Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus, ever-present in the Blessed Sacrament. Thank you that we are here with You today. We love You, Lord God. Praise You and thank You for all that You do for us, Jesus. Praise You for who You are. You are deserving of all my love, praise, and adoration. Thank You for Your love for souls, Jesus. Thank you for loving me, Lord. I owe you far more than I could ever repay You, Jesus, and I do not deserve Your beautiful love, and yet You love me anyway. Thank You for Your mercy and for caring about even the smallest detail in my life. I
love You, my Lord and my God.
“I love you, My daughter. I am delighted that you and your husband are here with Me. I pour graces out upon the world through My children who receive Me worthily in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and through those who visit Me in Adoration. Please invite more of My children to visit Me in Adoration chapels. I invite all of My children to come to Adoration chapels all over the world to visit with Me as I am truly present in the Eucharist. Come, sit, rest, and unburden yourself. I, Your Lord and Your God, love you and wish to review your problems with you. You will be provided clarity, truth, and guidance with all life’s problems, My children. Come, I am a patient and loving God.” Thank You, Jesus. I love You.
“And, I love you, my daughter. I love all of My children very tenderly and long to walk beside them in life. Some of My lost children do not wish for Me to walk beside them but push Me aside and turn their backs on Me. Though this type of rejection of Me is nothing new, My loving heart feels the sting of rejection from each and every child who wants nothing to do with Me. I do not become hard hearted like some of My lost children so each rejection is just as painful as another. So dearly do I love My children that even when I am rejected I do not leave them. I am not easily pushed away, you see, for so great is the love in My Sacred Heart for you that I will
not give up on the chance that you will respond to My love even when you do not want Me around. I stay close by you and wait ever so patiently for a slight opening, a glance My way, or a forlorn wish that things could be different in your soul and at the first opening I flood souls with My peace and My grace. When a soul does not desire Me and even refuses to think or talk about Me I do not impose on their free will, so great is My respect for the very gift I have given. Tell My children of My great love for them, My daughter. Oh, if they only realized how much their Savior loves them, they would come running into My arms.” Jesus, can’t you just enlighten every soul so that they know of Your love for them?
“Yes, My child and I will do so during the Illumination of Conscience. During this event each one of My children will see the state of his or her own soul the way I see their soul. They will also see Me in a perfect light. All will see Me in My magnificent splendor as I am in Heaven. This will cause some souls great trepidation and fear for they will see their soul as it is to Me as well as being able to see Me in the brilliant light. For souls in a state of mortal sin this light will be blinding. It will be a cause for extreme terror for they will comprehend their future which will leave some in a state of panic. For those who are in a state of grace, you will see your soul as I do in a state of purity and beauty. You will see that your soul has marks on it from sins committed which were forgiven but for which you experience consequences. All that is a barrier to Me will be instantly healed when viewed in My brilliant light that will not blind My remnant but will purify these marks cleansing your souls from any marks or debris left from sin and its consequences. My children who love and follow Me, though imperfect, will be at peace and will rest in My love during the Illumination. You will be aware of My holiness and purity and I will imbue your souls with such love and grace during this period of ecstasy. For those of My children who are purified in this way I give a very big responsibility afterwards. I ask My holy children to love and to be love to their brothers and sisters who desire repentance and conversion. Guide these souls of Mine who have been My wayward ones but who after the Illumination desire unity with Me and with My church, with the utmost tender loving care. Their souls will be most fragile immediately following the Illumination and this time will be crucial for them. In some cases the difference between choosing utter despair and choosing healing and life will be determined by the treatment they receive from My children of light. I tell you this now My children to forewarn and to prepare you for the great opportunity to participate in the multitudes who will convert their hearts to God. Numerous will be the souls who will come back to Me yet still numerous will be those who will be lost for all time.” Jesus how could it be possible for anyone to see You with clarity and all of Your beauty and majesty and choose anything other than You?
