Final Preparations
Important Appeal from God The Father to All!
Before I unleash My Arm with ALL Its Force, AGAINST Planet Earth, I want to INVITE EVERY PERSON to follow My Indications and My Instructions that I will give in this Message because I want EVERY PERSON, to be SAVED and to come to Return to My House from where he/she came, from where he/she left and from where he/she is. (Continue...)
Red Alert
The END of our Freedom, of our Existence
The New World Order that serves my adversary has already begun to dominate the world,
its agenda of tyranny began with the plan of
vaccines and vaccination against the existing pandemic;
these vaccines are not the solution, but the beginning of the holocaust that
will lead to death, transhumanism and implantation of the mark of the beast,
to millions of human beings.
Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
After praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for the family who experienced a horrible tragedy

Lord Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament and in my heart, I love and adore You. You are my God and my All, the Alpha and Omega, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Jesus, my Savior, I am most concerned for the two little boys who witnessed the horrific tragedy that took the lives of their mother, and then their father. Please, Jesus, protect these innocent children who are now orphans. Thank you, Jesus that they have their grandparents, but I am concerned for them, also and what they witnessed. Jesus, we also learned our friend has bone cancer and then today, one of our friends fell and broke her wrist. I know that You know all involved when the tragic events occurred and when our friend fell and the other learned of his diagnosis. Be with them and all who are suffering tonight. Jesus, have You anything to say to me?
“Yes, my daughter. I love you tenderly and I know of these events and problems in every person’s life who is suffering tonight. I, Your Jesus am with each one, loving and consoling them. I am with the two boys in a special way, as they are in such misery. I, Your Jesus suffer with them for the lives of their parents, taken before it was My will. I grieve with them and with their grandparents whose hearts are broken from grief. Thank you for your love, concern and for praying for them. The [1]Chaplet of Divine Mercy is a powerful prayer, as this prayer recalls My passion and death and calls on God to have Mercy on all mankind for My sake. The power of My death and resurrection is incomparable to anything on this earth, with the exception of Holy Mass. [2]One might say, they are one in the same, in a manner of speaking, since the
Mass is a re-presentation of My sacrifice on Calvary to God the Father. My daughter, have Masses said for (name withheld) children. This will be the most efficacious prayer and will serve to facilitate their healing and that of their grandparents.”
Yes, Lord. Thank You. Lord, it feels as if there is so much more evil occurring lately, and of such a violent nature. Jesus, what is happening that seemingly good people resort to such extreme violence? What causes such evil to prevail in the hearts of men, Jesus?
“The adversary, My child. It is plain and simple. You do not wish to write this, My daughter and yet in your heart you know already.”
Jesus, my friend mentioned that there are chips in people already that have been implanted and that through these chips, people’s minds can be controlled. Is this already happening, Lord?
“Sadly, yes My daughter. There are some people implanting chips especially in elderly. There are also some being implanted in the military under the mis-information that it will help the military to locate lost or missing soldiers. This is true, but that is not the only reason. (to locate lost soldiers) I have asked many, many times, through My messengers and through Scripture for My children to refuse such a thing, but many are they who will not listen.”
I’m sorry, Jesus. We should listen to You. I am sorry for the times I listened and then promptly forgot what You asked me to do.
“My little one, forgetting some of the many things I say, the details, is one thing. Forgetting that I said not to take the Mark of the Beast; not to take the chip is quite another.”
Yes, Lord. I see that this is very different. Lord, I know we are called to pray. What else should we do?
“You are to love and be love to others. Show others My love. Show your concern as you did today when you made the phone calls to those who were and are hurting. Ask others you know to pray. It is not necessary that you know the details, simply ask for prayer.”
Ok, Lord. Thank You. Jesus, please help (name withheld) to get through this time of suffering.
“Yes, My little one. I will help to console little (name withheld) and My Mother will also.”
Thank You, Jesus. Lord, I thank You that the work due this week, earlier than planned, was finished on time. It was most difficult, and yet with You, we managed to complete the work within the newly imposed timeframes. Lord, it felt like agony and yet You were there to help me and for that I am very grateful.
“You are welcome. Are you feeling more at peace now?”
