Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Adoration Chapel


Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament. I am so glad to be here with You, today, Jesus. Thank You for holy Mass last evening and for the fellowship we shared this morning. Thank You for my family, Lord and for all You’ve done for me. Lord, some of our friends are suffering terribly. Please heal (name withheld). Help her to get well soon. Make her strong again, Jesus. Comfort her family, Lord. Jesus, (name withheld) is suffering so. Please heal him as well and give (names withheld) graces to sustain them. I pray the same for (names withheld). I also lift (names withheld) and all who are ill. Please give them all that they need that only You can give. Be with them in the midst of their suffering.

Lord I pray for those who are away from the Church, that they return to their faith. Please bring them into the safety of the ark, Your Holy Church. Jesus, forgive me of my sins and help me to love You more each day. Thank You for Your mercy and for the Sacraments, Jesus. Lord, please heal our nation. Reconcile us with one another and derail the plans of the evil one who wants to harm our country and peoples. Lord, grant peace to those who want to begin a war and protect our country from our enemies within and without. Please protect our leaders and their families. Lord, these times are so very turbulent. Grant us Your peace. Give us courage, wisdom, fortitude, right judgment and love in our hearts. Help us to once again be One Nation Under God!

Jesus, have You anything to say to me?

Lord, I wish I could concentrate, it’s difficult with people talking. I don’t want to encourage them, but also don’t want to be rude to them. It seems rude to You and to others, though Jesus. No matter what I do, the person next to me continues to talk. Help me, Jesus. Please give her peace.

“My child, it is alright. I understand the hearts of My children. I know the predicament you feel you are in. I know how lonely My daughter (name withheld) is, also. Do not be concerned. All is well.

Thank You, Jesus!

“My daughter, there is much suffering around you. Souls suffer for their brothers and sisters who are lost.”

Jesus, I think if they knew this, it would help them.

“My child, they know about redemptive suffering. They offer their suffering to Me.”

Yes, Jesus, but having assurance from You that their suffering is indeed for lost souls would encourage them. Confirmation from You would be helpful.

“My child, they must suffer with faith, trusting Me to make sense of it. When suffering is offered to Me, souls are united to Me in a particular way. They are united to Me in My passion and death. So, too will they be united with Me in My resurrection.”

Yes, Jesus. Thank You, Lord.

Your Will be done, Lord. Jesus, it’s just so difficult for their loved ones to stand by and watch them suffer. Blessed Mother, You did this at the foot of the cross with Jesus. Please come to the aid of the family members whose loved ones are so gravely ill. Give them graces, Blessed Mother.

Lord, I am so tired from not sleeping last night. I am sorry. Please help me focus more.

“My child, it is a privilege when I allow My children to suffer. It does not seem that way to those who love them, but it is true. One day, in Heaven all will understand and those who suffered deeply will not regret one moment of their suffering, for they will know the good it helped attain. I am with My children who suffer. They are very close to Me and I to them. They share in a portion of My passion.”

Yes, Jesus. This is an amazing truth. Lord, is it possible though to lift the cross briefly for them? Can You not apply all that they have already suffered to the souls who need it and give them a reprieve? I know that You can, Lord but I realize if it was Your Will to do so, You would have already. Jesus, I trust in You. Your Will is holy and perfect. Purify me, Lord. I am so imperfect and so weak. Forgive me, Lord for questioning You. You are God and I am just a creature.

“My child, you are Mine and I am yours. It is natural to come to Me on behalf of your friends and loved ones. It is not only natural, but also good. I know that you do not understand My ways. I see your heart and I know you ask out of love and concern for those who suffer. Consider the souls who do not know Me. Do not love Me. Consider how much they will suffer for rejecting to know Me. Their suffering will be for all of eternity. That suffering is far worse than any short term suffering on earth. This life is but a moment when compared to eternal life.”

Yes, Jesus. You are right as always.

“Continue to pray for them, My little lamb. Offer masses for them and for their families. Walk with them on their Calvary. Be assured that I am with them. My Mother is with them. Encourage them and pray with them. This is what I ask of you.”

Yes, Jesus. Please console the man who is here praying. He seems to be struggling with something. He is sad, Jesus. Comfort his heart and help him to know that You are with him. Saints in Heaven, help this person’s angel to minister to him. Pray for graces and support for him and for his guardian angel.

Lord, please be with me this week. Guide me and protect me from sin and from the adversary. Remain close by my side. Be with my family also, Lord. Be especially near those who have strayed from You. Thank You, Father that You keep Your children in the palm of Your hand.

Jesus, be with (names withheld) this week. Help them in these discouraging times to not only be encouraged, but to be a source of encouragement to others. Help them with their finances, Lord. Help (name withheld) with his classes, Lord. Help him to persevere. Thank You for providing for us, Father! I am most grateful to You! Thank You, Father.

Lord, please if it is Your Will, help the projects at (name withheld) to progress so we can live there soon.

Jesus, have You anything else to say to me?

“My child, give your burdens to Me. I will carry them. You have nothing to fear. They will be in capable hands.”

Yes, Jesus. You are the most capable. Thank You, Lord.

“My child, get rest this week so you are alert to My promptings and My voice. I bless you in My name, My Father’s name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, in My mercy, and in My love. Be love and mercy to all you meet.”

Thank You, Jesus! Amen!

Source: ➥