“My child it seems most impossible to you and yet I tell you some souls will be very ashamed of the state of their soul, but instead of feeling sorrow for their sins will turn even more angry. Indeed, some will be filled with rage blaming Me, their God, for their circumstances in life and for choices they made of their own free will. These souls will not be converted for they will not repent. These are the souls following the evil one and the truth is not in them. Therefore, they are unable to recognize the one who is truth standing directly in front of them. With such love I will gaze into their souls and with such disdain will they return My look of love. It is for just such souls that My Mother and I grieve the most. My children, if you knew the pains of hell that await them you would do anything and everything to spare these brothers and sisters of their future. Pray, My children, pray. Pray for the souls of your brothers and sisters who choose satan’s ways over the ways of God. Pray and make sacrifices for them. Each soul is worth more than anyone can imagine and it is worth any and every sacrifice you can make. You will never regret the penances, prayers, and Masses said for poor sinners. I will show you the value of everything you have done during your time on earth for the poor children of Mine who make sinful choices, when you are in Heaven with me. I assure you, My little children of light, Your Jesus will show you the deepest gratitude when you are in Heaven for every single prayer uttered for My poor lost children.” Thank You, Lord, for Your generosity and for reminding me of just how important every prayer we pray for our dear brothers and sisters is. I am very grateful, dear Lord, for Your great mercy and that You allow us, who are also Your children who have sinned, to pray for our brothers and sisters who have not yet experienced Your great love. Thank You that You allow us to play a part in dispensing Your love and Your mercy, Jesus. I am very, very grateful that You allow us to assist You in bringing You our beautiful Savior to darkened hearts. Lord, please save many souls during this time filled with urgency. Lord, You have said the hour is short and therefore, Jesus, You must pour graces on the world in these days like no other time, Lord. It must be so since Your love and mercy are so deep and so vast.
“Yes, My little lamb, it is as you say. Your Jesus is pouring out graces, love, and mercy in ways that would take your breath away, (as you say) if your earthly eyes could see. My child, unfortunately, these graces are falling on such rocky soil that it most difficult for them to penetrate My children’s hardened hearts. This is why you must pray and offer sacrifices. For with My children’s love, prayers and sacrifices and through the graces which come through My
Mother’s Immaculate Heart, the hardness in My children can begin to soften ever so slightly. This is often what occurs when a soul glances My way. It is often due to the prayers of My children, through their fasting and sacrifices, that can make a difference. I tell you this My child so that you will not lose hope. For even though it is too late to lessen the chastisements coming, it is not too late to help your brothers and sisters to turn their hearts towards Me. Your actions, your love, are critical at this time more so than ever. Therefore do not judge someone and think that just because they are living a life of sin, that it is too late for them. These are the souls you should run toward to help. Perhaps not literally in all cases, My child, for one must be prudent and safe. However, it will never put one in harm’s way to fast and to pray for a soul. There are times of course when I also ask you to physically intervene and help them by a corporal work of mercy, but what I am saying is, to never give up on a soul. My daughter, if someone stubbed their toe or is about to trip they might need some assistance, but say a child is in danger of drowning what should the reaction be of an adult who can swim?”