Yes, Jesus. I am and I am also feeling very drowsy. Jesus, I also pray for the Christians in the Middle East who are undergoing persecution, and who are being slaughtered and made to flee their homes. There is so much evil, Jesus and yet there is also good since Your holy feet touched the earth, and You sanctified it by Your holy presence and that of the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph. Lord I am sorry for my weariness. I wasn’t feeling tired earlier and now feel overcome with exhaustion. Help me to remain awake with You if You so will me to. Lord is there anything more You wish to say to me?
“My daughter, you are weary and though it is early in the week, you have put in many hours and much effort to complete your assignments. My children know weariness if you are living a holy life and serving Me. I love you and I kiss your sweet forehead.”
Thank You, Jesus for Your tenderness, and Your sweet love.
“You are most welcome, My little lamb.”
Jesus what would you say to me about the state of this sorry mess we are in? I long for Your world to return to the way it was intended by You, filled with lives of simplicity and holiness. I long for this way of living myself. I want to get off the roller coaster culture we live in and simplify our family life. I know it will be difficult work, but work that we can do together as You intended for families like in the days of old. It will be most difficult, but You will be evident in everything, Lord. May the entire world one day walk with You.
“This is a worthy and fitting prayer, My child; A prayer that seeks and longs for unity with God, Your Creator. Would that more of My children longed for this, and yet many do, but do not know how to express it. My daughter, do not allow evil to discourage you, for I am truth, I am hope, I am life. Remain focused on Me, and not on the evil. Yes, this is difficult in the face of such a tragedy, and yet this is the only way through such a thing. Ask Me each day, what it is I would like you to do to serve Me and bring My light to others. Keep your eyes on Me and ask what it is I want you to do for those who have witnessed such horrible atrocities. I will direct You, and in this way new light can be shed in the darkness. Those who are desperate and most in need will see merciful deeds done in love, and it will be like water being poured out in the midst of a
parched, drought stricken land, for such is a land without the love and mercy of God. Such are the fragile, innocent hearts, grief stricken almost to the point of utter despair. I love you and all of My children. I have come to bring life and life to the fullest. Bring My light, My love, My mercy to those most in need. Small, simple acts of kindness are like a spring rain that cleanses refreshes and slowly brings flowers out of the hard, cold, winter’s ground. This is what My love and kind acts of mercy can do for hardened and grief stricken souls. This is what My children of light are to be to the world. Be salt, be light, be leaven, be love, My children. Come now, My little lamb. You will see more evil like that which was perpetrated against My little (name withheld) and her boys. I do not will this; I am only speaking to prepare you. You must remain steadfast and seek Me, My words of guidance, for I am with you and My children of the renewal.”
Lord, it just dawned on me that You are calling us to renewal because we are living in the opposite of renewal, the dying process. If something is old and diminishing or dying, it needs to be renewed to be brought back to life. You want us to come back to life – to You – which is renewal, and that (renewal as an event) is some time in the future. It is yet to come. You are calling us out of a culture of death and dying so that we might live until You bring about the time of the renewal. Lord, it certainly appears to be the time of the tribulation and yet You speak about the time of great trials as if it has not yet come. What do you say to this, Jesus?
“My little lamb, you are correct and on the edge of seeing this truth with clarity. I call you “Children of the Renewal,” because you are indeed. You are being called what you will be. I am outside of all time and so while this event has not yet occurred, I already see it as it is present to Me in one continuum of time. You are not yet living in the Renewal, and yet you will be. This current age is coming to a close and will be no more. In a way, one might say that this Age of Disobedience that is coming to a close is “dying,” albeit a seemingly slow death in your perspective. In the meantime, my children of the renewal resist this age of disobedience and fight back in the battle for souls. This requires much energy, suffering, wounds from the battle, and casualties, as in the events of recent days. You are to pick up the lantern and continue to forge ahead on the path I have laid out for you and each one of My children. Care for those innocents who are wounded in battle. This is a foreshadowing of the type of casualties you and My son, your husband will care for and I allow you to know about this through My (name withheld) so you can be somewhat prepared, though nothing will completely prepare you for this, My little lamb. You see in the picture your friend gave you, that I am carrying My little lamb on My shoulders. I carry you in this way, also and if it were not so, you would not be able to follow Me, since at times the path is too difficult that you cannot make it of your own strength. Allow Me to carry you, My child. You must trust Me and learn to trust Me more so that you will be more prepared when the darkest hours are upon you. My child, I remind you that you will not be abandoned, for I your Jesus am with you. Remember what it is I told you before, that you are to tell the children in your care who will also be orphaned and will have witnessed horrible atrocities? These children will feel guilty that they lived when their parents did not.”
