Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Adoration Chapel


Hello dearest Jesus, ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, hope in You, love You and adore You. Thank You for the opportunity to adore You and to go to Holy Mass this morning. Please bless our priests and protect them, Lord. Please heal (names withheld) and all who are ill with cancer and Alzheimer’s. Please heal (name withheld) and give graces to (name withheld). Please heal (name withheld), Lord.

Lord it has been a rough two weeks. So many things have occurred in such a brief span of time. I can hardly catch my breath. You knew all of this would happen, Lord and I take comfort knowing You are in control. Thank You for making it possible for (names withheld) and me to be at (name withheld) bedside when he died. Thank You for making his death peaceful, Lord. I miss him terribly but am glad for him, as he so wanted to go to Heaven. Lord, I pray for the repose of his soul and for the repose of (name withheld) soul also. It seems so many people are dying lately, Jesus. Please take all those who will die today to Heaven. Father (name withheld) said approximately 16,000 people die each day from all over the world. Those are the ones that are known. There may be many more we never hear of, but this is a lot of people. Please take these souls to Heaven.

Jesus, the future seems so unsure, yet I remember (name withheld) saying, ‘We don’t know what the future holds but we know Who holds the future.’ This is comforting, Jesus. (Name withheld) said for me to take one step at a time; small steps and to use St. Therese of Lisieux as my guide. I don’t know to what this pertains, Lord. Jesus, I trust in You.

Jesus, have You anything to say to me?

“Yes, My child. You are grieving and suffering. I am with you and I will not allow you to face the battles and storms alone. Bring your heartache to Me, My child. Submerse your sadness in My Sacred Merciful Heart. I will comfort you.”

Yes, Jesus. Thank You! I love You.

Jesus, I beg You to heal (name withheld). Please, Lord. She is suffering so very much. She is very young, too Lord. Her parents and her entire family are suffering because of her suffering. Help them. Give them all the graces they need at this difficult time. Please, Jesus, heal her. Your Will is perfect, though Lord and You know best. If it is possible, though, I ask for her healing. I know all things are possible for You, Jesus but Your Will be done. You know what each soul needs. Keep (name withheld) and her family in Your arms.

“I am with them, My child. I am holding each one close to My heart. My child, you have been through many trials and are enduring deep loss. Yet you know I am with you. My hand is upon you during these trials and storms. Lean on Me, My child. Lean on My Mother, also. St. Joseph prays for you and all of My Children of Light. Do not be afraid. There is nothing to fear. I am in control. Things will appear even darker, My child. Recall the vision I gave you in which you were standing in the middle of a forest at night and a storm was raging. You couldn’t see anything except when there were bolts of lightning. You were wet, cold and afraid.”

Yes, Jesus. I remember this well. But then Your Mother took hold of my hand. She began to lead me. I walked with Her, trusting Her to lead me, though I could see nothing.

“Yes, My child. She led you through the storm to safety, to Me.”

Yes, Jesus.

“My child, She is leading you now. She knows the way. She endured much grief during Her time on earth. Allow Her to comfort you. All of Heaven is praying for you.”

Thank You, Jesus. This seems overwhelming, but I believe You. (That ‘all’ of Heaven is praying for me....)

“You have many intercessors in Heaven. Continue praying the Litany during your prayer time, My child. This is pleasing to Me and brings about many graces. It shows humility when My children ask the saints to pray for them. It acknowledges the Communion of Saints and My sovereignty over the things of the world. It keeps your heart and mind focused on Heaven and the reality of My Kingdom. Heaven is closer to My children than they realize; than you realize.”

That is comforting to know, Lord. Jesus, we still haven’t gotten to (name withheld) yet. I am sorry. It’s been so busy, but perhaps there will be an opportunity to go soon. The sense of urgency doesn’t seem to be as great as it was since he already is aware of the circumstances. However, it would be good to see him. Lord, thank You for Your words yesterday. I am awaiting confirmation, and was hoping that would come from (name withheld). Please send confirmation so (name withheld) and I know for certain the direction according to Your Will. Thank You for giving me some hope, even though things look very bleak. If You have another plan for (name withheld) and me, please enlighten us about that, Jesus. We are open to Your plan and to Your Will. I am very sad that things have strayed so far from Your plan. Please don’t give up on us, though Jesus. Please bring Your plan and that of Your Holy Mother Mary to fruition. If we are not to be part of this plan any longer and You have another course for us to take, please guide us, Jesus. We want to do Your Will, above all else. Lord, we are Your servants. We want to love and honor You. Help us to be a witness to Your love and mercy, Jesus. Heal our wounds, Lord and please heal my broken heart. If not, Jesus then help me to bear this brokenness. I give all to You, Lord. All that I have and all that I am is Yours. I love You, Lord. Help me to love You more and more. Help me to serve You more each day. Love others through me, Jesus. I am unable to love as You love, so put Your love in my small weary heart and fill me with Your love, Your joy, Your mercy.

“My child, this is a good prayer. You are growing each day, My daughter. Remember that I only request small steps; as (name withheld) told you, one step at a time. I am with you. I am patient with you.”

Thank You, my Jesus. I am grateful! Lord, please take charge of my job search. I don’t have the strength or the stamina to begin all over again with this process, and yet I need to work to provide for my family. In a way, it is a relief not to be thinking about work right now with all that is going on and yet I know that is not correct thinking.

“My child, I will provide. Continue being faithful to family prayer, My child. Do not allow the commitments to take precedence over the family rosary. It is too important and very needed by your family.”

Yes, Jesus. Lord, have You anything more to say to me?

“Yes, My child. I love you. I am with you. All will be well. Trust in Me. I give you My peace. Share it with others.”

Yes, Lord.

“This is enough for now, My child. Rest in My presence and allow My peace to wash over you.”

Thank You, Lord! Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. I love You!

“And I love you. Go in peace, My little one. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit.”

Jesus, I forgot to speak with You about (name withheld). Please help him. Please ease the pain he has in his knee and in his back and protect him from cancer. Make him whole, Lord. I pray this for him, Jesus. Give him Your strength, Lord and purify him physically so that no cancer cells can exist within him. Thank You for his life and for his love. Praise You, Lord. You are the God of the impossible and You make all things new. I love You, Lord.

“My child, I am with you and with (name withheld). Trust in Me. Lean on Me. All will be well. Go in peace, My (name withheld) and My (name withheld) and know that I am with you.”


Source: ➥