Lord, if a child is in danger of drowning, we should dive in immediately to rescue them. “That is correct, My child. Time is of the essence, is it not?” Yes, Lord, You know it is. It is critical to resuscitate them immediately and to prevent as many complications as is possible. “Yes, My child, you have answered well.” Lord, most people know this, but I do see what you saying as it relates to sin. “My child, yes. You see the correlation. I want My children, those who know and follow Me, to treat their brothers and sisters who are drowning in sin with no swimming skills to plunge in to save them. This is a rescue mission of the utmost importance. I cannot stress enough the critical nature of the times you are living in and with what extremes you must go, to help My children living in darkness. Some of you have direct contact with such darkened souls such as My daughter whom you met yesterday at your friend’s. The mission of mercy I have entrusted to her is of a special kind. One could say she is in the resuscitation business. Some of My children have different missions. One could say they are in the recovery mission. Once a soul has been given the lifesaving resuscitation, some of My children are there to care for them during their transition from repentance to true conversion, recovery. Other children of Mine take over from there and teach My children, those who are nearing the end of their recovery phase, about Me and the faith handed down by My Apostles. Others will offer the first aid along the way, mending wounds, offering forgiveness and healing, and binding their wounds. These are My holy priest sons who offer My Sacraments of healing and forgiveness, and anoint them with holy oil as the Deacon of Mine did yesterday. Do you see My children how each one of My children of light have an important role to assume in bringing about My kingdom? You were right, My child, when you said, ‘We all have gifts given by God for Our missions and some may be lying dormant until needed.’ Yes, My child, this is indeed true and yet I want My children to focus on what it is they can do right now. Do not be concerned for what you perceive you don’t have, for you all have exactly what is needed, Me. You have My Mother as well and all of Heaven at your disposal like never before. You have only to call on any or all of the saints in Heaven who are waiting to help you in the best way. My children do not say, ‘I do not have such and such gifts like so and so has and therefore I am not as important to Jesus’, for this is not true. You already know who the father of lies is so do not be deceived by such a false notion. God created you and therefore you are needed by Me. If it were not so you would not be reading these words or being enlightened in prayer for you would not have been created. Each and every soul created is made in My image and endowed with gifts too numerous to count. Your soul is precious to Me. As precious as your soul is, the souls of your brothers and sisters are also precious and must be loved, prayed for, and instructed in the ways of the Lord. You are all partakers in the rescue mission for souls. I knew you would help Me in this way and so I call upon you now for your Jesus needs you and is counting on you. Thank you for all you have done thus far. Your Jesus is grateful. Please love your fallen brothers and sisters for they are desperately in need of love. If you do not know what you can do, just ask Me. I will tell you, My beautiful Children of the Renewal, for the battle cry is sounding and your Commander, your Savior, is calling you to arms. Take up My Mother’s rosary, My children. This is the greatest weapon to fight evil and to bring about My kingdom. Our Father has given you the plans via the Word of God, His church, including all of the Sacraments to fortify you on your journey. You have also been given the greatest gift I could possibly give second only to My passion, death, and resurrection, which is My holy and pure Mother. She is coming to earth like never before in the history of the world and like never again. Yes, My children, My Mother and yours is coming down from Heaven with messages, words from God the Father, and from Me to proclaim God’s love, to show you the way, the way which even My children have forgotten. Do not ignore My holy Mother who is a priceless gift to My lost little children and to My children of light. Do follow Her advice and guidance. Do what She says for She is perfectly united to the Holy Trinity, to
Me, and you will not go astray if you hold fast to the hem of Her garment. Now, I can say do as
She tells you, just as She said about Me at the wedding feast. I love you, My children and all of Heaven prays for your souls. Do not waste what little time is left, but spend as much time as possible in prayer. Teach your children to pray also, and make your work and all that you do each day a prayer and a love offering to Me. You will not regret this for one moment, though you will be sad for the time wasted on frivolous things. Please children you must help bring about My kingdom. This is your mission, that of this generation, for these times are worse than the times of Noah. Yes, My children, they are indeed.”
Jesus, I feel Your sense of urgency, Your longing for the souls of us, Your children. We will pray, Jesus. We will fast, and we will make sacrifices. Only use these small gestures of love as You did the loaves and fishes and multiply them out of Your great generosity bringing about the feeding and satisfaction of the multitudes. We need Your divine intervention, Lord, so the small acts we do are multiplied in such a way that there are five baskets left over such is the generosity of our Jesus. Lord we do not know what else to do and fall at Your feet begging for mercy on this love starved world. Jesus, I ask for Your forgiveness for the times I have been ignorant of and ungrateful for Your many blessings. Please overlook my defects, Jesus, and help me to start anew to love and to be love for others. Help me up when I become complacent, Lord. Better yet, give me that shake when You see my soul drifting off to sleep so as to prevent me from ever becoming complacent again. May I have the sense of urgency that Your holy saints have for us, Lord. Increase the size of my heart, Jesus, so that there is greater capacity to love You, and therefore others. Jesus, I feel there is nothing I can do, so small am I, and yet I believe You will take our smallness and multiply these scraps until they are overflowing the baskets of our hearts. When there are tiny pieces of love, crumbs Lord, magnify them with the lens of Your Sacred merciful heart so that others see the crumbs of our love as their loving Savior’s ocean of love. Jesus, we can do nothing but with You we can do anything for all good comes from You anyway, Sweet Jesus. I love You, My Lord and I desire to love You more. Make my heart a flame of pure love for You, Jesus.