Please remind me, Jesus of what You would have us say to them.
“You are to love them, allowing space and time for them to grieve. When they are grieving, you are to hold them when they need to be held, sit quietly with them when they want to be silent, and give them space when they need it, but never for very long, for too much isolation only feeds their feelings of being deserted and this breeds depression. You must quiet your soul and your heart from its own grief in order to sense and pick up on the queues their grieving souls give you, to know when your actions of embracing, or quiet presence, or space and time to be alone are needed. Pray and seek My guidance and My Holy Spirit will direct you and enlighten the situation for I know exactly what each soul needs. When they are ready to speak and question things you may remind them that Jesus did not want their parents to die either and that Jesus is also very sad. He did not want their parents to be harmed in this way, or for His little ones to be robbed of their parents. He does not take back the gifts He gives to His people, though and free will is a great gift He has given to every human being. Some people abuse this great gift and hurt Jesus’ children and His grown-up children. He does not like this behavior and He asks each person abusing His great gift of free will to beg Jesus for Mercy. For some, it is too late to change, as they have perhaps ended their journey on earth. For the little ones left without parents, He provides others, either in their family, or good people He personally chooses to provide a home and love and care for His beautiful children. God draws the line in some cases with regard to man’s free will by protecting others from their path and from their sight. In this way, He neither violates man’s free will, nor imposes Himself on him but hides others from sight, so they do not think about harming these little ones for they did not or could not see them to desire to hurt them. Jesus does this with most of His children and has prevented many tirades from inflicting death on others. You do not see the many times I have created a barrier to one’s “line of sight” so to speak, or caused a distraction so that evil loses focus on its intent. In this example, an act of kindness was enabled for the mercy of those left behind. You see, My children, even in the case of grave injustices, I am there providing mercy, love and kindness in ways only I can do and still respect the gift of free will I have given. My children still wonder why I don’t intervene all together and prevent the victim from dying and I tell you if they, the innocent victim was not prepared to come to heaven, I would not allow their death. Instead I focus on preparing their beautiful soul to come to heaven, though it wasn’t My will, or the right time for them to do so. Instead, because of My preparation, often times with great infusions of grace, these souls come straight to heaven, and I carry them there Myself. I have very special and significant missions for the children of these souls, and I and My Mother watch over them with the utmost of care. Given the right space and patience for healing of their emotional wounds, I pour out graces for compassion and understanding and they in turn become sources of healing and light for other souls who will go through similar trials and suffering. Someone who has walked a specific path of intense pain and suffering is often the only one who can provide hope and comfort to My little suffering souls. My children of light and of my renewal, Your Jesus has all under control even when things appear to be the opposite. Trust in Your Jesus who heals all wounds, shelters the widows and orphans, frees the prisoners, heals the sick, makes the lame to walk, and forgives sinners with My Divine Mercy. I am Your Jesus of Mercy and I will make all things new. Trust in Me, even when times are dark, for My Sacred
Heart illuminates the way for you and I stand like a beacon of light to show you the way of love. I remind you, My child, Who it is you serve. Go now and rest. Wake up with a renewed sense of purpose for Your Jesus, for there is much work to do, in such little time, and so many in need of My love and Mercy. Give Me your sadness, My children. Immerse it in My Sacred, Merciful Heart. For in My heart there is an ocean of Mercy where your sadness becomes lighter and more bearable. In this way, you may be freer to receive My graces for joy. Ask Me for these graces, My children, for they are desperately needed by others. Take My peace, My joy, My mercy to this lonely, love deprived world. I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Thank You, My Jesus for giving me Your words of life and Your lessons of love to share with my brothers and sisters. I love You also, My Jesus. Teach me to love You more. Amen, dear Jesus. Amen!
1. The Chaplet is a prayer using rosary beads in which one prays; “Eternal Father, I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus, Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.” This prayer is then repeated 10 times; “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.” Followed by
“Eternal Father, I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, of Your dearly beloved Son….”
2. Jesus is not saying that the Divine Mercy Chaplet is as powerful as Holy Mass, but that they are closely linked since the Mass is a re-presentation of Jesus’ suffering and death for our redemption. The Chaplet is a plea to God the Father to show mercy on the world as a result of Jesus’ Passion and death for us. )
Source: ➥