin. This sin is even legalized by the Church today. The heresies at the Supreme See are getting out of hand and I want to train holy, humble Marian priests who will lead the New Church to the safe shore. They shall dare everything, even if it would cost their lives. I will protect them, like the apple of My eye, and nothing will happen to them.
Sadly, I must watch as one priest after another turns away from the truth. How My priests stand at the precipice, not realizing that they will be lost forever if they are not willing to repent in this final stage. They have not yet seized the many opportunities I have given them.
I, the Heavenly Father, am giving you another chance to repent today. I am calling you all once again to repent today, the Fourth Sunday of Advent, and to let in the light of Advent.
Seize this straw. It is the very last time. I beg you, turn back, for I love you immensely. Do you not think that your dearest Mother, the Mother of God, suffers for you? Is she not also the mother of all the sons of priests? Does she not fight enough for you? Does she not plead enough for your conversion? Does she not kneel unceasingly at My throne and plead bitterly for your conversion? How sad she is in many places of pilgrimage, weeping bitter tears for you. Can you resist these tears? They are the tears for you, My beloved priest sons.
Wake up at last, I love you and am fighting for you unstoppably in this last time. The intervention is at the door, My beloved ones. How reluctantly I intervene.
This intervention will be violent. Mighty must I intervene, I the Creator of all men and powers, the All-Powerful, All-Merciful and All-Knowing Triune God plan this intervention. I will show all people that I am the Lord of life and death, the Creator and the Redeemer of all mankind.
All people I want to redeem, for I went to the cross for all and suffered the most bitter torments to save you all.
Turn back and believe in My words, for I love you.
I bless you now with all the angels and saints, with your dearest Mother, in the Trinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
How much I love you, I will prove to you then, when you repent. Then My true and Divine love will be revealed. Be patient and persevere, for I will appear in all power and glory, then, when no one expects it.