“My little lamb, your desire is such a consolation to Me. When you console Me, My Mother is also consoled. You see yourself as insignificant. Many of My children see themselves in this way, and that is as it should be for I protect you with a cloak of humility. Yet, do not allow this perception to give you a false sense of unimportance, for that would not be true. All of My little children of the light are extremely important and very significant. I stress this again. All of My children from the youngest to the oldest alive are critical in My mission of salvation. I love you, each and every one, more than you understand while you are serving on earth, but you will know of My deep love in Heaven. I will show you and tell you. One might say We will have the entire time of your life in Heaven, eternity, to revel in Our mutual love and that of your heavenly family. For now, you must accept this end date for We have much work to do and so little time left to save poor souls in darkness. Everything My children do matters. Nothing done in love will be wasted. Please dear children stop underestimating your value to the kingdom and if you do not believe what I am saying, follow Me anyway, for through your prayers and your acts of kindness and love others will see Me and want to follow Me also. I love you. I forgive you. I embrace you. Rest in this embrace whenever you feel discouraged or afraid. I, your Jesus, am your Savior, your Friend, your Lord, and your Protector. You are safe with me.” Thank You Jesus for Your words are life. Thank You that You choose to need us, Your little children. Thank You for Your love and mercy, Jesus.
“You are most welcome, My grateful little lamb. I, Your Jesus, love you very tenderly and I
thank you for writing My words so that all who read them will feel My smile of love in their hearts.” Jesus, I bring my friend’s husband who is ill to You and ask for healing. Their family needs him to be well, Jesus, and he has been very sick. Jesus, I need to ask a question on behalf of my dear friend. She is concerned for her son who does not know where he is (his soul, his state) and she loves him and as a good mother is concerned for his soul. Is there anything You would say to me, Jesus, that I may relay to her, Lord?
“My daughter, you may tell your friend that My hand is upon her son’s shoulder. I am very close to him indeed though he is often unaware. His awareness of this is of little concern to Me for the fact remains that I am close to him regardless of his awareness. My hand is on his life. Please tell my daughter of this. I hear her prayers and I see the love she has beaming brightly from her hopeful heart. My dearest little (name withheld) you are a good and faithful friend and servant of Your master. I do not forget how you tirelessly serve Me as you work to disseminate My words of life to your brothers and sisters. You serve devotedly in this rescue mission for souls. Do not think for one moment that I, your Lord and Savior, will overlook your children. For how could I, who love you so deeply, have the slightest wish that your son would perish. You know that I want only what is good and yet you are concerned that through his free will he will neglect the most important choice of his life—his calling. I assure you that I am a loyal and faithful friend and I look after the family members of My devoted friends with the utmost care, concern, mercy, and love. My daughter, know that your Jesus loves your son even more than you, and that is a lot, I realize! I entrusted him to you before he was born for he needed special parents, and especially just the right mother. I therefore chose you. Rest in this knowledge that you have and will continue to do your part and that I your Jesus will do Mine. There is one more thing I would like you to know. Your son must follow the course for his life that is before him. It may not appear to be what you would want for him, but remember, it is one forged just for him by Me, Jesus. All will be well. Be at peace and entrust both of your children to My Mother and to Me. St Joseph is an important intercessor for your son. Go to him often to guide your son with fatherly wisdom. He is underutilized in this world, even among My followers. Please go to him for he will have a special role to play in your son’s life. Dearest daughter, My little one, be at peace. All is in My heart and has been before time as you knew it existed. I love you, My daughter. I thank you for your service in furthering My kingdom. I give you a special grace now that you will use during the transition time, the time of great trials. This grace, unknown to you now, will be one of great confidence and courage and will inspire others to be at peace when all else, the chaos around, will be the opposite. Those in your charge will know great peace, the peace of Christ. I ask you now to trust in your Jesus. I love you. I will not abandon you or anyone in your family, My friend.” Thank You, Jesus, I am grateful for Your beautiful reassurances to my friend. Thank You, Lord, for Your deep love and Your generosity. Jesus is there anything more You wish to say to me?
“Yes, My child. Thank you for going to your friend’s yesterday. I thank your husband also for his witness in going and for the sacrifice of time. I want to assure you that the time My children took to be present with Me in the Eucharistic procession was time well spent. Many graces were poured out on this refuge property and upon My Children of the Renewal gathered there in prayer. I also gave graces to those who desired to attend but could not for health reasons or other family duties. I do not withhold gifts from My children of light. Even their desire to please Me, pleases Me. My son (of the refuge) has a very difficult mission ahead, and the blessing of My presence will provide much needed safety, protection, and security for all who dwell there now, and who will dwell there in the future. Furthermore, as I send many of My children out to other mission locations, the graces they received yesterday will go with them and will flow through them to others. I thank you, My daughter, for being present though you were very uncomfortable (due to a recent injury). I also thank you for taking My precious little (name withheld) who is My small but very brave warrior for the kingdom. Your friend was correct, your young man was excellent in his behavior and in his attitude. My Mother has special and most significant plans for his life and She watches over him. He causes Her to smile with his many
“battles” and with his acts of bravery at play for She knows how true this is for his future role. How She loves him and all of Her little followers who were there yesterday. I am grateful for the consolations, the little children, the smallest ones of the renewal, bring to My loving Mother’s heart. All of Heaven prayed with you, My children, when you joined hands. Such unity delights all of Heaven. There was a great spirit of love, acceptance, and unity among My children yesterday and I was most pleased. My Father commented that this should be done more often within every community and every refuge. This display of faith, trust, hope, love, and unity gave God the Father the praise and glory due to Him. All of Heaven rejoiced and prayed with you. Please thank My son (of the refuge) again, for his faithfulness, his work, and his love. He is a faithful son of Mine and I love him dearly.” Thank You, Jesus, I will read Your words to him. Jesus, will you please provide whatever is needed for (name withheld) to believe and to see with more clarity what he needs to do for his family? Please, Lord.
“Yes, My child. Tell your husband, My son, I am well pleased with his discussion. I encourage him to talk with (name withheld) more and more and to work with (name withheld) for further preparations. He would do well to practice using the guns he purchased at My direction. (name withheld) has been given many gifts and talents to be used during the time of great trials and in the Era of Peace. My son (name withheld) has much to offer and I am working in his soul. Please assure My daughter (name withheld), My little flower, that I hear her prayers and I see her suffering. Ask her to join her sufferings to those of My Mother. Assure her that all will be well. (name withheld) My sweet beautiful daughter I know of your suffering and I see your loving acts of trust and faith. I encourage you to follow your Holy Mother Mary and model your life after Hers, with a life of simple faith and trust, and continue to serve as an ambassador to Me with all you meet. You, My child take My love and grace to My little ones so desperately in need of understanding, compassion, and love. The children and families you serve hang on your every word, for it is filled with love and acceptance. Thank you, My daughter for your tireless efforts to bring about My kingdom and for your sacrifices for My holy unborn who are in dire need of courageous people to save them. Your loyal service and your many prayers are noticed by all of Heaven. Your earthly mother (deceased and now in Heaven) is very proud of you and pleads with Me for every need you express. You are well loved. I need you, My (name withheld), to continue on and to have heart. Do not be discouraged for I, your Jesus, walk with you arm in arm. If you could see the many times I protected you from harm, you would be amazed. I love you, I listen to you, and I fill you with graces for love. Be assured that I am actively at work in the souls of your children and your husband. Continue to pray and be at peace. Ask Me for guidance and direction for every decision. Pray with My son, your husband. I ask you to begin family prayer each evening just as your grandmother and granddaddy (names withheld) did. I ask your husband to lead your family in the prayer of the rosary. If you begin with just one decade each evening, I will make this a joyful time. It will grow over time and your children’s prayers and that of united spouses, will transform your family and will help to save many souls. I love you and I bless you. All will be well. Put Me first and all will follow as needed. I love you.” Jesus, You are so good to respond to my intentions by giving (names withheld) beautiful messages. You answer My requests far beyond what is needed, out of such goodness and love. Thank You, Lord.
“My little one, I will answer every request of My children when it is in alignment with My will. Since I will the salvation of each and every one of My children, I am unable to resist prayers such as this from loving hearts. I encourage all of My children to pray for their loved ones, to trust in Me, and do not lose heart. Pray the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day for the salvation of souls. Go in peace, My son and daughter. I love you, and I love that you care for your brothers and sisters. This is the love of God at work.” Thank you, Jesus, I love You.
“And, I love you. My daughter, this week I remind you to rest and to offer your sufferings to Me to save souls. I am with you and especially close to you when you suffer for you are close to Me in My passion. Offer even the inconveniences to Me but also rest when you can and recuperate. Sometimes I must intervene in My children’s lives when they are too busy. This is a time of grace, though it feels like the opposite to you. I love you and I am using graces from suffering, for souls who are desperately in need of Me. Be patient in your suffering and I will remove it in due time. Ask St. Pio to help you as he learned to perfect this time of suffering on earth. I love you and I am with you.”
Jesus, thank You for the grace You gave me this morning. I appreciate this gift and though I do not fully comprehend it, I believe You that it is a prerequisite of the graces to love heroically that You ask my husband and me to pray for during our family prayer. Thank You, Jesus, that You prepare us for our mission. Thank you to St. Joseph for assisting my husband with his work last week. We are grateful for Your help, St. Joseph. Jesus, thank You for not giving up on the world, at this most critical time. I love You.
“My daughter and My son, I love you dearly. Assure your husband that I am with him. I speak to his heart, also, though in a different way. I direct his path and he receives inspired ideas. My son, you are similar to St. Peter in your zeal to please Me. I love this within you for I put this characteristic in your nature. Remember when you have an idea to put it to prayer. Ask St. Joseph and St. Padre Pio to guide you. Use the Holy Spirit to discern these ideas and when you are certain they are from Me ask for Heaven to guide you as you move forward. In this way, you will use wisdom and right judgment in all your decisions. This is an important process of discernment I lay before you, My son. One which will serve you very well now and during the times ahead. My hand is upon you. Follow Me and all will be well. I put great trust in your leadership abilities as I did in holy St. Peter. Learn from him that the discernment process is valuable when one has been gifted with the desire to do great things for Me. This will temper any impetuous act you may be tempted to make. Your heart is good, courageous, and strong. I simply remind you to use the guidance and wisdom of the saints assigned to you. I love you and My daughter very much. I give you these words to sharpen your sword of righteousness. You are My trusted son. My little daughter was correct in her assurances that your granddaddy
(name withheld) is with Me. His love for you has continued to grow in Heaven and he intercedes for you and your wife along with his wife and your parents in Heaven. My son, have no fear. Be bold, patient, and the man of judgment and action I created. You have a very important role as leader and father in My Era of Peace. Be patient with yourself for I am patient with you. If you cannot find this within you, ask St. Joseph, for he is an excellent model of patience and perseverance. I love you, My son. You are in My heart and I will never let you go.” Thank You, Jesus, for this day of messages for My loved ones. You are a generous and loving God and Your benevolence is as abundant as Your love and mercy. Thank You, Jesus, my Lord and my God. “You are welcome, My grateful little lamb. Today is a day of love. Go now and be My love to others. I give you My grace of love as a gift and I ask you to give this gift to others.” Thank You, Lord. “I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name, and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in the peace and love of My Father and in My love and peace.”
Source: ➥